Using the new Caption attribute (C#) : Table « Controls « ASP.NET Tutorial

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>

<html xmlns="" ><head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <title>Table Server Control</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:Table ID="Table1" Runat="server"
         Caption="<b>Table 1:</b> This is an example of a caption above a table."
            <asp:TableRow ID="Tablerow1" Runat=server>
                <asp:TableCell ID="Tablecell1" Runat="server">Lorem ipsum dolor sit 
                 amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis vel justo. Aliquam 
                 adipiscing. In mattis volutpat urna. Donec adipiscing, nisl eget 
                 dictum egestas, felis nulla ornare ligula, ut bibendum pede augue 
                 eu augue. Sed vel risus nec urna pharetra imperdiet. Aenean 
                 semper. Sed ullamcorper auctor sapien. Suspendisse luctus. Ut ac 
                 nibh. Nam lorem. Aliquam dictum aliquam purus.</asp:TableCell>

3.26.2.Repeater control in asp:Table
3.26.3.Dynamically adding rows to the table (C#)
3.26.4.Create table programatically
3.26.5.Dynamically adding rows to the table (VB)
3.26.6.Using the new Caption attribute (C#)
3.26.7.TableRow and TableCell