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package com.zepp.frameplayer; // w w w . ja v a2s . co m import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Surface; import static java.lang.Thread.sleep; public class FramePlayer { public interface OnPreparedListener { void onPrepared(FramePlayer fp); } public interface OnVideoSizeChangedListener { void onVideoSizeChanged(FramePlayer fp, int width, int height); } public interface OnErrorListener { boolean onError(FramePlayer fp, int what, int extra); } public interface OnSeekCompleteListener { void onSeekComplete(FramePlayer fp); } public interface OnCompletionListener { void onCompletion(FramePlayer fp); } public interface OnPositionUpdateListener { void onPositionUpdate(FramePlayer fp, int currentPosition); } /** * Create FramePlayer * * @param surface that is used for rendering * @param source that specifies the video path */ public static FramePlayer createPlayer(Surface surface, String source){ try{ FramePlayer player = new FramePlayer(); player.setDataSource(source); player.setSurface(surface); player.prepare(); return player; }catch (Exception e){ return null; } } public static final int FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1; public static final int FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_SERVER_DIED = 100; public static final int FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_IO = -1004; public static final int FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = -1010; public static final int FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_TIMED_OUT = -110; private enum PlayerState{ Idle, Initialized, Preparing, Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped, PlaybackCompleted, End, Error, } private enum MessageType { Play, Pause, Seek, Stop, Reset, Release } private class PlayerMessage { public MessageType messageType; public long content; } private static final int TIMEOUT_USEC = 20000; private static final String TAG = "FramePlayer"; private static final String VIDEO_PREFIX_IN_MIME = "video/"; //region Private members private BufferInfo mCurFrameInfo = new BufferInfo(); // save information of current frame private boolean mIsExtractorReachedEOS; // indicate if reach the end of stream private volatile long mCurPresentationTimeUs; private volatile long mSeekTargetTimeUs; private Object mObjForSeekSync = new Object(); private long mEstimatedKeyframeInterval; private long mIdenticalFrameInterval; private long mLastRenderingTimeUs; private BlockingQueue<PlayerMessage> mCtrlMsgQueue; private MediaExtractor mExtractor; private MediaCodec mDecoder; private Surface mSurface; private Thread mWorkerThread; private Thread mPrepareThread; private String mSource; private volatile PlayerState mState; private volatile boolean mIsStopPlayback; private MediaInfoExtractor.MediaInfo mMediaInfo; private String mMime; private MediaFormat mFormat; private OnPositionUpdateListener mOnPositionUpdateListener; private OnCompletionListener mOnCompletionListener; private OnErrorListener mOnErrorListener; private OnSeekCompleteListener mOnSeekCompleteListener; private OnVideoSizeChangedListener mOnVideoSizeChangedListener; private OnPreparedListener mOnPreparedListener; //endregion //region Constructor public FramePlayer() { mCtrlMsgQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<PlayerMessage>(); changeStateTo(PlayerState.Idle); } //endregion //region Callback public void setOnPositionUpdateListener(OnPositionUpdateListener listener){ mOnPositionUpdateListener = listener; } public void setOnSeekCompleteListener(OnSeekCompleteListener listener){ mOnSeekCompleteListener = listener; } public void setOnCompletionListener(OnCompletionListener listener){ mOnCompletionListener = listener; } public void setOnErrorListener(OnErrorListener listener) { mOnErrorListener = listener; } public void setOnVideoSizeChangedListener(OnVideoSizeChangedListener listener) { mOnVideoSizeChangedListener = listener; } public void setOnPreparedListener(OnPreparedListener listener) { mOnPreparedListener = listener; } //endregion //region Public interface public void setSurface(Surface surface) throws NullPointerException{ if(surface == null){ throw new NullPointerException("Invalid argument."); } mSurface = surface; } public void setDataSource(String source) throws IOException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException{ if(source == null) throw new NullPointerException("The source is null."); if(source.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source cannot be empty."); if(mState != PlayerState.Idle) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set source in current state"); mSource = source; changeStateTo(PlayerState.Initialized); } public void prepareAsync() throws IllegalStateException{ if(mSurface == null){ throw new IllegalStateException("Surface is null, call setSurface first."); } if(mState != PlayerState.Initialized && mState != PlayerState.Stopped){ throw new IllegalStateException("Prepare operation is invalid in current state."); } mPrepareThread = new Thread("PrepareAsnycWorker"){ @Override public void run(){ try { changeStateTo(PlayerState.Preparing); prepareInternal(); }catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); onError(FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_SERVER_DIED, FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_IO); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); onError(FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_SERVER_DIED, FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED); } Log.d(TAG, "[FramePlayer]: prepare thread exited."); } }; mPrepareThread.start(); } public void prepare() throws IllegalStateException, IOException{ if(mSurface == null){ throw new IllegalStateException("Surface is null, call setSurface first."); } if(mState != PlayerState.Initialized && mState != PlayerState.Stopped){ throw new IllegalStateException("Prepare operation is invalid in current state."); } prepareInternal(); } public void start() throws IllegalStateException{ if(mState == PlayerState.Started){ return; } if(mState == PlayerState.Prepared || mState == PlayerState.Paused || mState == PlayerState.PlaybackCompleted){ PlayerMessage message = new PlayerMessage(); message.messageType = MessageType.Play; pushMessage(message); }else{ throw new IllegalStateException(); } } public void stop() throws IllegalStateException { if(mState == PlayerState.Stopped){ return; } if (mState == PlayerState.Prepared || mState == PlayerState.Started || mState == PlayerState.Paused || mState == PlayerState.PlaybackCompleted){ PlayerMessage message = new PlayerMessage(); message.messageType = MessageType.Stop; pushMessage(message); waitAllBGThreadsExit(); }else{ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot change to stopped state."); } } public void pause() throws IllegalStateException{ if(mState == PlayerState.Paused){ return; } if(mState == PlayerState.Started || mState == PlayerState.PlaybackCompleted){ PlayerMessage message = new PlayerMessage(); message.messageType = MessageType.Pause; pushMessage(message); }else{ throw new IllegalStateException(); } } public void seekTo(long msec){ if( !canSeeking() ){ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot handle seeking request in current state."); } long usec = msec * 1000; // to microsecond if(usec < 0){ usec = 0; } else if(usec > mMediaInfo.durationUs){ usec = mMediaInfo.durationUs; } onPositionUpdate(usec); synchronized (mObjForSeekSync){ mSeekTargetTimeUs = usec; PlayerMessage message = new PlayerMessage(); message.messageType = MessageType.Seek; message.content = usec; pushMessage(message); } } public void seekToWithoutCallback(long msec){ if( !canSeeking() ){ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot handle seeking request in current state."); } long usec = msec * 1000; // to microsecond if(usec < 0){ usec = 0; } else if(usec > mMediaInfo.durationUs){ usec = mMediaInfo.durationUs; } synchronized (mObjForSeekSync){ mSeekTargetTimeUs = usec; PlayerMessage message = new PlayerMessage(); message.messageType = MessageType.Seek; message.content = usec; pushMessage(message); } } public void reset(){ if(mState == PlayerState.Idle) return; PlayerMessage message = new PlayerMessage(); message.messageType = MessageType.Reset; pushMessage(message); waitAllBGThreadsExit(); } public void release(){ if(mState == PlayerState.End){ return; } PlayerMessage message = new PlayerMessage(); message.messageType = MessageType.Release; pushMessage(message); waitAllBGThreadsExit(); } public int getVideoWidth(){ if(mMediaInfo != null){ return (int)mMediaInfo.width; } return 0; } public int getVideoHeight(){ if(mMediaInfo != null){ return (int)mMediaInfo.height; } return 0; } public int getVideoRotation(){ if(mMediaInfo != null){ return mMediaInfo.rotation; } return -1; } public long getPerSampleDuration(){ if(mMediaInfo != null){ return (int)mMediaInfo.perFrameDurationUs / 1000; // to millisecond } return -1; } public long getDuration(){ if(mMediaInfo != null){ return (int)mMediaInfo.durationUs / 1000; // to millisecond } return -1; } public long getCurrentPosition(){ return Math.max(mCurPresentationTimeUs / 1000, 0); } public boolean isReachEOS(){return isDecoderReachEOS();} public boolean isPlaying(){ return mState == PlayerState.Started; } //endregion //region Private methods private void onError(int what, int extra){ if(mOnErrorListener != null && mOnErrorListener.onError(this, what, extra)){ return; } changeStateTo(PlayerState.Error); } private void prepareInternal() throws IOException{ mMediaInfo = MediaInfoExtractor.extract(mSource); mEstimatedKeyframeInterval = mMediaInfo.perFrameDurationUs * mMediaInfo.fps; mIdenticalFrameInterval = (long)(mMediaInfo.perFrameDurationUs * 0.5); mExtractor = new MediaExtractor(); mExtractor.setDataSource(mSource); int videoTrackIndex = selectVideoTrack(mExtractor); if(videoTrackIndex < 0) throw new IOException("Can't find video info!"); mExtractor.selectTrack(videoTrackIndex); mFormat = mExtractor.getTrackFormat(videoTrackIndex); // the MediaCodec has build-in support for rotation from 5.0, but we want to do this by ourselves for // better control of UI layout. So we set the rotation to 0 to tell MediaCodec don't do anything with rotation. try{ Integer rotation = mFormat.getInteger("rotation-degrees"); mFormat.setInteger("rotation-degrees", 0); }catch (Exception ex){} mMime = mFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME); restartDecoder(); resetPositionInfo(); mIsStopPlayback = false; mWorkerThread = new Thread("FramePlayerThread"){ @Override public void run() { try { workLoop(); }catch (InterruptedException ie){ ie.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); onError(FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_SERVER_DIED, FRAMEPLAYER_ERROR_UNKNOWN); assert false; } Log.d(TAG, "exit playback loop."); } }; mWorkerThread.start(); changeStateTo(PlayerState.Prepared); } private void restartDecoder() { if(mDecoder != null){ mDecoder.stop(); mDecoder.release(); mDecoder = null; } mDecoder = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(mMime); mDecoder.configure(mFormat, mSurface, null, 0); mDecoder.start(); } private int selectVideoTrack(MediaExtractor extractor){ for (int i = 0; i < extractor.getTrackCount(); i++) { MediaFormat format = extractor.getTrackFormat(i); String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME); if (mime.startsWith(VIDEO_PREFIX_IN_MIME)) { return i; } } return -1; } private void extractorSeekTo(long timestamp, int seekFlag){ mExtractor.seekTo(timestamp, seekFlag); mIsExtractorReachedEOS = false; } private void workLoop() throws InterruptedException{ while (canLoopContinue()) { PlayerMessage message = mCtrlMsgQueue.poll(); if(message == null){ if(mState == PlayerState.Started){ playback(); continue; } // in pause state, wait for command message = mCtrlMsgQueue.take(); } if(message.messageType == MessageType.Seek) { PlayerMessage nextMessage = mCtrlMsgQueue.peek(); if (nextMessage != null && nextMessage.messageType == MessageType.Seek) { if(nextMessage.content < message.content) continue; // only ignore pending back seeking message. } } processMessage(message); } } private void putOneFrameToDecoder() { if (mIsExtractorReachedEOS) return; ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers = mDecoder.getInputBuffers(); int inIndex = mDecoder.dequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC); if (inIndex >= 0) { ByteBuffer buffer = inputBuffers[inIndex]; int sampleSize = mExtractor.readSampleData(buffer, 0); if (sampleSize < 0) { Log.d(TAG, "InputBuffer BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM"); mDecoder.queueInputBuffer(inIndex, 0, 0, 0, MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM); mIsExtractorReachedEOS = true; } else { mDecoder.queueInputBuffer(inIndex, 0, sampleSize, mExtractor.getSampleTime(), 0); mExtractor.advance(); } } } private int takeOneFrameFromDecoder() { int outIndex = mDecoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(mCurFrameInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC); switch (outIndex) { case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED: Log.d(TAG, "INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED"); break; case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED: MediaFormat newFormat = mDecoder.getOutputFormat(); Log.d(TAG, "New format " + newFormat); break; case MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER: break; default: break; } return outIndex; } private boolean canLoopContinue(){ return !mIsStopPlayback; } private boolean canSeeking(){ return ( mState == PlayerState.Prepared || mState == PlayerState.Started || mState == PlayerState.Paused || mState == PlayerState.PlaybackCompleted); } private boolean currentFrameIsTargetFrame(long currentTimestamp, long targetTimestamp){ return Math.abs(currentTimestamp - targetTimestamp) < mIdenticalFrameInterval; } private boolean isDecoderReachEOS(){ return ((mCurFrameInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0); } private void resetPositionInfo() { mCurPresentationTimeUs = Integer.MIN_VALUE; mCurFrameInfo = new BufferInfo(); onPositionUpdate(0); } private void pushMessage(PlayerMessage message) { try { mCtrlMsgQueue.put(message); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void processMessage(PlayerMessage message){ switch (message.messageType){ case Pause: pauseInternal(); break; case Play: startInternal(); break; case Seek: seekInternal(message.content); break; case Stop: stopInternal(); break; case Reset: resetInternal(); break; case Release: releaseInternal(); break; default: assert false; break; } } private void onPlaybackComplete(){ mCurPresentationTimeUs = mMediaInfo.durationUs; onPositionUpdate(mCurPresentationTimeUs); changeStateTo(PlayerState.PlaybackCompleted); } private void changeStateTo(PlayerState state){ mState = state; switch (mState){ case PlaybackCompleted: onCompletion(); break; case Prepared: onPrepared(); break; default: return; } } private void onPositionUpdate(long currentPosition){ if(mOnPositionUpdateListener != null){ mOnPositionUpdateListener.onPositionUpdate(this, (int)currentPosition/1000); // to millisecond } } private void onCompletion(){ if(mOnCompletionListener != null) mOnCompletionListener.onCompletion(this); } private void onPrepared(){ if(mOnPreparedListener != null) mOnPreparedListener.onPrepared(this); } //endregion //region Internal operations private void playback(){ // two cases: 1. play to EOS. 2. user seek to EOS. if(isDecoderReachEOS()){ onPlaybackComplete(); }else{ long prevFrameTime = mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs; putOneFrameToDecoder(); int bufferIndex = takeOneFrameFromDecoder(); if(bufferIndex >= 0){ long elapsedUs = System.nanoTime() / 1000 - mLastRenderingTimeUs; long timeToBeWait = (mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs - (prevFrameTime + elapsedUs)) / 1000; if (timeToBeWait > 0) { try { sleep(timeToBeWait); }catch (InterruptedException iex){} // safe ignore } mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(bufferIndex, true); mLastRenderingTimeUs = System.nanoTime() / 1000; if(isDecoderReachEOS()){ onPlaybackComplete(); }else{ mCurPresentationTimeUs = mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs; onPositionUpdate(mCurPresentationTimeUs); } } } } private void seekInternal(long timestamp){ if(currentFrameIsTargetFrame(mCurPresentationTimeUs, timestamp)){ return; } // we can think that the seeking is atomical, so we set mCurPresentationTimeUs to target timestamp first // to make getCurrentPosition return right value mCurPresentationTimeUs = timestamp; long seekInterval = timestamp - mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs; // in some devices, the presentation time of last decoded frame will be set to 0. for // this case, we need do seeking too. if(seekInterval < 0 || (isDecoderReachEOS() && mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs == 0)) { // back seeking extractorSeekTo(timestamp, MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS_SYNC); // there is a bug in MediaCodec now, you need to create a new decoder if the stream reached the end. // Or the decoder cannot generate output after several seeking. if(isDecoderReachEOS()){ restartDecoder(); }else{ mDecoder.flush(); } }else{ //should forward seeking if(isDecoderReachEOS()) // already reach EOS. return; // only do forward seeking if the request timestamp advanced the presentation time of next key frame. if(seekInterval > mEstimatedKeyframeInterval){ extractorSeekTo(timestamp, MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS_SYNC); mDecoder.flush(); } } while (canLoopContinue()){ putOneFrameToDecoder(); int bufferIndex = takeOneFrameFromDecoder(); if( bufferIndex >= 0 ) { boolean seekCompleted = false; // target frame is found. synchronized (mObjForSeekSync){ if (currentFrameIsTargetFrame(mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs, mSeekTargetTimeUs)) { while (true) { PlayerMessage message = mCtrlMsgQueue.peek(); if (message != null && message.messageType == MessageType.Seek && message.content > mSeekTargetTimeUs){ mCtrlMsgQueue.poll(); }else{ break; } } mCurPresentationTimeUs = mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs; seekCompleted = true; } } if(!seekCompleted){ if(currentFrameIsTargetFrame(mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs, timestamp)){ mCurPresentationTimeUs = mCurFrameInfo.presentationTimeUs; seekCompleted = true; }else if(isDecoderReachEOS()){ mCurPresentationTimeUs = mMediaInfo.durationUs; seekCompleted = true; } } if(seekCompleted){ // onPositionUpdate(mCurPresentationTimeUs); mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(bufferIndex, true); if(mOnSeekCompleteListener != null) mOnSeekCompleteListener.onSeekComplete(this); return; }else{ mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(bufferIndex, false); // don't render to surface } } } } private void pauseInternal(){ changeStateTo(PlayerState.Paused); } private void startInternal(){ if(isDecoderReachEOS()){ Log.d(TAG, "Play from beginning"); extractorSeekTo(0, MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_CLOSEST_SYNC); restartDecoder(); resetPositionInfo(); } changeStateTo(PlayerState.Started); } private void stopInternal(){ stopComponent(); changeStateTo(PlayerState.Stopped); } private void resetInternal(){ stopComponent(); resetStuff(); changeStateTo(PlayerState.Idle); } private void releaseInternal(){ resetInternal(); changeStateTo(PlayerState.End); } private void stopComponent(){ mIsStopPlayback = true; if(mPrepareThread != null){ mPrepareThread.interrupt(); } if(mWorkerThread != null){ mWorkerThread.interrupt(); } if(mDecoder!=null) { mDecoder.stop(); mDecoder.release(); mDecoder = null; } if(mExtractor!=null){ mExtractor.release(); mExtractor = null; } mCtrlMsgQueue.clear(); mMediaInfo = null; } private void resetStuff(){ mSource = ""; mOnCompletionListener = null; mOnSeekCompleteListener = null; mOnErrorListener = null; } private void waitAllBGThreadsExit(){ try{ if(mPrepareThread !=null){ mPrepareThread.join(); mPrepareThread = null; Log.d(TAG, "[FramePlayer]: prepare thread join done."); } }catch (Exception ex){} try{ mWorkerThread.join(); mWorkerThread = null; Log.d(TAG, "[FramePlayer]: worker thread join done."); }catch (Exception ex){} } //endregion }