Metacharacters for Matching Types of Characters : Regular Expression « Validation « ASP.NET Tutorial

Character Class       Description 
.                     Matches any character except \n.
[aeiou]               Matches any single character specified in the set.
[^aeiou]              Matches any character not specified in the set.
[3-7a-dA-D]           Matches any character specified in the specified ranges (in the example the ranges are 3C7, aCd, ACD).
\w                    Matches any word character; that is, any alphanumeric character or the underscore (_).
\W                    Matches any nonword character.
\s                    Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, form-feed, newline, carriage return, or vertical feed).
\S                    Matches any nonwhitespace character.
\d                    Matches any decimal character.
\D                    Matches any nondecimal character.

8.9.Regular Expression
8.9.1.The predefined character classes
8.9.2.quantifiers used to create patterns that match a variable number of characters at a certain position in the string
8.9.3.Metacharacters for Matching Single Characters
8.9.4.Metacharacters for Matching Types of Characters
8.9.6.Commonly Used Regular Expressions
8.9.7.RegularExpressionValidator compares value against a regular expression
8.9.8.Regular Expression based validation (C#)
8.9.9.Use asp:RegularExpressionValidator to check the zip code
8.9.10.Use asp:RegularExpressionValidator to check the email address
8.9.11.Use Regular expression to validate a Phone number