Download Bit Moose


Bit Moose is a bitcoin mining assistant program. It allows miners to run under a background windows service. Includes a GUI and console host.


Bit Moose

Source Files

The download file has the following entries.

Bit Moose Core Library/Bit Moose Core Library.csproj
Bit Moose Core Library/BitMooseServiceController.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Communication/Client.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Communication/Server.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/HardwareDetector.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/MiningProcessor.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Settings.xml/*from   w w  w.  j  ava2 s  .c om*/
Bit Moose Core Library/Settings/BitMooseSettings.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Settings/MinerCrashRecoverySetting.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Settings/MinerLogSetting.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Settings/MinerOption.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Settings/MinerProcessSetting.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Settings/MinerSetting.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Settings/MiningPool.cs
Bit Moose Core Library/Utilities.cs
Bit Moose GUI/AboutForm.Designer.cs
Bit Moose GUI/AboutForm.cs
Bit Moose GUI/AboutForm.resx
Bit Moose GUI/Bit Moose GUI.csproj
Bit Moose GUI/Controls/MinerControl.Designer.cs
Bit Moose GUI/Controls/MinerControl.cs
Bit Moose GUI/Controls/MinerControl.resx
Bit Moose GUI/DefaultValuesForm.Designer.cs
Bit Moose GUI/DefaultValuesForm.cs
Bit Moose GUI/DefaultValuesForm.resx
Bit Moose GUI/DonateForm.Designer.cs
Bit Moose GUI/DonateForm.cs
Bit Moose GUI/DonateForm.resx
Bit Moose GUI/Logo.ico
Bit Moose GUI/MainForm.Designer.cs
Bit Moose GUI/MainForm.cs
Bit Moose GUI/MainForm.resx
Bit Moose GUI/Program.cs
Bit Moose GUI/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
Bit Moose GUI/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
Bit Moose GUI/Properties/Resources.resx
Bit Moose GUI/RenameForm.Designer.cs
Bit Moose GUI/RenameForm.cs
Bit Moose GUI/RenameForm.resx
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/Bitcoin 16x16.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/Logo BW 128x128.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/Logo Colored 128x128.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/about.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/box_tall.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/floppy_disk.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/folder.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/information2.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/node.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/node_add.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/node_delete.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/node_edit.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/node_fade.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/server.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/server_connection.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/server_delete.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/server_ok.png
Bit Moose GUI/Resources/unknown.png
Bit Moose GUI/app.manifest
Bit Moose Service On Console/Bit Moose Service On Console.csproj
Bit Moose Service On Console/Program.cs
Bit Moose Service On Console/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
Bit Moose Service On Console/window_black.ico
Bit Moose Service/Bit Moose Service.csproj
Bit Moose Service/MiningService.Designer.cs
Bit Moose Service/MiningService.cs
Bit Moose Service/MiningService.resx
Bit Moose Service/Program.cs
Bit Moose Service/ProjectInstaller.Designer.cs
Bit Moose Service/ProjectInstaller.cs
Bit Moose Service/ProjectInstaller.resx
Bit Moose Service/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
Bit Moose Service/server.ico
Bit Moose.sln
Bitcoin 16x16.png
Bitcoin 64x64.png
Logo BW.ico
Logo BW.png


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