Configuring Forms Authentication : FormsAuthentication « Authentication Authorization « ASP.NET Tutorial

Several configuration options are specific to Forms authentication:

cookieless:      Use Forms authentication when a browser does not support cookies. 
                 Possible values are UseCookies, UseUri, AutoDetect, and UseDeviceProfile. 
                 The default value is UseDeviceProfile.

defaultUrl:      Set the redirected page after being authenticated. 
                 The default value is Default.aspx.

domain:          Domain associated with the authentication cookie. 
                 The default value is an empty string.

enableCrossAppRedirects:      authenticate users across applications by passing an authentication ticket in a query string. 
                              The default value is false.

loginUrl:        Set the path to the Login page. 
                 The default value is Login.aspx.

name:            specify the name of the authentication cookie. 
                 The default value is .ASPXAUTH.

path:            Set the path associated with the authentication cookie. 
                 The default value is /.

protection:      Set how the authentication cookie is encrypted. 
                 Possible values are All, Encryption, None, and Validation. 
                 The default value is All.

requiresSSL:     Require a SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection when transmitting the authentication cookie. 
                 The default value is false.

slidingExpiration:      Prevent the authentication cookie from expiring as long as a user continues to make requests within an interval of time. 
                        Possible values are True and False. 
                        The default value is True.

timeout:          Set the amount of time in minutes before the authentication cookie expires.  
                  The default value is 30.

21.10.1.Configuring Forms Authentication
21.10.2.Use the web configuration file to change the name of the authentication cookie.
21.10.3.Using Cookieless Forms Authentication
21.10.4.Using Sliding Expiration with Forms Authentication
21.10.5.Set user name with FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie
21.10.6.Validate a user with FormsAuthentication.Authenticate
21.10.7.Using Forms Authentication Across Domains: Query String Authenticate
21.10.8.Web configuration file contains a list of usernames and passwords.
21.10.9.Assigning a name to the user and accessing next pages
21.10.10.Principal Login