The printf Function : printf Basics « printf scanf « C Tutorial

  1. printf displays information on screen.
  2. printf returns the number of characters printed.
  3. printf displays the text you put inside the double quotes.
  4. printf requires the backslash character - an escape sequence - to display some special characters.
  5. printf can display variables by using the % conversion character.
  6. printf format: a string argument followed by any additional arguments.
#include <stdio.h>

    int i = 0;
    printf("total characters printed %d\n",i);
     total characters printed 6

4.1.printf Basics
4.1.1.The printf Function
4.1.2.The printf() Conversion Characters and flags
4.1.4.d, i: Signed integers
4.1.5.printf() Escape Sequences
4.1.6.The printf() function redirects the output to a standard output, which is the output on screen
4.1.7.A format specifier: how to print the data
4.1.8.Use multiple conversion specifiers in a single printf statement
4.1.9.Do calculation in printf