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package com.mauriciogiordano.fooplayer.database; /*ww w . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ import android.content.Context; import com.j256.ormlite.dao.Dao; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField; import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.PreparedQuery; import com.mauriciogiordano.fooplayer.config.Constants; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by mauricio on 10/31/14. */ public class Artist extends Bean { @DatabaseField(generatedId = false, id = true) private String mbid; @DatabaseField private String name; @DatabaseField private String url; @DatabaseField private String image; private List<Album> albums = null; public Artist() { super(Artist.class); } public Artist(JSONObject object) { super(Artist.class); mbid = object.optString("mbid", ""); name = object.optString("name", ""); url = object.optString("url", ""); try { JSONArray images = object.getJSONArray("image"); if(images.length() >= 4) { image = images.getJSONObject(3).getString("#text"); } else if(images.length() > 0) { image = images.getJSONObject(0).getString("#text"); } } catch(JSONException e) {} } /** * Search for artist's albums. * @param context The application context. * @param albumSearchListener The callback. */ public void loadAlbums(final Context context, final AlbumSearchListener albumSearchListener) { Dao<Album, Integer> dao = null; List<Album> albums = null; try { dao = DatabaseHelper.getInstance(context).getDao(Album.class); albums = dao.queryForEq("artistMbid", mbid); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(albums == null || albums.size() == 0) { HttpClientHelper client = new HttpClientHelper(Endpoints.LastFM.HOST, Endpoints.LastFM.PATH, context); client.addParamForGet("api_key", Constants.LASTFM_APIKEY); client.addParamForGet("method", "artist.gettopalbums"); client.addParamForGet("mbid", getMbid()); client.addParamForGet("format", "json"); Network.newRequest(client, Network.GET, new Delegate() { @Override public void requestResults(Network.Status status) { List<Album> albumList = null; boolean err = false; if (status.hasInternet) { if (status.response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { try { JSONArray albums = status.result .getJSONObject("topalbums") .getJSONArray("album"); albumList = new ArrayList<Album>(); for (int i = 0; i < albums.length(); i++) { Album album = new Album(albums.getJSONObject(i));; albumList.add(album); } } catch (JSONException e) { err = true; } } else { err = true; } } else { err = true; } albumSearchListener.results(albumList, status, err); } }); } else { albumSearchListener.results(albums, null, false); } } /** * Search for artist. * @param input The search query. * @param context The application context. * @param artistSearchListener The callback. */ public static void search(String input, final Context context, final ArtistSearchListener artistSearchListener) { HttpClientHelper client = new HttpClientHelper(Endpoints.LastFM.HOST, Endpoints.LastFM.PATH, context); client.addParamForGet("api_key", Constants.LASTFM_APIKEY); client.addParamForGet("method", ""); client.addParamForGet("artist", input); client.addParamForGet("format", "json"); Network.newRequest(client, Network.GET, new Delegate() { @Override public void requestResults(Network.Status status) { List<Artist> artistList = null; boolean err = false; if (status.hasInternet) { if (status.response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { try { JSONArray artists = status.result .getJSONObject("results") .getJSONObject("artistmatches") .getJSONArray("artist"); artistList = new ArrayList<Artist>(); for (int i = 0; i < artists.length(); i++) { Artist artist = new Artist(artists.getJSONObject(i));; artistList.add(artist); } } catch (JSONException e) { err = true; } } else { err = true; } } else { err = true; } artistSearchListener.results(artistList, status, err); } }); } /** * Search for artist. * @param input The search query. * @param context The application context. */ public static List<Artist> search(String input, final Context context) { Dao<Artist, Integer> dao = null; List<Artist> artists = null; try { dao = DatabaseHelper.getInstance(context).getDao(Artist.class); PreparedQuery<Artist> query = dao.queryBuilder().where().like("name", "%" + input + "%").prepare(); artists = dao.query(query); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return artists; } /** * Get an artist. * @param mbid The artist's id. * @param context The application context. * @param artistGetListener The callback. */ public static void get(String mbid, final Context context, final ArtistGetListener artistGetListener) { Dao<Artist, Integer> dao = null; Artist artist = null; try { dao = DatabaseHelper.getInstance(context).getDao(Artist.class); artist = dao.queryForEq("mbid", mbid).get(0); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(artist == null) { HttpClientHelper client = new HttpClientHelper(Endpoints.LastFM.HOST, Endpoints.LastFM.PATH, context); client.addParamForGet("api_key", Constants.LASTFM_APIKEY); client.addParamForGet("method", "artist.getinfo"); client.addParamForGet("mbid", mbid); client.addParamForGet("format", "json"); Network.newRequest(client, Network.GET, new Delegate() { @Override public void requestResults(Network.Status status) { Artist artist = null; boolean err = false; if (status.hasInternet) { if (status.response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { try { JSONObject artistJSON = status.result .getJSONObject("artist"); artist = new Artist(artistJSON); } catch (JSONException e) { err = true; } } else { err = true; } } else { err = true; } artistGetListener.results(artist, status, err); } }); } else { artistGetListener.results(artist, null, false); } } public void save(Context context) {, this); } public String getMbid() { return mbid; } public void setMbid(String mbid) { this.mbid = mbid; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public String getImage() { return image; } public void setImage(String image) { this.image = image; } public static abstract class ArtistGetListener { public abstract void results(Artist artist, Network.Status status, boolean err); } public static abstract class ArtistSearchListener { public abstract void results(List<Artist> artists, Network.Status status, boolean err); } public static abstract class AlbumSearchListener { public abstract void results(List<Album> albums, Network.Status status, boolean err); } }