Important properties, methods and events of ImageButton control : ImageButton « Controls « ASP.NET Tutorial

AccessKey:       a key that navigates to the ImageButton control.

AlternateText:   alternate text for the image (required for accessibility).

DescriptionUrl:  a link to a page that contains a detailed description of the image (required to make a complex image accessible).

CommandArgument: a command argument that is passed to the Command event.

CommandName:     command name that is passed to the Command event.

Enabled:         disable the ImageButton control.

GenerateEmptyAlternateText: set the AlternateText property to an empty string.

ImageAlign:      align the image relative to other HTML elements in the page. 
                 Possible values are AbsBottom, AbsMiddle, Baseline, Bottom, Left, 
                 Middle, NotSet, Right, TextTop, and Top.

ImageUrl:        URL to the image.

OnClientClick:   a client-side script that executes when the ImageButton is clicked.

PostBackUrl:     post a form to a particular page.

TabIndex:        tab order of the ImageButton control.

Focus:           set the initial form focus to the ImageButton control.

Click:           Raised when the ImageButton control is clicked.

Command:         Raised when the ImageButton control is clicked. 
                 The CommandName and CommandArgument are passed to this event.

3.9.1.Important properties, methods and events of ImageButton control
3.9.2.Using the ImageButton Control
3.9.3.The second parameter passed in is an instance of the ImageClickEventArgs class.