Android Open Source - Widget/view

    1. android-color-picker
      This is a small library for your Android application to enable the users to select an arbitrary color. I've abstracted this to a widget that can be added to any View.
      Score:42 Min SDK:3 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    2. FooterGridViewSpecial
      This project aims to provide a GridView-like widget which can add footer views for Android.
      Score:13 Activity:1 Min SDK:4 Java File:8 Manifest File:2

    3. Android-CepView
      Android Cep View ? um Android UI widget com os principais campos relacionados a endere?o, fornece preenchimento autom?tico dos dados com base no CEP (C?digo de Endere?amento Postal) informado.
      Score:6 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:9 Manifest File:2

    4. PinEntryView
      A pin entry view widget for Android.
      Score:3 Activity:1 Java File:4 Manifest File:2

    5. RaplaPreviewWidget
      A Widget to view Rapla o Android
      Score:1 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:16 Java File:14 Manifest File:2

    6. android-widget-library
      Custom view library.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:2 Manifest File:2