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package com.ngm.explaintome; /* ww w . ja va 2s.c om*/ import; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.MediaController; import android.widget.Toast; import android.widget.VideoView; import; import; import; import; public class ExplainActivity extends BaseActivity { private static final int REQUEST_CODE = 0x998; private static final String TAG = ExplainActivity.class.getSimpleName(); private VideoState videoState = new VideoState(); private final android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener enterTitleDialogClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { AlertDialog dialog2 = (AlertDialog) dialog; switch (which) { case Dialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE: videoState.getVideo().setTitle(((EditText) dialog2.findViewById(; break; case Dialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: videoState.getVideo().setDescription(((EditText) dialog2.findViewById(; break; default: break; } } }; private final android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener enterQuestionDialogClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) { AlertDialog dialog = (AlertDialog) arg0; switch (arg1) { case Dialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE: arg0.dismiss();; Question question = new Question(); question.setQuestionType(; question.setTimestamp(videoState.getVideoView().getCurrentPosition()); EditText inputQuestion = ((EditText) dialog.findViewById(; question.setText(inputQuestion.getText().toString()); Answer answer1 = new Answer(); Answer answer2 = new Answer(); Answer answer3 = new Answer(); Answer answer4 = new Answer(); final String text1 = ((EditText) dialog.findViewById(; final String text2 = ((EditText) dialog.findViewById(; final String text3 = ((EditText) dialog.findViewById(; final String text4 = ((EditText) dialog.findViewById(; final boolean checked1 = ((CheckBox) dialog.findViewById(; final boolean checked2 = ((CheckBox) dialog.findViewById(; final boolean checked3 = ((CheckBox) dialog.findViewById(; final boolean checked4 = ((CheckBox) dialog.findViewById(; answer1.setText(text1); answer2.setText(text2); answer3.setText(text3); answer4.setText(text4); question.getAnswers().add(answer1); question.getAnswers().add(answer2); question.getAnswers().add(answer3); question.getAnswers().add(answer4); if (checked1) question.setCorrectAnswer(answer1); if (checked2) question.setCorrectAnswer(answer2); if (checked3) question.setCorrectAnswer(answer3); if (checked4) question.setCorrectAnswer(answer4); videoState.getVideo().getQuestions().add(question); break; case Dialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: arg0.dismiss();; break; default: break; } } }; private final OnClickListener buttonClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case createModalDialog().show(); videoState.pause(); break; case finish(); default: break; } } private Dialog createModalDialog() { final String textAt = ExplainActivity.this.getString(R.string.dialog_video_at); final int position = videoState.getVideoView().getCurrentPosition() / 1000; final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ExplainActivity.this); builder.setTitle(textAt + " " + String.format("%02d", position / 60) + ":" + String.format("%02d", position % 60)); LinearLayout inflate = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(ExplainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.dialog_layout_question, null); OnCheckedChangeListener onCheckedChangeListener = new OnCheckedChangeListener() { @Override public void onCheckedChanged(final CompoundButton buttonView, final boolean isChecked) { if (isChecked) ((View) buttonView.getParent()).setBackgroundColor(0x70007000); else { ((View) buttonView.getParent()).setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } } }; attachToEveryCheckBox(inflate, onCheckedChangeListener); builder.setView(inflate); builder.setPositiveButton("OK", enterQuestionDialogClickListener); builder.setNegativeButton("?????????", enterQuestionDialogClickListener); return builder.create(); } private void attachToEveryCheckBox(ViewGroup inflate, OnCheckedChangeListener onCheckedChangeListener) { for (int i = 0; i < inflate.getChildCount(); i++) { View childAt = inflate.getChildAt(i); if (childAt instanceof CheckBox) { ((CheckBox) childAt).setOnCheckedChangeListener(onCheckedChangeListener); } if (childAt instanceof ViewGroup) { attachToEveryCheckBox((ViewGroup) childAt, onCheckedChangeListener); } childAt.setOnClickListener(buttonClickListener); } } }; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_explain); findViewById(; findViewById(; VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(; videoState.setVideoView(videoView); Log.d(TAG, videoState.toString()); final boolean fromFirstActivity = getIntent().hasExtra("fromFirst"); getIntent().removeExtra("fromFirst"); // at the end of the queue! if (fromFirstActivity) { Intent multiChoiceIntent = createIntentChooser(); startActivityForResult(multiChoiceIntent, REQUEST_CODE); } } private Intent createIntentChooser() { Intent videoCaptureIntent = createRecordIntent(); final boolean hasCameraApp = videoCaptureIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null; if (!hasCameraApp) { toast("Wow! It seems you have somehow deleted your video taking app, well done!"); } Intent videoFromGallery = createGalleryIntent(); // XXX fixme text out of strings.xml Intent chooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(videoCaptureIntent, "Capture or pick from Gallery?"); chooserIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS, new Intent[] { videoFromGallery }); return chooserIntent; } private Intent createGalleryIntent() { Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI); i.setType("video/mpeg"); return i; } private Intent createRecordIntent() { Intent takeVideoIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE); // fix for a horrible 4.3 bug // if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) { File videoFile = generateVideoPath(); takeVideoIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile(videoFile)); // } return takeVideoIntent; } private File generateVideoPath() { final String videoTitle = "ExplainIt_video" + ".mp4"; final File galleryPath = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM); File videoFile = new File(galleryPath, videoTitle); return videoFile; } private void toast(String what) { Toast.makeText(this, what, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { Uri videoUri = data.getData(); onVideoReceived(videoUri); } else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { onCancelled(); } else { toast("Unknown error! Please check logs!"); } } } private void onCancelled() { videoState.cancel(); // toast("Cancelled"); // finish(); } private void onVideoReceived(final Uri videoUri) { AlertDialog dialog = createTitleDescriptionDialog(); dialog.setOnDismissListener(new OnDismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss(DialogInterface arg0) { // if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == // Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) { videoState.onVideoReceived(Uri.fromFile(generateVideoPath())); /* * } else { videoState.onVideoReceived(videoUri); } */ } });; } private AlertDialog createTitleDescriptionDialog() { final String textAt = ExplainActivity.this.getString(R.string.dialog_title_title); final int position = videoState.getVideoView().getCurrentPosition() / 1000; final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ExplainActivity.this); builder.setTitle(textAt + " " + String.format("%02d", position / 60) + ":" + String.format("%02d", position % 60)); LinearLayout inflate = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(ExplainActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.dialog_layout_title, null); builder.setView(inflate); builder.setPositiveButton("OK", enterTitleDialogClickListener); builder.setNegativeButton("?????", enterTitleDialogClickListener); return builder.create(); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } private class VideoState { private Video video = new Video(); private VideoView videoView; private boolean isCancelled; private Uri videoUri; public void setVideoView(VideoView v) { this.videoView = v; } public void onVideoReceived(Uri videoUri2) { setVideoUri(videoUri2); videoView.setMediaController(new MediaController(ExplainActivity.this)); play(); // Video video = new Video(); // video.setUri(videoUri.toString()); // // // TODO UI for title and description // video.setTitle("title"); // video.setDescription("description"); // // final ArrayList<Question> questions = new ArrayList<Question>(); // for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // final Question question = new Question(); // question.setTimestamp((long) (Math.random() * 100000)); // question.setText("Question number " + i); // final List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<Answer>(); // for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // Answer answer = new Answer(); // answer.setText("Answer number " + j + ""); // // answers.add(answer); // } // // question.setAnswers(answers); // question.setCorrectAnswer(answers.get(2)); // question.setQuestionType(; // // questions.add(question); // } // // video.setQuestions(questions); // // final ArrayList<Tag> tagList = new ArrayList<Tag>(); // Tag logichesko = new Tag(); // logichesko.setName("logichesko"); // // Tag chislen = new Tag(); // chislen.setName("Chislen"); // // Tag algebra = new Tag(); // algebra.setName("Visha algebra"); // // tagList.add(logichesko); // tagList.add(chislen); // tagList.add(algebra); // // video.setTags(tagList); // // RestActions restActions = new RestActionsImpl(new RestConfig()); // restActions.postVideo(video, new Callback<Video>() { // // @Override // public void call(Video result) { // Log.d(TAG, result.toString()); // } // }); Log.d(TAG, videoUri.toString()); } public VideoView getVideoView() { return videoView; } public void play() { videoView.start(); } public void pause() { videoView.pause(); } public Video getVideo() { return video; } public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) { this.isCancelled = cancelled; } public void cancel() { setCancelled(true); } public void setVideoUri(Uri videoUri) { // FIXME keeping URI in two places, not sure if it will be seemless // to remove one of them... this.videoUri = videoUri; videoView.setVideoPath(videoUri.toString()); video.setUri(videoUri.toString()); } public boolean isCancelled() { return isCancelled; } public boolean hasVideo() { return videoUri != null; } @Override public String toString() { return "VideoFetchingState [videoUri=" + videoUri + ", isCancelled=" + isCancelled + "]"; } } }