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package; /*from ww w . j a va 2 s.c om*/ import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import android.os.AsyncTask; public class TextCrawler { public static final int ALL = -1; public static final int NONE = -2; private final String HTTP_PROTOCOL = "http://"; private final String HTTPS_PROTOCOL = "https://"; private LinkPreviewCallback callback; public TextCrawler() { } public void makePreview(LinkPreviewCallback callback, String url) { this.callback = callback; new GetCode(ALL).execute(url); } public void makePreview(LinkPreviewCallback callback, String url, int imageQuantity) { this.callback = callback; new GetCode(imageQuantity).execute(url); } /** Get html code */ public class GetCode extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void> { private SourceContent sourceContent = new SourceContent(); private int imageQuantity; private ArrayList<String> urls; public GetCode(int imageQuantity) { this.imageQuantity = imageQuantity; } @Override protected void onPreExecute() { if (callback != null) { callback.onPre(); } super.onPreExecute(); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { if (callback != null) { callback.onPos(sourceContent, isNull()); } super.onPostExecute(result); } @Override protected Void doInBackground(String... params) { // Don't forget the http:// or https:// urls = SearchUrls.matches(params[0]); if (urls.size() > 0) sourceContent .setFinalUrl(unshortenUrl(extendedTrim(urls.get(0)))); else sourceContent.setFinalUrl(""); if (!sourceContent.getFinalUrl().equals("")) { if (isImage(sourceContent.getFinalUrl()) && !sourceContent.getFinalUrl().contains("dropbox")) { sourceContent.setSuccess(true); sourceContent.getImages().add(sourceContent.getFinalUrl()); sourceContent.setTitle(""); sourceContent.setDescription(""); } else { try { Document doc = Jsoup .connect(sourceContent.getFinalUrl()) .userAgent("Mozilla").get(); sourceContent.setHtmlCode(extendedTrim(doc.toString())); HashMap<String, String> metaTags = getMetaTags(sourceContent .getHtmlCode()); sourceContent.setMetaTags(metaTags); sourceContent.setTitle(metaTags.get("title")); sourceContent.setDescription(metaTags .get("description")); if (sourceContent.getTitle().equals("")) { String matchTitle = Regex.pregMatch( sourceContent.getHtmlCode(), Regex.TITLE_PATTERN, 2); if (!matchTitle.equals("")) sourceContent.setTitle(htmlDecode(matchTitle)); } if (sourceContent.getDescription().equals("")) sourceContent .setDescription(crawlCode(sourceContent .getHtmlCode())); sourceContent.setDescription(sourceContent .getDescription().replaceAll( Regex.SCRIPT_PATTERN, "")); if (imageQuantity != NONE) { if (!metaTags.get("image").equals("")) sourceContent.getImages().add( metaTags.get("image")); else { sourceContent.setImages(getImages( sourceContent.getHtmlCode(), sourceContent.getFinalUrl(), imageQuantity)); } } sourceContent.setSuccess(true); } catch (Exception e) { sourceContent.setSuccess(false); } } } String[] finalLinkSet = sourceContent.getFinalUrl().split("&"); sourceContent.setUrl(finalLinkSet[0]); sourceContent.setCannonicalUrl(cannonicalPage(sourceContent .getFinalUrl())); sourceContent.setDescription(stripTags(sourceContent .getDescription())); return null; } /** Verifies if the content could not be retrieved */ public boolean isNull() { if (!sourceContent.isSuccess() && extendedTrim(sourceContent.getHtmlCode()).equals("") && !isImage(sourceContent.getFinalUrl())) return true; return false; } } /** Gets content from a html tag */ private String getTagContent(String tag, String content) { String pattern = "<" + tag + "(.*?)>(.*?)</" + tag + ">"; String result = "", currentMatch = ""; List<String> matches = Regex.pregMatchAll(content, pattern, 2); for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { currentMatch = stripTags(matches.get(i)); if (currentMatch.length() >= 120) { result = extendedTrim(currentMatch); break; } } if (result.equals("")) { String matchFinal = Regex.pregMatch(content, pattern, 2); result = extendedTrim(matchFinal); } result = result.replaceAll(" ", ""); return htmlDecode(result); } /** Gets images from the html code */ public List<String> getImages(String content, String url, int imageQuantity) { List<String> firstMatches = Regex.pregMatchAllImages(content, Regex.IMAGE_TAG_PATTERN); int pathCounter = 0; String src = "", imageSrc = "", currentImage = ""; List<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String string : firstMatches) { if (!string.contains(">") && !string.contains("<") && !string.contains("'") && !string.contains("\"") && !string.contains("{") && !string.contains("}") && !string.contains("[") && !string.contains("]")) matches.add(string); } for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { currentImage = matches.get(i); if (!currentImage.startsWith("http://") && !currentImage.startsWith("https://")) { pathCounter = substringCount(currentImage, "\\.\\./"); imageSrc = cannonicalImgSrc(currentImage); src = getImageUrl(pathCounter, cannonicalLink(imageSrc, url)); if (!(src + imageSrc).equals(url)) { if (src.equals("")) currentImage = src + imageSrc; else currentImage = src; } matches.set(i, currentImage); } } if (imageQuantity != ALL) matches = matches.subList(0, imageQuantity); return matches; } /** Counts substring occurences */ private int substringCount(String haystack, String needle) { return haystack.split(needle).length - 1; } /** Returns the original image url */ private String getImageUrl(int pathCounter, String url) { String src = ""; if (pathCounter > 0) { String[] urlBreaker = url.split("/"); for (int j = 0; j < pathCounter + 1; j++) { src += urlBreaker[j] + "/"; } } else { src = url; } return src; } /** Returns the cannoncial image link */ private String cannonicalLink(String imagePath, String referer) { if (imagePath.startsWith("//")) imagePath = "http:" + imagePath; else if (imagePath.startsWith("/")) imagePath = "http://" + cannonicalPage(referer) + imagePath; else imagePath = referer + "/" + imagePath; return imagePath; } /** Returns the cannoncial image url */ private String cannonicalImgSrc(String imagePath) { imagePath = imagePath.replaceAll("\\.\\./", ""); imagePath = imagePath.replaceAll("\\./", ""); imagePath = imagePath.replaceAll(" ", "%20"); return imagePath; } /** Transforms from html to normal string */ private String htmlDecode(String content) { return Jsoup.parse(content).text(); } /** Crawls the code looking for relevant information */ private String crawlCode(String content) { String result = ""; String resultSpan = ""; String resultParagraph = ""; String resultDiv = ""; resultSpan = getTagContent("span", content); resultParagraph = getTagContent("p", content); resultDiv = getTagContent("div", content); result = resultSpan; if (resultParagraph.length() > resultSpan.length() && resultParagraph.length() >= resultDiv.length()) result = resultParagraph; else if (resultParagraph.length() > resultSpan.length() && resultParagraph.length() < resultDiv.length()) result = resultDiv; else result = resultParagraph; return htmlDecode(result); } /** Returns the cannoncial url */ private String cannonicalPage(String url) { String cannonical = ""; if (url.startsWith(HTTP_PROTOCOL)) { url = url.substring(HTTP_PROTOCOL.length()); } else if (url.startsWith(HTTPS_PROTOCOL)) { url = url.substring(HTTPS_PROTOCOL.length()); } for (int i = 0; i < url.length(); i++) { if (url.charAt(i) != '/') cannonical += url.charAt(i); else break; } return cannonical; } /** Strips the tags from an element */ private String stripTags(String content) { return Jsoup.parse(content).text(); } /** Verifies if the url is an image */ private boolean isImage(String url) { if (url.matches(Regex.IMAGE_PATTERN)) return true; else return false; } /** * Returns meta tags from html code */ private HashMap<String, String> getMetaTags(String content) { HashMap<String, String> metaTags = new HashMap<String, String>(); metaTags.put("url", ""); metaTags.put("title", ""); metaTags.put("description", ""); metaTags.put("image", ""); List<String> matches = Regex.pregMatchAll(content, Regex.METATAG_PATTERN, 1); for (String match : matches) { if (match.toLowerCase().contains("property=\"og:url\"") || match.toLowerCase().contains("property='og:url'") || match.toLowerCase().contains("name=\"url\"") || match.toLowerCase().contains("name='url'")) metaTags.put("url", separeMetaTagsContent(match)); else if (match.toLowerCase().contains("property=\"og:title\"") || match.toLowerCase().contains("property='og:title'") || match.toLowerCase().contains("name=\"title\"") || match.toLowerCase().contains("name='title'")) metaTags.put("title", separeMetaTagsContent(match)); else if (match.toLowerCase() .contains("property=\"og:description\"") || match.toLowerCase() .contains("property='og:description'") || match.toLowerCase().contains("name=\"description\"") || match.toLowerCase().contains("name='description'")) metaTags.put("description", separeMetaTagsContent(match)); else if (match.toLowerCase().contains("property=\"og:image\"") || match.toLowerCase().contains("property='og:image'") || match.toLowerCase().contains("name=\"image\"") || match.toLowerCase().contains("name='image'")) metaTags.put("image", separeMetaTagsContent(match)); } return metaTags; } /** Gets content from metatag */ private String separeMetaTagsContent(String content) { String result = Regex.pregMatch(content, Regex.METATAG_CONTENT_PATTERN, 1); return htmlDecode(result); } /** * Unshortens a short url */ private String unshortenUrl(String shortURL) { if (!shortURL.startsWith(HTTP_PROTOCOL) && !shortURL.startsWith(HTTPS_PROTOCOL)) return ""; URLConnection urlConn = connectURL(shortURL); urlConn.getHeaderFields(); String finalResult = urlConn.getURL().toString(); urlConn = connectURL(finalResult); urlConn.getHeaderFields(); shortURL = urlConn.getURL().toString(); while (!shortURL.equals(finalResult)) { finalResult = unshortenUrl(finalResult); } return finalResult; } /** * Takes a valid url and return a URL object representing the url address. */ private URLConnection connectURL(String strURL) { URLConnection conn = null; try { URL inputURL = new URL(strURL); conn = inputURL.openConnection(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("Please input a valid URL"); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("Can not connect to the URL"); } return conn; } /** Removes extra spaces and trim the string */ public static String extendedTrim(String content) { return content.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").replace("\n", " ") .replace("\r", " ").trim(); } }