Android Open Source - Sensor/control
- SmartHome-Android
A "SmartHome" Android application. It uses the ZigBee standard to control and collect data from sensors around a house. Don't aspect to turn on the light in my place, it uses emulated sensor behavior with the use of a server.
Score:15 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Java File:26 Manifest File:1
- Roboboat
Android app for IOIO control of standard servos, wind sensor etc. with HTTP interface for control.
Score:4 Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
IOIO ULTRASONIC SENSOR (HC-SR-04) (Control the hardware by Android application and IOIO board)
Score:3 Activity:2 Min SDK:15 Target SDK:17 Java File:2 Manifest File:1
- NightLamp
Night Lamp App for Android with control using various sensors.
Score:3 Fragment:5 Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:16 Java File:110 Manifest File:6
- droidcopter
DroidCopter is an Android App that uses its internal sensors to control a quad copter via an IOIO board.
Score:2 Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:18 Java File:3 Manifest File:1
- AndroidUsbCommunication
A simple demo using the sensors in an android device to control a desktop application.
Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Java File:13 Manifest File:1