Divide Integer : int Calculation « Data Type « C Tutorial

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  int cookies = 45;                      
  int children = 7;                      
  int cookies_per_child = 0;             
  int cookies_left_over = 0;             

  cookies_per_child = cookies/children;  
  printf("You have %d children and %d cookies", children, cookies);
  printf("\nGive each child %d cookies.", cookies_per_child);

  cookies_left_over = cookies%children;
  printf("\nThere are %d cookies left over.\n", cookies_left_over);
  return 0;
You have 7 children and 45 cookies
     Give each child 6 cookies.
     There are 3 cookies left over.

2.5.int Calculation
2.5.1.Simple calculations
2.5.2.Divide Integer
2.5.3.Sum the integers from 1 to a user-specified number
2.5.4.If both operands i1 and i2 are integers, the expression i1/i2 provides integer division