Android Open Source - Leavemealone Holo Circular Progress Bar

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Java Source Code

package qg.adrian.leavemealone;
//from ww  w.j a v a 2 s.c  om

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;

 * The Class HoloCircularProgressBar.
 * @author Pascal.Welsch
 * @since 05.03.2013
 * @version 1.1 (12.10.2013)
public class HoloCircularProgressBar extends View {

     * The Constant TAG.
    private static final String TAG = HoloCircularProgressBar.class.getSimpleName();

     * used to save the super state on configuration change
    private static final String INSTNACE_STATE_SAVEDSTATE = "saved_state";

     * used to save the progress on configuration changes
    private static final String INSTNACE_STATE_PROGRESS = "progress";

     * used to save the marker progress on configuration changes
    private static final String INSTNACE_STATE_MARKER_PROGRESS = "marker_progress";

     * used to save the background color of the progress
    private static final String INSTNACE_STATE_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "progress_background_color";

     * used to save the color of the progress
    private static final String INSTNACE_STATE_PROGRESS_COLOR = "progress_color";

     * true if not all properties are set. then the view isn't drawn and there
     * are no errors in the LayoutEditor
    private boolean mIsInitializing = true;

     * the paint for the background.
    private Paint mBackgroundColorPaint = new Paint();

     * The stroke width used to paint the circle.
    private int mCircleStrokeWidth = 10;

     * The pointer width (in pixels).
    private int mThumbRadius = 20;

     * The rectangle enclosing the circle.
    private final RectF mCircleBounds = new RectF();

     * Radius of the circle
     * <p>
     * Note: (Re)calculated in {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}.
     * </p>
    private float mRadius;

     * the color of the progress.
    private int mProgressColor;

     * paint for the progress.
    private Paint mProgressColorPaint;

     * The color of the progress background.
    private int mProgressBackgroundColor;

     * The current progress.
    private float mProgress = 0.3f;

     * The Thumb color paint.
    private Paint mThumbColorPaint = new Paint();

     * The Marker progress.
    private float mMarkerProgress = 0.0f;

     * The Marker color paint.
    private Paint mMarkerColorPaint;

     * flag if the marker should be visible
    private boolean mIsMarkerEnabled = false;

     * The gravity of the view. Where should the Circle be drawn within the
     * given bounds
     * {@link #computeInsets(int, int)}
    private final int mGravity;

     * The Horizontal inset calcualted in {@link #computeInsets(int, int)}
     * depends on {@link #mGravity}.
    private int mHorizontalInset = 0;

     * The Vertical inset calcualted in {@link #computeInsets(int, int)} depends
     * on {@link #mGravity}..
    private int mVerticalInset = 0;

     * The Translation offset x which gives us the ability to use our own
     * coordinates system.
    private float mTranslationOffsetX;

     * The Translation offset y which gives us the ability to use our own
     * coordinates system.
    private float mTranslationOffsetY;

     * The Thumb pos x.
     * Care. the position is not the position of the rotated thumb. The position
     * is only calculated in {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}
    private float mThumbPosX;

     * The Thumb pos y.
     * Care. the position is not the position of the rotated thumb. The position
     * is only calculated in {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}
    private float mThumbPosY;

     * the overdraw is true if the progress is over 1.0.
    private boolean mOverrdraw = false;

     * the rect for the thumb square
    private final RectF mSquareRect = new RectF();

     * indicates if the thumb is visible
    private boolean mIsThumbEnabled = true;

     * Instantiates a new holo circular progress bar.
     * @param context
     *            the context
    public HoloCircularProgressBar(final Context context) {
        this(context, null);

     * Instantiates a new holo circular progress bar.
     * @param context
     *            the context
     * @param attrs
     *            the attrs
    public HoloCircularProgressBar(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, R.attr.circularProgressBarStyle);

     * Instantiates a new holo circular progress bar.
     * @param context
     *            the context
     * @param attrs
     *            the attrs
     * @param defStyle
     *            the def style
    public HoloCircularProgressBar(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs, final int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

        // load the styled attributes and set their properties
        final TypedArray attributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.HoloCircularProgressBar,
                defStyle, 0);

        setProgressColor(attributes.getColor(R.styleable.HoloCircularProgressBar_progress_color, Color.CYAN));
        setProgress(attributes.getFloat(R.styleable.HoloCircularProgressBar_progress, 0.0f));
        setMarkerProgress(attributes.getFloat(R.styleable.HoloCircularProgressBar_marker_progress, 0.0f));
        setWheelSize((int) attributes.getDimension(R.styleable.HoloCircularProgressBar_stroke_width, 10));
        mIsThumbEnabled = attributes.getBoolean(R.styleable.HoloCircularProgressBar_thumb_visible, true);
        mIsMarkerEnabled = attributes.getBoolean(R.styleable.HoloCircularProgressBar_marker_visible, true);

        mGravity = attributes.getInt(R.styleable.HoloCircularProgressBar_android_gravity, Gravity.CENTER);


        mThumbRadius = mCircleStrokeWidth * 2;




        // the view has now all properties and can be drawn
        mIsInitializing = false;


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see android.view.View#onDraw(
    protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) {

        // All of our positions are using our internal coordinate system.
        // Instead of translating
        // them we let Canvas do the work for us.
        canvas.translate(mTranslationOffsetX, mTranslationOffsetY);

        final float progressRotation = getCurrentRotation();

        // draw the background
        if (!mOverrdraw) {
            canvas.drawArc(mCircleBounds, 270, -(360 - progressRotation), false, mBackgroundColorPaint);

        // draw the progress or a full circle if overdraw is true
        canvas.drawArc(mCircleBounds, 270, mOverrdraw ? 360 : progressRotation, false, mProgressColorPaint);

        // draw the marker at the correct rotated position
        if (mIsMarkerEnabled) {
            final float markerRotation = getMarkerRotation();

            canvas.rotate(markerRotation - 90);
            canvas.drawLine((float) (mThumbPosX + mThumbRadius / 2 * 1.4), mThumbPosY,
                    (float) (mThumbPosX - mThumbRadius / 2 * 1.4), mThumbPosY, mMarkerColorPaint);

        if (isThumbEnabled()) {
            // draw the thumb square at the correct rotated position
            canvas.rotate(progressRotation - 90);
            // rotate the square by 45 degrees
            canvas.rotate(45, mThumbPosX, mThumbPosY);
            mSquareRect.left = mThumbPosX - mThumbRadius / 3;
            mSquareRect.right = mThumbPosX + mThumbRadius / 3;
   = mThumbPosY - mThumbRadius / 3;
            mSquareRect.bottom = mThumbPosY + mThumbRadius / 3;
            canvas.drawRect(mSquareRect, mThumbColorPaint);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see android.view.View#onMeasure(int, int)
    protected void onMeasure(final int widthMeasureSpec, final int heightMeasureSpec) {
        final int height = getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumHeight(), heightMeasureSpec);
        final int width = getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumWidth(), widthMeasureSpec);
        final int min = Math.min(width, height);
        setMeasuredDimension(min, height);

        final float halfWidth = min * 0.5f;
        mRadius = halfWidth - mThumbRadius;

        mCircleBounds.set(-mRadius, -mRadius, mRadius, mRadius);

        mThumbPosX = (float) (mRadius * Math.cos(0));
        mThumbPosY = (float) (mRadius * Math.sin(0));
        computeInsets(width - min, height - min);

        mTranslationOffsetX = halfWidth + mHorizontalInset;
        mTranslationOffsetY = halfWidth + mVerticalInset;


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see android.view.View#onRestoreInstanceState(android.os.Parcelable)
    protected void onRestoreInstanceState(final Parcelable state) {
        if (state instanceof Bundle) {
            final Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state;

            final int progressColor = bundle.getInt(INSTNACE_STATE_PROGRESS_COLOR);
            if (progressColor != mProgressColor) {
                mProgressColor = progressColor;

            final int progressBackgroundColor = bundle.getInt(INSTNACE_STATE_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
            if (progressBackgroundColor != mProgressBackgroundColor) {
                mProgressBackgroundColor = progressBackgroundColor;



     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see android.view.View#onSaveInstanceState()
    protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
        final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putParcelable(INSTNACE_STATE_SAVEDSTATE, super.onSaveInstanceState());
        bundle.putFloat(INSTNACE_STATE_PROGRESS, mProgress);
        bundle.putFloat(INSTNACE_STATE_MARKER_PROGRESS, mMarkerProgress);
        bundle.putInt(INSTNACE_STATE_PROGRESS_COLOR, mProgressColor);
        bundle.putInt(INSTNACE_STATE_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND_COLOR, mProgressBackgroundColor);
        return bundle;

     * Compute insets.
     * <pre>
     *  ______________________
     * |_________dx/2_________|
     * |......| /'''''\|......|
     * |-dx/2-|| View ||-dx/2-|
     * |______| \_____/|______|
     * |________ dx/2_________|
     * </pre>
     * @param dx
     *            the dx the horizontal unfilled space
     * @param dy
     *            the dy the horizontal unfilled space
    private void computeInsets(final int dx, final int dy) {
        final int layoutDirection;
        int absoluteGravity = mGravity;
            layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection();
            absoluteGravity = Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(mGravity, layoutDirection);

        switch (absoluteGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
            case Gravity.LEFT:
                mHorizontalInset = 0;
            case Gravity.RIGHT:
                mHorizontalInset = dx;
            case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
                mHorizontalInset = dx / 2;
        switch (absoluteGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
            case Gravity.TOP:
                mVerticalInset = 0;
            case Gravity.BOTTOM:
                mVerticalInset = dy;
            case Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL:
                mVerticalInset = dy / 2;

     * Gets the current rotation.
     * @return the current rotation
    private float getCurrentRotation() {
        return 360 * mProgress;

     * Gets the marker rotation.
     * @return the marker rotation
    private float getMarkerRotation() {

        return 360 * mMarkerProgress;

     * Sets the wheel size.
     * @param dimension
     *            the new wheel size
    private void setWheelSize(final int dimension) {
        mCircleStrokeWidth = dimension;

     * updates the paint of the background
    private void updateBackgroundColor() {
        mBackgroundColorPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);


     * updates the paint of the marker
    private void updateMarkerColor() {
        mMarkerColorPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
        mMarkerColorPaint.setStrokeWidth(mCircleStrokeWidth / 2);


     * updates the paint of the progress and the thumb to give them a new visual
     * style
    private void updateProgressColor() {
        mProgressColorPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);

        mThumbColorPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);


     * similar to {@link }
     * @return
    public float getMarkerProgress() {
        return mMarkerProgress;

     * gives the current progress of the ProgressBar. Value between 0..1 if you
     * set the progress to >1 you'll get progress % 1 as return value
     * @return the progress
    public float getProgress() {
        return mProgress;

     * Gets the progress color.
     * @return the progress color
    public int getProgressColor() {
        return mProgressColor;

     * @return true if the marker is visible
    public boolean isMarkerEnabled() {
        return mIsMarkerEnabled;

     * @return true if the marker is visible
    public boolean isThumbEnabled() {
        return mIsThumbEnabled;

     * Sets the marker enabled.
     * @param enabled
     *            the new marker enabled
    public void setMarkerEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
        mIsMarkerEnabled = enabled;

     * Sets the marker progress.
     * @param progress
     *            the new marker progress
    public void setMarkerProgress(final float progress) {
        mIsMarkerEnabled = true;
        mMarkerProgress = progress;

     * Sets the progress.
     * @param progress
     *            the new progress
    public void setProgress(final float progress) {
        if (progress == mProgress) {

        if (progress == 1) {
            mOverrdraw = false;
            mProgress = 1;
        } else {

            if (progress >= 1) {
                mOverrdraw = true;
            } else {
                mOverrdraw = false;

            mProgress = progress % 1.0f;

        if (!mIsInitializing) {

     * Sets the progress background color.
     * @param color
     *            the new progress background color
    public void setProgressBackgroundColor(final int color) {
        mProgressBackgroundColor = color;


     * Sets the progress color.
     * @param color
     *            the new progress color
    public void setProgressColor(final int color) {
        mProgressColor = color;


    public void setThumbEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
        mIsThumbEnabled = enabled;


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