Using the & and * operators : Address Operator « Pointer « C Tutorial

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   int a;        /* a is an integer */
   int *aPtr;    /* aPtr is a pointer to an integer */

   a = 7;
   aPtr = &a;    /* aPtr set to address of a */

   printf( "The address of a is %p"
           "\nThe value of aPtr is %p", &a, aPtr );

   printf( "\n\nThe value of a is %d"   
           "\nThe value of *aPtr is %d", a, *aPtr );

   printf( "\n\nShowing that * and & are complements of "
           "each other\n&*aPtr = %p"   
           "\n*&aPtr = %p\n", &*aPtr, *&aPtr );

   return 0; 

The address of a is 9a37c
The value of aPtr is 9a37c

The value of a is 7
The value of *aPtr is 7

Showing that * and & are complements of each other
&*aPtr = 9a37c
*&aPtr = 9a37c

10.3.Address Operator
10.3.1.Using the & and * operators