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package com.vibin.billy; /*from w ww .j a v a 2 s. c om*/ import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Do all processing tasks here. Like parsing XML, JSON, modifying strings and more. */ public class ProcessingTask { private static final String TAG = ProcessingTask.class.getSimpleName(); private String[] billySong, billyArtist; private int billySize; private Context context; private int quality; /** * For SoundCloud parsing */ public ProcessingTask(Context c) { this.context = c; } /** * For Billboard/iTunes fetching and parsing * * @param billySize Number of songs */ public ProcessingTask(int billySize, Context c) { this.billySize = billySize; billySong = new String[billySize]; billyArtist = new String[billySize]; this.context = c; refreshArtworkUrlResolution(); } public static class BillyData implements Parcelable { String song, album, artist, artwork; BillyData() { } public BillyData(Parcel in) { super(); readFromParcel(in); } public void setItunes(String album, String artist, String artwork, String song) { this.album = album; this.artist = artist; this.artwork = artwork; = song; } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { parcel.writeString(song); parcel.writeString(album); parcel.writeString(artist); parcel.writeString(artwork); } public void readFromParcel(Parcel in) { song = in.readString(); album = in.readString(); artist = in.readString(); artwork = in.readString(); } public static final Parcelable.Creator<BillyData> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<BillyData>() { public BillyData createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new BillyData(in); } public BillyData[] newArray(int size) { return new BillyData[size]; } }; } /** * Parses XML from Billboard and populates {@link #billySong} and {@link #billyArtist} * * @param response A String containing XML */ public void parseBillboard(String response) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { InputStream in; in = getStringAsInputStream(response); XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance(); XmlPullParser parser = factory.newPullParser(); parser.setInput(in, null); int event = parser.getEventType(); int i = 0; while (event != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { String name = parser.getName(); if (i <= billySize && event == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { if (name.equals("description")) { if ( == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { if(!parser.getText().contains("Nielsen")) { // Silly hack to skip the first <description> tag billySong[i] = extractSong(parser.getText()); billyArtist[i] = extractArtist(parser.getText()); i++; } } } } else if (i >= billySize) { break; } event =; } } public String[] getBillySong() { return billySong; } public void setBillySong(String[] billySong) { this.billySong = billySong; } public String[] getBillyArtist() { return billyArtist; } public void setBillyArtist(String[] billyArtist) { this.billyArtist = billyArtist; } /** * Parses JSON from iTunes * * @param jsonObject JSON response * @return A String Array containing metadata of a song * @throws JSONException */ public String[] parseItunes(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { int counter = 0; String trackName, artworkUrl, collectionName, artistName; JSONArray mJsonArray; while (counter < 2) { mJsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("results"); if (jsonObject.getInt("resultCount") == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "resultCount is zero " + jsonObject.toString()); Log.e(TAG, "Artist name is " + mJsonArray.getJSONObject(counter).getString("artistName")); } artistName = mJsonArray.getJSONObject(counter).getString("artistName"); collectionName = mJsonArray.getJSONObject(counter).getString("collectionName"); artworkUrl = mJsonArray.getJSONObject(counter).getString("artworkUrl100"); trackName = mJsonArray.getJSONObject(counter).getString("trackName"); // Change quality of artwork according to user settings if (quality == 2) { artworkUrl = artworkUrl.replaceAll("100x100", "600x600"); } else { artworkUrl = artworkUrl.replaceAll("100x100", "400x400"); } //Log.d(TAG, "artwork url is " + artworkUrl); // Capitalize first letter of every word if (!StringUtils.isAllUpperCase(trackName)) { trackName = WordUtils.capitalize(trackName); } if (trackName.contains("(")) { trackName = trackName.substring(0, trackName.indexOf("(")); } else if (trackName.toLowerCase().contains("feat.")) { Log.d(TAG, trackName + " contains Featuring"); trackName = trackName.substring(0, StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(trackName, "feat.")); } else if (trackName.contains("!")) { trackName = trackName.substring(0, trackName.indexOf("!")); } // Replace Smart Quotes with Dumb Quotes trackName = replaceSmartQuotes(trackName); int match = matchMagic(billySong, trackName); // Track name from Billboard and iTunes don't match if (match == -1) { Log.e(TAG, "The unmatched itunes song is " + trackName); int matchArtist = matchMagic(billyArtist, artistName); counter++; if (matchArtist == -1) { Log.e(TAG, "Artists haven't matched " + artistName + " and counter is " + counter); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Something wrong with text manipulation " + trackName + " " + artistName); } } else { // Most ideal situation return new String[]{collectionName, artistName, artworkUrl, trackName, match + ""}; } } return null; } /** * Parse song substring from Billboard <description> tag */ private String extractSong(String text) { char symbols[] = {'!', '(', '#', '&', '+'}; String extractedSong = text.substring(0, text.indexOf("by")); if (StringUtils.containsAny(extractedSong, symbols)) { if (extractedSong.contains("!")) { extractedSong = extractedSong.replace("!", ""); } else if (extractedSong.contains("(")) { extractedSong = extractedSong.substring(0, extractedSong.indexOf("(")); } else if (extractedSong.contains("+")) { extractedSong = extractedSong.replace("+", "and"); } } return extractedSong.trim(); } /** * Parse artist substring from Billboard <description> tags */ private String extractArtist(String text) { String extractedArtist = text.substring(text.indexOf("by") + 3, text.indexOf("ranks")); if (extractedArtist.contains("Featuring")) { extractedArtist = extractedArtist.substring(0, extractedArtist.indexOf("Featuring")); } else if (extractedArtist.contains("Ft")) { extractedArtist = extractedArtist.substring(0, extractedArtist.indexOf("Ft")); } else if (extractedArtist.contains("Duet")) { extractedArtist = extractedArtist.substring(0, extractedArtist.indexOf("Duet")); } extractedArtist = StringUtils.stripAccents(extractedArtist); return extractedArtist.trim(); } /** * Searches for given String in the String array and returns index. Case-insensitive. * If no match is found, we try Levenshtein's Algo */ private int matchMagic(String[] billySong, String trackName) { int index = 0; for (String name : billySong) { if (name != null) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(trackName)) { return index; } index++; } else { Log.d(TAG, "Index is " + index + " trackName is " + trackName); } } return getLevenshteinMatch(billySong, trackName); } /** * Uses the Levenshtein's Algorithm to find the closest match for iTunes song in {@link #billySong} */ private int getLevenshteinMatch(String[] billySong, String trackName) { int index = 0; for (String name : billySong) { if (name != null) { int match = StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(billySong[index].toLowerCase(), trackName.toLowerCase()); if (match >= 0 && match <= 3) { Log.i(TAG, "Levenshtein Algo passed: " + billySong[index] + " " + trackName); billySong[index] = trackName; return index; } } else { Log.d(TAG, "Index is " + index + " trackName is " + trackName); } index++; } return -1; } /** * Encode the song/artist name */ public String paramEncode(String text) { String paramEncode = text; if (text.contains("&")) { paramEncode = text.replaceAll("&", "and"); } else if (text.contains("#")) { paramEncode = text.replace("#", ""); } paramEncode = paramEncode.replaceAll(" ", "+").trim(); return paramEncode; } /** * Replaces microsoft "smart quotes" (curly " and ') with their * ascii counterparts aka 'dumb quotes' * via GData Utils */ private String replaceSmartQuotes(String str) { str = replaceChars(str, "\u0091\u0092\u2018\u2019", '\''); str = replaceChars(str, "\u0093\u0094\u201c\u201d", '"'); return str.trim(); } private String replaceChars(String str, String oldchars, char newchar) { int pos = indexOfChars(str, oldchars, 0); if (pos == -1) { return str; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(str); do { buf.setCharAt(pos, newchar); pos = indexOfChars(str, oldchars, pos + 1); } while (pos != -1); return buf.toString(); } private int indexOfChars(String str, String chars, int fromIndex) { for (int pos = fromIndex; pos < str.length(); pos++) { if (chars.indexOf(str.charAt(pos)) >= 0) { return pos; } } return -1; } /** * Refreshes {@link #quality} by setting it to value from SharedPreference * * @return true if Album art quality preference is changed */ public boolean refreshArtworkUrlResolution() { SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context.getApplicationContext()); int newQuality = Integer.parseInt(pref.getString("albumArtQuality", "1")); if (quality != 0) { if (quality != newQuality) { quality = newQuality; return true; } else { return false; } } else { // doesn't matter what you return here, as quality is zero, // only when this method is called by this class' constructor quality = newQuality; return true; } } /** * We try to avoid songs which have remix/cover/live mentioned in their title. * We also make sure we get a relevant result by checking if the first word of song * is present in song's name. * <p/> * If we don't find any song which matches our conditions, we fallback to the first song. * * @param response the JSONArray response * @return the SoundCloud stream link */ public String[] parseSoundcloud(JSONArray response, String song) throws JSONException { String soundcloudKey = context.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.keys)[0]; String streamLink = "", firstLink = "", permaLink = "", firstPermaLink = "", firstUser = "", firstDuration = ""; String[] links = new String[4]; String firstWord; int count = 0; if (song.contains(" ")) { firstWord = song.substring(0, song.indexOf(" ")); } else { firstWord = song; } firstWord = firstWord.toLowerCase(); boolean ignore = false; Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("\\b(remix|cover|guitar|parody|acoustic|instrumental|drums|cloudseeder)\\b"); while (count < 8) { JSONObject object = response.getJSONObject(count); boolean streamble = object.getBoolean("streamable"); if(streamble) { String tags = object.getString("tag_list"); if (pat.matcher(tags.toLowerCase()).find()) { Log.d(TAG, count + " tag-list: " + tags.toLowerCase()); ignore = true; } String title = object.getString("title"); if (pat.matcher(title.toLowerCase()).find() || !title.toLowerCase().contains(firstWord)) { Log.d(TAG, count + " title: " + title + " " + firstWord); ignore = true; } String desc = object.getString("description"); if (pat.matcher(desc.toLowerCase()).find()) { ignore = true; } String user = object.getJSONObject("user").getString("username"); if (firstUser.isEmpty()) { firstUser = user; } if (!ignore) { links[0] = user; } String duration = String.valueOf(object.getInt("duration")); if(firstDuration.isEmpty()) { firstDuration = duration; } if(!ignore) { links[1] = duration; } permaLink = object.getString("permalink_url"); if (firstPermaLink.isEmpty()) { firstPermaLink = permaLink; } if (!ignore) { links[2] = permaLink; } streamLink = object.getString("stream_url") + "?client_id=" + soundcloudKey; if (firstLink.isEmpty()) { firstLink = streamLink; } if (ignore) { ignore = false; } else { links[3] = streamLink; return links; } } count++; } links[0] = firstUser; links[1] = firstDuration; links[2] = firstPermaLink; links[3] = firstLink; return links; } private InputStream getStringAsInputStream(String text) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes(CharEncoding.UTF_8)); } }