An ASP.NET Theme enables you to apply a consistent style to the pages. : Themes « Development « ASP.NET Tutorial

A Master Page enables you to share content across multiple pages in a website. 
A Theme enables you to control the appearance of the content.

You create a Theme by adding a new folder named App_Themes. 

Each folder that you add to the App_Themes folder represents a different Theme.

If the App_Themes folder must be located in the root of your application.

The contents of a Theme folder are compiled into a new class. 
Be careful not to name a Theme with a class name that conflicts with an existing class name.

9.42.1.An ASP.NET Theme enables you to apply a consistent style to the pages.
9.42.2.How Themes Work
9.42.3.Adding Skins to Themes
9.42.4.Creating Named Skins with a SkinID property
9.42.5.Themes Versus StyleSheetThemes
9.42.6.Override Skin properties by applying a Theme to a page with the StyleSheetTheme attribute instead of the Theme attribute.
9.42.7.Disabling Themes
9.42.8.Adding Cascading Style Sheets to Themes
9.42.9.Handling Theme Conflicts
9.42.10.Configure specific controls so they opt out of the theming process entirely.
9.42.11.Share the Theme among multiple web applications running on the same web server
9.42.12.Applying Themes Dynamically
9.42.13.Applying Skins Dynamically
9.42.14.Show Dynamic CSS