ASP.NET reserved application folders : Introduction « ASP.Net Instroduction « ASP.NET Tutorial

Folder Name Description 

App_Browsers Contains browser definition files (which are XMLbased files with the .browser extension) used by this application for 
identifying and determining the capabilities of browsers. 

App_Code Contains any noncodebehind class files to be used by the application.

App_Data Contains application data files, such as SQL Server Express data, Microsoft Access files, or XML data. 

App_GlobalResources Contains resource files that are available globally throughout 
the application.

App_LocalResources Contains resource files that are associated with a specific page or control.  

App_Themes Contains files that define the appearance of pages and controls in the site.

App_WebReferences Contains files used to define references to external Web services. 

Bin Contains compiled .NET assemblies (.DLL files).

1.1.1.Your first page
1.1.2.The ASP.NET Framework gives you the most commonly used namespaces
1.1.3.ASP.NET reserved application folders
1.1.4.Notable file extension