Complement: ~ : Bitwise Operator « Operator « C Tutorial

# include<stdio.h>

  char c1 = 4,c2 = 6,c3 = 3;

  c3 = ~c1;
  printf("\n ones complement of c1 = %c",c3);

Suppose c1 = 4, c2 = 6;

The value of ~ c1 is interpreted as follows:

~  0000 0100
     1111 1011

5.7.Bitwise Operator
5.7.1.Bitwise operator
5.7.2.Bitwise and: c1 & c2
5.7.3.Bitwise or: c1 | c2
5.7.4.Bitwise XOR: c1 ^ c2
5.7.5.Complement: ~
5.7.6.Left shift operator
5.7.7.Right shift operation
5.7.8.A special feature of the >> and <<: perform superfast binary division and multiplication.
5.7.9.To divide value by 4