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// $ANTLR 3.2 Sep 23, 2009 12:02:23 CalcParser.g 2012-08-25 08:09:19 /**/*from w w w . j a v a 2s. c om*/ * SOWGware, Copyright 2010 * * This file is part of SOWGcalc. SOWGcalc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SOWGcalc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SOWGcalc. If not, see <>. */ package com.sowg.calc; import org.antlr.runtime.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class CalcParser extends Parser { public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "PLUS", "MINUS", "MULT", "DIV", "LPAREN", "RPAREN", "SIN", "COS", "TAN", "LN", "LOG", "FACT", "POWER", "E", "PI", "SQRT", "DECIMALPOINT", "DIGIT", "DECIMAL", "WHITESPACE" }; public static final int E=17; public static final int LN=13; public static final int LOG=14; public static final int WHITESPACE=23; public static final int POWER=16; public static final int MULT=6; public static final int MINUS=5; public static final int SQRT=19; public static final int EOF=-1; public static final int LPAREN=8; public static final int RPAREN=9; public static final int DECIMAL=22; public static final int SIN=10; public static final int COS=11; public static final int TAN=12; public static final int PLUS=4; public static final int PI=18; public static final int DIGIT=21; public static final int DIV=7; public static final int DECIMALPOINT=20; public static final int FACT=15; // delegates // delegators public CalcParser(TokenStream input) { this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); } public CalcParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { super(input, state); } public String[] getTokenNames() { return CalcParser.tokenNames; } public String getGrammarFileName() { return "CalcParser.g"; } private final int trigRound = 15; public String result; // $ANTLR start "ultimate" // CalcParser.g:32:1: ultimate : expr ; public final void ultimate() throws RecognitionException { double expr1 = 0.0; try { // CalcParser.g:32:9: ( expr ) // CalcParser.g:32:11: expr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_ultimate33); expr1=expr(); state._fsp--; result = Helper.doubleFormatted(expr1); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return ; } // $ANTLR end "ultimate" // $ANTLR start "expr" // CalcParser.g:34:1: expr returns [double value] : a= multExpr ( PLUS b= multExpr | MINUS b= multExpr )* ; public final double expr() throws RecognitionException { double value = 0.0; double a = 0.0; double b = 0.0; try { // CalcParser.g:35:1: (a= multExpr ( PLUS b= multExpr | MINUS b= multExpr )* ) // CalcParser.g:35:3: a= multExpr ( PLUS b= multExpr | MINUS b= multExpr )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_multExpr_in_expr52); a=multExpr(); state._fsp--; value = a; // CalcParser.g:36:1: ( PLUS b= multExpr | MINUS b= multExpr )* loop1: do { int alt1=3; int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA1_0==PLUS) ) { alt1=1; } else if ( (LA1_0==MINUS) ) { alt1=2; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:36:2: PLUS b= multExpr { match(input,PLUS,FOLLOW_PLUS_in_expr59); pushFollow(FOLLOW_multExpr_in_expr65); b=multExpr(); state._fsp--; value += b; } break; case 2 : // CalcParser.g:38:1: MINUS b= multExpr { match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_expr72); pushFollow(FOLLOW_multExpr_in_expr78); b=multExpr(); state._fsp--; value -= b; } break; default : break loop1; } } while (true); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return value; } // $ANTLR end "expr" // $ANTLR start "multExpr" // CalcParser.g:40:1: multExpr returns [double value] : a= powExpr ( MULT b= powExpr | DIV b= powExpr )* ; public final double multExpr() throws RecognitionException { double value = 0.0; double a = 0.0; double b = 0.0; try { // CalcParser.g:41:1: (a= powExpr ( MULT b= powExpr | DIV b= powExpr )* ) // CalcParser.g:41:3: a= powExpr ( MULT b= powExpr | DIV b= powExpr )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_powExpr_in_multExpr98); a=powExpr(); state._fsp--; value = a; // CalcParser.g:42:1: ( MULT b= powExpr | DIV b= powExpr )* loop2: do { int alt2=3; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA2_0==MULT) ) { alt2=1; } else if ( (LA2_0==DIV) ) { alt2=2; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:42:2: MULT b= powExpr { match(input,MULT,FOLLOW_MULT_in_multExpr105); pushFollow(FOLLOW_powExpr_in_multExpr111); b=powExpr(); state._fsp--; value *= b; } break; case 2 : // CalcParser.g:44:1: DIV b= powExpr { match(input,DIV,FOLLOW_DIV_in_multExpr118); pushFollow(FOLLOW_powExpr_in_multExpr126); b=powExpr(); state._fsp--; value /= b; } break; default : break loop2; } } while (true); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return value; } // $ANTLR end "multExpr" // $ANTLR start "powExpr" // CalcParser.g:46:1: powExpr returns [double value] : a= minusExpr ( POWER b= minusExpr )? ; public final double powExpr() throws RecognitionException { double value = 0.0; double a = 0.0; double b = 0.0; try { // CalcParser.g:47:1: (a= minusExpr ( POWER b= minusExpr )? ) // CalcParser.g:47:3: a= minusExpr ( POWER b= minusExpr )? { pushFollow(FOLLOW_minusExpr_in_powExpr146); a=minusExpr(); state._fsp--; value = a; // CalcParser.g:48:1: ( POWER b= minusExpr )? int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA3_0==POWER) ) { alt3=1; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:48:2: POWER b= minusExpr { match(input,POWER,FOLLOW_POWER_in_powExpr153); pushFollow(FOLLOW_minusExpr_in_powExpr159); b=minusExpr(); state._fsp--; value = Math.pow(a, b); } break; } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return value; } // $ANTLR end "powExpr" // $ANTLR start "minusExpr" // CalcParser.g:50:1: minusExpr returns [double value] : ( (min+= MINUS )+ multTerms | multTerms ); public final double minusExpr() throws RecognitionException { double value = 0.0; Token min=null; List list_min=null; double multTerms2 = 0.0; double multTerms3 = 0.0; try { // CalcParser.g:51:1: ( (min+= MINUS )+ multTerms | multTerms ) int alt5=2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA5_0==MINUS) ) { alt5=1; } else if ( (LA5_0==LPAREN||(LA5_0>=SIN && LA5_0<=LOG)||(LA5_0>=E && LA5_0<=SQRT)||LA5_0==DECIMAL) ) { alt5=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:51:3: (min+= MINUS )+ multTerms { // CalcParser.g:51:3: (min+= MINUS )+ int cnt4=0; loop4: do { int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA4_0==MINUS) ) { alt4=1; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:51:4: min+= MINUS { min=(Token)match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_minusExpr179); if (list_min==null) list_min=new ArrayList(); list_min.add(min); } break; default : if ( cnt4 >= 1 ) break loop4; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(4, input); throw eee; } cnt4++; } while (true); pushFollow(FOLLOW_multTerms_in_minusExpr183); multTerms2=multTerms(); state._fsp--; if (list_min != null) { int negOrPos = (list_min.size() % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1; value = multTerms2 * negOrPos; } } break; case 2 : // CalcParser.g:58:3: multTerms { pushFollow(FOLLOW_multTerms_in_minusExpr190); multTerms3=multTerms(); state._fsp--; value = multTerms3; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return value; } // $ANTLR end "minusExpr" // $ANTLR start "multTerms" // CalcParser.g:60:1: multTerms returns [double value] : ( unaryExpr )+ ; public final double multTerms() throws RecognitionException { double value = 0.0; double unaryExpr4 = 0.0; ArrayList<Double> termList = new ArrayList<Double>(); try { // CalcParser.g:62:1: ( ( unaryExpr )+ ) // CalcParser.g:63:1: ( unaryExpr )+ { // CalcParser.g:63:1: ( unaryExpr )+ int cnt6=0; loop6: do { int alt6=2; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA6_0==LPAREN||(LA6_0>=SIN && LA6_0<=LOG)||(LA6_0>=E && LA6_0<=SQRT)||LA6_0==DECIMAL) ) { alt6=1; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:63:2: unaryExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_unaryExpr_in_multTerms218); unaryExpr4=unaryExpr(); state._fsp--; termList.add(new Double(unaryExpr4)); } break; default : if ( cnt6 >= 1 ) break loop6; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(6, input); throw eee; } cnt6++; } while (true); value = Helper.multiplyList(termList); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return value; } // $ANTLR end "multTerms" // $ANTLR start "unaryExpr" // CalcParser.g:66:1: unaryExpr returns [double value] : ( (sqrt+= SQRT )+ factExpr | factExpr ); public final double unaryExpr() throws RecognitionException { double value = 0.0; Token sqrt=null; List list_sqrt=null; double factExpr5 = 0.0; double factExpr6 = 0.0; try { // CalcParser.g:67:1: ( (sqrt+= SQRT )+ factExpr | factExpr ) int alt8=2; int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA8_0==SQRT) ) { alt8=1; } else if ( (LA8_0==LPAREN||(LA8_0>=SIN && LA8_0<=LOG)||(LA8_0>=E && LA8_0<=PI)||LA8_0==DECIMAL) ) { alt8=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:67:3: (sqrt+= SQRT )+ factExpr { // CalcParser.g:67:3: (sqrt+= SQRT )+ int cnt7=0; loop7: do { int alt7=2; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA7_0==SQRT) ) { alt7=1; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:67:4: sqrt+= SQRT { sqrt=(Token)match(input,SQRT,FOLLOW_SQRT_in_unaryExpr251); if (list_sqrt==null) list_sqrt=new ArrayList(); list_sqrt.add(sqrt); } break; default : if ( cnt7 >= 1 ) break loop7; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(7, input); throw eee; } cnt7++; } while (true); pushFollow(FOLLOW_factExpr_in_unaryExpr255); factExpr5=factExpr(); state._fsp--; value = Helper.squareRoot(factExpr5, list_sqrt.size()); } break; case 2 : // CalcParser.g:68:3: factExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_factExpr_in_unaryExpr261); factExpr6=factExpr(); state._fsp--; value = factExpr6; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return value; } // $ANTLR end "unaryExpr" // $ANTLR start "factExpr" // CalcParser.g:70:1: factExpr returns [double value] : term (fact+= FACT )* ; public final double factExpr() throws RecognitionException { double value = 0.0; Token fact=null; List list_fact=null; double term7 = 0.0; try { // CalcParser.g:71:1: ( term (fact+= FACT )* ) // CalcParser.g:71:3: term (fact+= FACT )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_term_in_factExpr278); term7=term(); state._fsp--; // CalcParser.g:71:8: (fact+= FACT )* loop9: do { int alt9=2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0==FACT) ) { alt9=1; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:71:9: fact+= FACT { fact=(Token)match(input,FACT,FOLLOW_FACT_in_factExpr285); if (list_fact==null) list_fact=new ArrayList(); list_fact.add(fact); } break; default : break loop9; } } while (true); if (list_fact == null) //no factorial value = term7; else value = Helper.factorial(term7, list_fact.size()); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return value; } // $ANTLR end "factExpr" // $ANTLR start "term" // CalcParser.g:78:1: term returns [double value] : ( LPAREN expr RPAREN | LN LPAREN expr RPAREN | LOG LPAREN expr RPAREN | SIN LPAREN expr RPAREN | COS LPAREN expr RPAREN | TAN LPAREN expr RPAREN | DECIMAL | PI | E ); public final double term() throws RecognitionException { double value = 0.0; Token DECIMAL14=null; double expr8 = 0.0; double expr9 = 0.0; double expr10 = 0.0; double expr11 = 0.0; double expr12 = 0.0; double expr13 = 0.0; try { // CalcParser.g:79:1: ( LPAREN expr RPAREN | LN LPAREN expr RPAREN | LOG LPAREN expr RPAREN | SIN LPAREN expr RPAREN | COS LPAREN expr RPAREN | TAN LPAREN expr RPAREN | DECIMAL | PI | E ) int alt10=9; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case LPAREN: { alt10=1; } break; case LN: { alt10=2; } break; case LOG: { alt10=3; } break; case SIN: { alt10=4; } break; case COS: { alt10=5; } break; case TAN: { alt10=6; } break; case DECIMAL: { alt10=7; } break; case PI: { alt10=8; } break; case E: { alt10=9; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 10, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : // CalcParser.g:79:3: LPAREN expr RPAREN { match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term301); pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_term303); expr8=expr(); state._fsp--; match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term305); value = expr8; } break; case 2 : // CalcParser.g:80:3: LN LPAREN expr RPAREN { match(input,LN,FOLLOW_LN_in_term311); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term313); pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_term315); expr9=expr(); state._fsp--; match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term317); value = Math.log(expr9); } break; case 3 : // CalcParser.g:81:3: LOG LPAREN expr RPAREN { match(input,LOG,FOLLOW_LOG_in_term323); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term325); pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_term327); expr10=expr(); state._fsp--; match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term329); value = Math.log10(expr10); } break; case 4 : // CalcParser.g:82:3: SIN LPAREN expr RPAREN { match(input,SIN,FOLLOW_SIN_in_term334); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term336); pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_term338); expr11=expr(); state._fsp--; match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term340); value = Helper.round(Math.sin(expr11), trigRound); } break; case 5 : // CalcParser.g:83:3: COS LPAREN expr RPAREN { match(input,COS,FOLLOW_COS_in_term345); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term347); pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_term349); expr12=expr(); state._fsp--; match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term351); value = Helper.round(Math.cos(expr12), trigRound); } break; case 6 : // CalcParser.g:84:3: TAN LPAREN expr RPAREN { match(input,TAN,FOLLOW_TAN_in_term356); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term358); pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_term360); expr13=expr(); state._fsp--; match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term362); value = Helper.round(Math.tan(expr13), trigRound); } break; case 7 : // CalcParser.g:85:3: DECIMAL { DECIMAL14=(Token)match(input,DECIMAL,FOLLOW_DECIMAL_in_term367); value = Helper.DecimalToDouble((DECIMAL14!=null?DECIMAL14.getText():null)); } break; case 8 : // CalcParser.g:86:3: PI { match(input,PI,FOLLOW_PI_in_term376); value = Math.PI; } break; case 9 : // CalcParser.g:87:3: E { match(input,E,FOLLOW_E_in_term386); value = Math.E; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return value; } // $ANTLR end "term" // Delegated rules public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_ultimate33 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_multExpr_in_expr52 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000032L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PLUS_in_expr59 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_multExpr_in_expr65 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000032L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_expr72 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_multExpr_in_expr78 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000032L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_powExpr_in_multExpr98 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000000000C2L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MULT_in_multExpr105 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_powExpr_in_multExpr111 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000000000C2L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DIV_in_multExpr118 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_powExpr_in_multExpr126 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000000000C2L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_minusExpr_in_powExpr146 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_POWER_in_powExpr153 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_minusExpr_in_powExpr159 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_minusExpr179 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_multTerms_in_minusExpr183 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_multTerms_in_minusExpr190 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_unaryExpr_in_multTerms218 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D22L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SQRT_in_unaryExpr251 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_factExpr_in_unaryExpr255 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_factExpr_in_unaryExpr261 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_term_in_factExpr278 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FACT_in_factExpr285 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term301 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_term303 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term305 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LN_in_term311 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term313 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_term315 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term317 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LOG_in_term323 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term325 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_term327 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term329 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SIN_in_term334 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term336 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_term338 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term340 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COS_in_term345 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term347 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_term349 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term351 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TAN_in_term356 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_term358 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000004E7D20L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_term360 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_term362 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DECIMAL_in_term367 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PI_in_term376 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_E_in_term386 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); }