Android Open Source - AndroidAmazingListView Amazing Adapter

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Java Source Code

package com.foound.widget;
//from  w  w  w .j a  v a2 s.  co  m

import android.view.*;
    import android.widget.*;
    import android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener;

public abstract class AmazingAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements SectionIndexer, OnScrollListener {
  public static final String TAG = AmazingAdapter.class.getSimpleName();

  public interface HasMorePagesListener {
    void noMorePages();
    void mayHaveMorePages();

   * The <em>current</em> page, not the page that is going to be loaded.
  int page = 1;
  int initialPage = 1;
  boolean automaticNextPageLoading = false;
  HasMorePagesListener hasMorePagesListener;

  void setHasMorePagesListener(HasMorePagesListener hasMorePagesListener) {
    this.hasMorePagesListener = hasMorePagesListener;

   * Pinned header state: don't show the header.
  public static final int PINNED_HEADER_GONE = 0;

   * Pinned header state: show the header at the top of the list.
  public static final int PINNED_HEADER_VISIBLE = 1;

   * Pinned header state: show the header. If the header extends beyond
   * the bottom of the first shown element, push it up and clip.
  public static final int PINNED_HEADER_PUSHED_UP = 2;

   * Computes the desired state of the pinned header for the given
   * position of the first visible list item. Allowed return values are
  public int getPinnedHeaderState(int position) {
    if (position < 0 || getCount() == 0) {
      return PINNED_HEADER_GONE;

    // The header should get pushed up if the top item shown
    // is the last item in a section for a particular letter.
    int section = getSectionForPosition(position);
    int nextSectionPosition = getPositionForSection(section + 1);
    if (nextSectionPosition != -1 && position == nextSectionPosition - 1) {


   * Sets the initial page when {@link #resetPage()} is called.
   * Default is 1 (for APIs with 1-based page number).
  public void setInitialPage(int initialPage) {
    this.initialPage = initialPage;

   * Resets the current page to the page specified in {@link #setInitialPage(int)}.
  public void resetPage() { = this.initialPage;

   * Increases the current page number.
  public void nextPage() {;

  public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
    if (view instanceof AmazingListView) {
      ((AmazingListView) view).configureHeaderView(firstVisibleItem);

  public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
    // nop

  public final View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    View res = getAmazingView(position, convertView, parent);

    if (position == getCount() - 1 && automaticNextPageLoading) {
      onNextPageRequested(page + 1);

    final int section = getSectionForPosition(position);
    boolean displaySectionHeaders = (getPositionForSection(section) == position);

    bindSectionHeader(res, position, displaySectionHeaders);

    return res;

  public void notifyNoMorePages() {
    automaticNextPageLoading = false;
    if (hasMorePagesListener != null) hasMorePagesListener.noMorePages();

  public void notifyMayHaveMorePages() {
    automaticNextPageLoading = true;
    if (hasMorePagesListener != null) hasMorePagesListener.mayHaveMorePages();

   * The last item on the list is requested to be seen, so do the request
   * and call {@link AmazingListView#tellNoMoreData()} if there is no more pages.
   * @param page the page number to load.
  protected abstract void onNextPageRequested(int page);

   * Configure the view (a listview item) to display headers or not based on displaySectionHeader
   * (e.g. if displaySectionHeader header.setVisibility(VISIBLE) else header.setVisibility(GONE)).
  protected abstract void bindSectionHeader(View view, int position, boolean displaySectionHeader);

   * read: get view too
  public abstract View getAmazingView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent);

   * Configures the pinned header view to match the first visible list item.
   * @param header pinned header view.
   * @param position position of the first visible list item.
   * @param alpha fading of the header view, between 0 and 255.
  public abstract void configurePinnedHeader(View header, int position, int alpha);

  public abstract int getPositionForSection(int section);

  public abstract int getSectionForPosition(int position);

  public abstract Object[] getSections();

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