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/** Circular Timer * Written by Rohit/* w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * Jul 8, 2014 */ package com.rohitbhoompally.elements.circularcdt; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.CountDownTimer; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; public class CircularTimer extends View { // Default values for variables private int layout_height = 0; private int layout_width = 0; private int rimThickness = 15; private int rimDefaultColor = 0xAEF7F7F7; private int rimFillColor = 0xAFBFFF00; private int timeMinuteColor = 0xEEBAFF0A; private int timeSecondColor = 0xEEBAFF0A; private int timeUnitsTextColor = 0xAEAEAEAE; private int shadowColor = 0xEED3D3D3; private int timerEndedColor = 0xA0E50000; private boolean showMinutes = false; private boolean rimInnerShadow = false; private int paddingTop = 5; private int paddingBottom = 5; private int paddingLeft = 5; private int paddingRight = 5; private static String minutes = "Minutes"; private static String seconds = "Seconds"; private final float maxTextSize = 200; private final float minTextSize = 12; private String onTimerEndedText = ""; // Countdowntimer variables private CountDownTimer cdt; private long startTime = 120; private long interval = 1; long startTimeinMillis = startTime * 1000; long intervalInMillis = interval * 1000; private final int degrees = 360; private float anglePerSecond = 1; private boolean hasTimerEnded = false; // Restart time private long restartTimeInMillis = 0; // Dynamics private float currentValue = 360; private float targetValue = 360; // Paints private Paint rimDefaultPaint = new Paint(); private Paint rimFillPaint = new Paint(); private Paint timeMinutePaint = new Paint(); private Paint timeSecondPaint = new Paint(); private Paint timeUnitPaint = new Paint(); private Paint timerEndedCirclePaint = new Paint(); private Paint timerEndedTextPaint = new Paint(); // Rectangles @SuppressWarnings("unused") private RectF rimRect = new RectF(); private RectF circleRect = new RectF(); private RectF innerRect = new RectF(); private RectF minutesRect = new RectF(); private RectF secondsRect = new RectF(); CDTCircular cdtc; public void registerListener(CDTCircular c) { this.cdtc = c; } // Countdowntimer class implementation public class CDT extends CountDownTimer { public CDT(long startTime, long interval) { super(startTime, interval); } @Override public void onFinish() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub startTimeinMillis = 0; targetValue = targetValue - anglePerSecond; invalidate(); hasTimerEnded = true; invalidate(); cdtc.onFinish(); } @Override public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub startTimeinMillis = millisUntilFinished; targetValue = targetValue - anglePerSecond; invalidate(); cdtc.onTick(millisUntilFinished); } } @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state; Parcelable superState = bundle.getParcelable("superState"); super.onRestoreInstanceState(superState); currentValue = bundle.getFloat("currentValue"); targetValue = bundle.getFloat("targetValue"); startTimeinMillis = bundle.getLong("startTimeInMillis"); } @Override protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState(); Bundle state = new Bundle(); state.putParcelable("superState", superState); state.putFloat("currentValue", currentValue); state.putFloat("targetValue", targetValue); state.putLong("startTimeInMillis", startTimeinMillis); return state; } /** * @param context * @param attrs */ public CircularTimer(Context _context, AttributeSet _attrs) { super(_context, _attrs); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub init(_context, _attrs); // Get time in millis startTimeinMillis = startTime * 1000; intervalInMillis = interval * 1000; cdt = new CDT(startTimeinMillis, intervalInMillis); } public void init(Context _context, AttributeSet _attrs) { // Get the properties from resource file if (_context != null && _attrs != null) { TypedArray typedArray = _context.obtainStyledAttributes(_attrs, R.styleable.CircularTimer); rimThickness = (int) typedArray.getDimension( R.styleable.CircularTimer_rimThickness, rimThickness); rimDefaultColor = (int) typedArray.getColor( R.styleable.CircularTimer_rimDefaultColor, rimDefaultColor); rimFillColor = (int) typedArray.getColor( R.styleable.CircularTimer_rimFillColor, rimFillColor); rimInnerShadow = (boolean) typedArray.getBoolean( R.styleable.CircularTimer_rimInnerShadow, rimInnerShadow); showMinutes = (boolean) typedArray.getBoolean( R.styleable.CircularTimer_showMinutes, showMinutes); timeUnitsTextColor = (int) typedArray.getColor( R.styleable.CircularTimer_timeUnitsTextColor, timeUnitsTextColor); interval = (long) typedArray.getFloat( R.styleable.CircularTimer_intervalInSeconds, interval); onTimerEndedText = (String) typedArray .getString(R.styleable.CircularTimer_onTimerEndedText); startTime = (long) typedArray.getFloat( R.styleable.CircularTimer_timeInSeconds, startTime); // Beta: Ensuring we only support minutes and seconds. // TODO extend the functionality to support hours. if (startTime > 3600) startTime = 3600; // Calculating angle per second anglePerSecond = degrees / startTime; typedArray.recycle(); } } /* * Force a layout to be square. Thanks to Anders Ericsson for his wonderful * explanation is : */ @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); int size = 0; int width = getMeasuredWidth(); int height = getMeasuredHeight(); int widthWithoutPadding = width - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(); int heigthWithoutPadding = height - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom(); size = Math.min(widthWithoutPadding, heigthWithoutPadding); setMeasuredDimension(size + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(), size + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom()); } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); layout_width = w; layout_height = h; this.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null); setUpBackground(); invalidate(); } private void setUpBackground() { // Setup bounds of the components int minValue = Math.min(layout_width, layout_height); int xOffset = layout_width - minValue; int yOffset = layout_height - minValue; paddingTop = this.getPaddingTop() + (yOffset / 2); paddingBottom = this.getPaddingBottom() + (yOffset / 2); paddingLeft = this.getPaddingLeft() + (xOffset / 2); paddingRight = this.getPaddingRight() + (xOffset / 2); int width = getWidth(); // this.getLayoutParams().width; int height = getHeight(); // this.getLayoutParams().height; rimRect = new RectF(paddingLeft, paddingTop, width - paddingRight, height - paddingBottom); circleRect = new RectF(paddingLeft + rimThickness, paddingTop + rimThickness, width - paddingRight - rimThickness, height - paddingBottom - rimThickness); // We need this value to add time text. Get the value of this rect // from circle rect's position. This is simple math for inscribing a // square inside a circle. float circleDiameter = circleRect.width() - rimThickness; float circleRadius = (float) (circleDiameter / (2.0f * Math.sqrt(2))); float insRectLeft = circleRect.centerX() - circleRadius; float insRectTop = circleRect.centerY() - circleRadius; float insRectRight = circleRect.centerX() + circleRadius; float insRectBottom = circleRect.centerY() + circleRadius; innerRect = new RectF(insRectLeft, insRectTop, insRectRight, insRectBottom); // minutesRect is the component which holds the text for minutes in the // CDT. We allocate 60% of innerRect's available width to this rect. float innerRectWidth = innerRect.right - innerRect.left; float minutesRectRight = 0.58f * innerRectWidth; minutesRect = new RectF(innerRect.left,, innerRect.left + minutesRectRight, innerRect.right); // secondsRect is the component which holds the text for seconds in the // CDT. We allocate the remaining 40% of innerRect's space to this rect. float minutesRectLeft = 0.6f * innerRectWidth; secondsRect = new RectF(innerRect.left + minutesRectLeft,, innerRect.right, innerRect.bottom); // setup paints of the component rimDefaultPaint.setColor(rimDefaultColor); rimDefaultPaint.setAntiAlias(true); rimDefaultPaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); // Change this later rimDefaultPaint.setStrokeWidth(rimThickness); // Set the inner shadow for the circle, if asked for if (rimInnerShadow) rimDefaultPaint.setShadowLayer(10.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, shadowColor); rimFillPaint.setColor(rimFillColor); rimFillPaint.setAntiAlias(true); rimFillPaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); rimFillPaint.setStrokeWidth(rimThickness); timeUnitPaint.setColor(timeUnitsTextColor); timeUnitPaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); timeUnitPaint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); timeUnitPaint.setAntiAlias(true); timeUnitPaint .setTextSize(getValidatedTextSize(minutesRect.width() / 7)); timeMinutePaint.setColor(timeMinuteColor); timeMinutePaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); timeMinutePaint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); timeMinutePaint.setAntiAlias(true); timeSecondPaint.setColor(timeSecondColor); timeSecondPaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); timeSecondPaint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); timeSecondPaint.setAntiAlias(true); if (showMinutes) { timeMinutePaint.setTextSize(getValidatedTextSize(minutesRect .width() * 0.9f)); timeSecondPaint.setTextSize(getValidatedTextSize(secondsRect .width() * 0.7f)); } timerEndedCirclePaint.setColor(timerEndedColor); timerEndedCirclePaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); timerEndedCirclePaint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); timerEndedCirclePaint.setAntiAlias(true); timerEndedTextPaint.setColor(rimDefaultColor); timerEndedTextPaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); timerEndedTextPaint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); timerEndedTextPaint.setAntiAlias(true); timerEndedTextPaint.setTextSize(getValidatedTextSize(circleRect.width() / onTimerEndedText.length())); timerEndedTextPaint.setShadowLayer(5.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, shadowColor); } protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { // Draw the inner circle canvas.drawArc(circleRect, 360, 360, false, rimDefaultPaint); // Draw the bar canvas.drawArc(circleRect, 90, targetValue, false, rimFillPaint); // This method handles drawing the circle, and its fills, and showing // minutes and seconds text inside. if (!hasTimerEnded) drawWorkingTimer(canvas); else drawFinishedTimer(canvas); } private void drawWorkingTimer(Canvas canvas) { // Draw the minutes and seconds text, and try to center it in the // available rect space vertically. float verticalBasePosition = minutesRect.centerY() + ((timeMinutePaint.getTextSize()) / 2.0f); canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS .toSeconds(startTimeinMillis) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS .toMinutes(startTimeinMillis))), secondsRect.centerX(), verticalBasePosition, timeSecondPaint); canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS .toMinutes(startTimeinMillis)), minutesRect.centerX(), verticalBasePosition, timeMinutePaint); // Positioning the units on top of minutes and seconds. float minutesUnitsBasePosition = verticalBasePosition - timeMinutePaint.getTextSize(); float secondsUnitsBasePosition = verticalBasePosition - (timeSecondPaint.getTextSize()); canvas.drawText(minutes, minutesRect.centerX(), minutesUnitsBasePosition, timeUnitPaint); canvas.drawText(seconds, secondsRect.centerX(), secondsUnitsBasePosition, timeUnitPaint); } private void drawFinishedTimer(Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawArc(circleRect, 0, 360, false, timerEndedCirclePaint); // Centering the text relative to the circle. float xCenter = circleRect.centerX(); float yCenter = circleRect.centerY() + (timerEndedCirclePaint.getTextSize() / 2); canvas.drawText(onTimerEndedText, xCenter, yCenter, timerEndedTextPaint); } private float getValidatedTextSize(float textSize) { if (textSize > maxTextSize) textSize = maxTextSize; if (textSize < minTextSize) textSize = minTextSize; return textSize; } public void startTimer() { cdt.start(); } public void restartTimer() { cdt = new CDT(restartTimeInMillis, intervalInMillis); invalidate(); cdt.start(); } public void stopTimer() { restartTimeInMillis = startTimeinMillis - 1000; // Pad the time. cdt.cancel(); } public void resetTimer() { if (cdt != null) cdt.cancel(); cdt = null; reInitializeTimerVariables(); cdt = new CDT(startTimeinMillis, intervalInMillis); invalidate(); } private void reInitializeTimerVariables() { if (startTime > 3600) startTime = 3600; // Calculating angle per second anglePerSecond = degrees / startTime; targetValue = 360; startTimeinMillis = startTime * 1000; intervalInMillis = interval * 1000; } }