Use compound conditions to check for upper and lowercase letters : If statement « Statement « C Tutorial

#include <stdio.h>

    char cResponse = '\0';

    printf("Enter the letter A: ");
    scanf("%c", &cResponse);

    if ( cResponse== 'A' || cResponse == 'a' )
       printf("\nCorrect response\n");
       printf("\nIncorrect response\n");
Enter the letter A: 1
      Incorrect response

6.3.If statement
6.3.1.if statement
6.3.2.To execute only one statement, opening and closing braces are not required
6.3.3.The if statement: a compound statement
6.3.4.If with else statement
6.3.5.The if-else-if statement
6.3.6.if statement with two else statements
6.3.7.if statement: compare the value from user input
6.3.8.Using nested ifs
6.3.9.Use compound conditions to check for upper and lowercase letters
6.3.10.Checking for a Range of Values
6.3.11.Use isdigit Function in if statement
6.3.12.Operators Used in if Comparisons
6.3.13.if Comparisons and Their Opposites