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package; /*from w w w . ja va*/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import de.dfki.appsensor.utils.Utils; /** * This DAO persistently maintains all data that was collected on app * interaction. * * @author Matthias Boehmer, */ public class AppUsageEventDAO extends GeneralDAO { public static final short STATUS_LOCAL_ONLY = 1; public static final short STATUS_SYNCING = 2; public static final short STATUS_SERVER_PERSISTED = 3; // -------------------------------------------- // SCHEMA // -------------------------------------------- public static String TABLE_NAME = "AppUsageEvents"; // NOTE create rows for all fields of the object here public static final String CNAME_ID = "_id"; public static final String CNAME_PACKAGENAME = "packageName"; public static final String CNAME_EVENTTYPE = "eventtype"; public static final String CNAME_RUNTIME = "runtime"; public static final String CNAME_STARTTIME = "starttime"; public static final String CNAME_BLUETOOTHSTATE = "bluetoothstate"; public static final String CNAME_WIFISTATE = "wifistate"; public static final String CNAME_POWERSTATE = "powerstate"; public static final String CNAME_ACCURACY = "accuracy"; public static final String CNAME_LATITUDE = "latitude"; public static final String CNAME_LONGITUDE = "longitude"; public static final String CNAME_HEADPHONES = "headphones"; public static final String CNAME_SYNCSTATUS = "syncStatus"; public static final String CNAME_LASTSCREENON = "lastScreenOn"; public static final String CNAME_SPEED = "speed"; public static final String CNAME_ALTITUDE = "altitude"; public static final String CNAME_ORIENTATION = "orientation"; public static final String CNAME_POWERLEVEL = "powerlevel"; public static final String[] PROJECTION = { CNAME_ID, CNAME_PACKAGENAME, CNAME_EVENTTYPE, CNAME_RUNTIME, CNAME_STARTTIME, CNAME_BLUETOOTHSTATE, CNAME_WIFISTATE, CNAME_POWERSTATE, CNAME_ACCURACY, CNAME_LATITUDE, CNAME_LONGITUDE, CNAME_HEADPHONES, CNAME_SYNCSTATUS, CNAME_LASTSCREENON, CNAME_SPEED, CNAME_ALTITUDE, CNAME_ORIENTATION, CNAME_POWERLEVEL }; public final static int CNUM_ID = 0; public final static int CNUM_PACKAGENAME = 1; public final static int CNUM_EVENTTYPE = 2; public final static int CNUM_RUNTIME = 3; public final static int CNUM_STARTTIME = 4; public final static int CNUM_BLUETOOTHSTATE = 5; public final static int CNUM_WIFISTATE = 6; public final static int CNUM_POWERSTATE = 7; public final static int CNUM_ACCURACY = 8; public final static int CNUM_LATITUDE = 9; public final static int CNUM_LONGITUDE = 10; public final static int CNUM_HEADPHONES = 11; public final static int CNUM_SYNCSTATUS = 12; public final static int CNUM_LASTSCREENON = 13; public final static int CNUM_SPEED = 14; public final static int CNUM_ALTITUDE = 15; public final static int CNUM_ORIENTATION = 16; public final static int CNUM_POWERLEVEL = 17; public static final String TABLE_CREATE = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + CNAME_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + CNAME_PACKAGENAME + " STRING, " + CNAME_EVENTTYPE + " INTEGER, " + CNAME_RUNTIME + " LONG, " + CNAME_STARTTIME + " LONG, " + CNAME_BLUETOOTHSTATE + " INTEGER, " + CNAME_WIFISTATE + " INTEGER, " + CNAME_POWERSTATE + " INTEGER, " + CNAME_ACCURACY + " DOUBLE, " + CNAME_LATITUDE + " DOUBLE, " + CNAME_LONGITUDE + " DOUBLE, " + CNAME_HEADPHONES + " INTEGER, " + CNAME_SYNCSTATUS + " INTEGER, " + CNAME_LASTSCREENON + " LONG, " + CNAME_SPEED + " DOUBLE, " + CNAME_ALTITUDE + " DOUBLE, " + CNAME_ORIENTATION + " INTEGER, " + CNAME_POWERLEVEL + " INTEGER " + ");"; // -------------------------------------------- // QUERIES // -------------------------------------------- private final static String WHERE_SYNCSTATUS = CNAME_SYNCSTATUS + "=?"; private final static String WHERE_LASTSCREENON_SMALLEREQUAL = CNAME_LASTSCREENON + "<=?"; // -------------------------------------------- // LIVECYCLE // -------------------------------------------- public AppUsageEventDAO(Context context) { super(context); } // -------------------------------------------- // CRUD // -------------------------------------------- public void insert(List<AppUsageEvent> list) { for (AppUsageEvent aue : list) { insert(aue); } } public void insert(AppUsageEvent aue) { Utils.d(this, "writing to db: " + aue); ContentValues cv = aue2ContentValues(aue); db.insert(TABLE_NAME, null, cv); } public void clear() { db.delete(TABLE_NAME, null, null); } // -------------------------------------------- // TRANSFORMATION // -------------------------------------------- private ContentValues aue2ContentValues(AppUsageEvent aue) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(CNAME_PACKAGENAME, aue.packageName); cv.put(CNAME_EVENTTYPE, aue.eventtype); cv.put(CNAME_STARTTIME, aue.starttime); cv.put(CNAME_RUNTIME, aue.runtime); cv.put(CNAME_LONGITUDE, aue.longitude); cv.put(CNAME_LATITUDE, aue.latitude); cv.put(CNAME_ACCURACY, aue.accuracy); cv.put(CNAME_POWERSTATE, aue.powerstate); cv.put(CNAME_WIFISTATE, aue.wifistate); cv.put(CNAME_BLUETOOTHSTATE, aue.bluetoothstate); cv.put(CNAME_HEADPHONES, aue.headphones); cv.put(CNAME_SYNCSTATUS, aue.syncStatus); cv.put(CNAME_LASTSCREENON, aue.timestampOfLastScreenOn); cv.put(CNAME_SPEED, aue.speed); cv.put(CNAME_ALTITUDE, aue.altitude); cv.put(CNAME_ORIENTATION, aue.orientation); cv.put(CNAME_POWERLEVEL, aue.powerlevel); return cv; } public Cursor findAll() { Cursor c = db.query( TABLE_NAME, PROJECTION, null, null, null, null, null); return c; } public List<AppUsageEvent> findAllAsEntities() { Cursor c = findAll(); AppUsageEvent aue; List<AppUsageEvent> l = new ArrayList<AppUsageEvent>(); if(c.moveToFirst()) { do { aue = cursor2entity(c); l.add(aue); } while (c.moveToNext()); } return l; } /** * This method returns all the records for application * usage events excluding the ones already successfully * synced with the server. The returned cursor * is ordered in a way that will increase the effect of compressing * the values based on the eliminating redundancy of sequential * records with similar fields. This is particularly designed * for the needs of the functionality for syncing the records * on the server. * * @return */ public Cursor getAndUpdateNonSyncedUsageEvents(int maximumNumberOfRecords) { // reset all syncing records to local only ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(CNAME_SYNCSTATUS, AppUsageEvent.STATUS_LOCAL_ONLY); db.update(TABLE_NAME, values, WHERE_SYNCSTATUS, new String[]{String.valueOf(AppUsageEvent.STATUS_SYNCING)}); // update to syncing only the limited amount of records String updateString = "UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET syncStatus=" + AppUsageEvent.STATUS_SYNCING + " WHERE " + CNAME_ID + " IN(" + "SELECT " + CNAME_ID + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE syncStatus=" + AppUsageEvent.STATUS_LOCAL_ONLY + " LIMIT " + maximumNumberOfRecords + ")"; db.execSQL(updateString); // return the syncing interests Cursor c = db.query( TABLE_NAME, PROJECTION, WHERE_SYNCSTATUS, new String[]{String.valueOf(AppUsageEvent.STATUS_SYNCING)}, null, null, null); return c; } /** * * @return * A list of applications usage events */ public List<AppUsageEvent> getAndUpdateNonSyncedInterestsAsEntities(int maximumNumberOfRecords) { Cursor c = getAndUpdateNonSyncedUsageEvents(maximumNumberOfRecords); AppUsageEvent aue; List<AppUsageEvent> syncingUsage = new Vector<AppUsageEvent>(); if(c.moveToFirst()) { do { aue = cursor2entity(c); syncingUsage.add(aue); } while (c.moveToNext()); } c.close(); return syncingUsage; } /** * Updates app usage events which have * status syncing to status server persisted * * @return * number of rows affected */ public int updateSyncingToServerPersisted() { // update syncing status to server persisted status ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(CNAME_SYNCSTATUS, AppUsageEvent.STATUS_SERVER_PERSISTED); return db.update(TABLE_NAME, values, WHERE_SYNCSTATUS, new String[]{String.valueOf(AppUsageEvent.STATUS_SYNCING)}); } /** * Deletes all synced records which are already too old * to be relevant usage events * * @param olderThanInclusive * The boundary timestamp (inclusive) below which * every synced timestamps will be deleted * @return * number of rows affected */ public int deleteOldSyncedUsageEvents(long olderThanInclusive) { return db.delete(TABLE_NAME, WHERE_SYNCSTATUS + " AND " + WHERE_LASTSCREENON_SMALLEREQUAL, new String[]{String.valueOf(STATUS_SERVER_PERSISTED), String.valueOf(olderThanInclusive) }); } private AppUsageEvent cursor2entity(Cursor c) { AppUsageEvent aue = new AppUsageEvent(); aue.packageName = c.getString(CNUM_PACKAGENAME); aue.eventtype = c.getShort(CNUM_EVENTTYPE); aue.runtime = c.getLong(CNUM_RUNTIME); aue.starttime = c.getLong(CNUM_STARTTIME); aue.longitude = c.getDouble(CNUM_LONGITUDE); aue.latitude = c.getDouble(CNUM_LATITUDE); aue.accuracy = c.getDouble(CNUM_ACCURACY); aue.powerstate = c.getShort(CNUM_POWERSTATE); aue.wifistate = c.getShort(CNUM_WIFISTATE); aue.bluetoothstate = c.getShort(CNUM_BLUETOOTHSTATE); aue.headphones = c.getShort(CNUM_HEADPHONES); aue.syncStatus = c.getInt(CNUM_SYNCSTATUS); aue.timestampOfLastScreenOn = c.getLong(CNUM_LASTSCREENON); aue.speed = c.getDouble(CNUM_SPEED); aue.altitude = c.getDouble(CNUM_ALTITUDE); aue.orientation = c.getShort(CNUM_ORIENTATION); aue.powerlevel = c.getShort(CNUM_POWERLEVEL); return aue; } }