Android Open Source - wtui F S M

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Java Source Code

 * //w  w w .ja  v a 2  s  . c  om
package com.example.wtui;

import java.util.HashMap;
import android.util.Pair;

 * @author Raiyan Kamal ( )
 * @since 2013 10 28
 * Holds the FSM for generic walkie talkie app.
 * The state transformation of the application is implemented with a finite state machine.
 * The FSM is implemented in this class. The transition table is hardcoded by storing
 * <state, signal> pairs hashed against state values in a hashtable.
 * <p>
 * A singleton instance of the class should be instantiated at the beginning of an activity 
 * to ensure access to the table.
public class FSM {

   * Indicates error. This state is reached when irrecoverable error occurs.
  public static final int ERROR_STATE   =-1 ;
  public static final int EXIT_STATE     =-2 ;
  public static final int NO_STATE     = 0 ;
  public static final int IDLE       = 1 ;
  public static final int RECEIVING     = 2 ;
  public static final int TRANSMITTING   = 3 ;
  //symbols :
  public static final int LAUNCH   = 1 ;
  public static final int RX     = 2 ;
  public static final int TX     = 3 ;
  public static final int TX_END   = 4 ;
  public static final int RX_END   = 5 ;
  public static final int EXIT   = 6 ;  

   * The encoded transition table
  private static HashMap<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Integer> Q ;

   * The constructor of the FSM
  private FSM() {

    Q = new HashMap<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Integer>() ;
    Q.put(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(NO_STATE,LAUNCH), IDLE);
    Q.put(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(IDLE,RX), RECEIVING);
    Q.put(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(IDLE,TX), TRANSMITTING);
    Q.put(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(IDLE,EXIT), EXIT_STATE);
    Q.put(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(RECEIVING,RX_END), IDLE);

    Q.put(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(TRANSMITTING,TX_END), IDLE);

   * The state transition is implemented in this function
   * @param q Previous state
   * @param a Signal
   * @return Next state or ERROR_STATE if the transition cannot be carried out
  static public int transition(int q, int a) {
    int state = ERROR_STATE ;
    try {
      state = Q.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(q,a));
    } catch(Exception e) {
      WTActivity.writeDebug("Please initialize FSM before using");
    return state ;

  private static FSM fsm;
   * Initializes a singleton instance of the class
  static public void initialize() {
    fsm = new FSM();

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