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/* Berengar DbTool//w ww. jav a 2s .co m Copyright (c) 2013 Bradipao <> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package it.bradipao.berengar; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Xml; import; import; import; public class DbTool { public static final String LOGTAG = "DBTOOL"; public static final boolean GOLOG = true; //---- JSON2DB ------------------------------------------------------------- public static int json2db(SQLiteDatabase mDB,JSONObject jsonDB) { // vars int iTableNum = 0; JSONArray jsonTables = new JSONArray(); int iRes = 0; try { // recover tables number iTableNum = Integer.parseInt(jsonDB.getString("tables_num")); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"TABLE NUM : "+iTableNum); // recover tables jsonTables = jsonDB.getJSONArray("tables"); for (int i=0;i<jsonTables.length();i++) { iRes += json2table(mDB,jsonTables.getJSONObject(i)); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in json2db",e); } return iRes; } //---- JSON2TABLE ---------------------------------------------------------- public static int json2table(SQLiteDatabase mDB,JSONObject jsonTable) { // vars JSONArray jsonRows = new JSONArray(); JSONArray jsonColsName = new JSONArray(); JSONArray jsonCols = null; ContentValues cv = null; int iRes = 0; try { // init database transaction mDB.beginTransaction(); // fetch table name and drop if exists String sTableName = jsonTable.getString("table_name"); mDB.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+sTableName); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"TABLE NAME : "+sTableName); // fetch and execute create sql String sTableSql = jsonTable.getString("table_sql"); mDB.execSQL(sTableSql); // fetch columns name jsonColsName = jsonTable.getJSONArray("cols_name"); // fetch rows array jsonRows = jsonTable.getJSONArray("rows"); // iterate through rows for (int i=0;i<jsonRows.length();i++) { // fetch columns jsonCols = jsonRows.getJSONArray(i); // perform insert cv = new ContentValues(); for (int j=0;j<jsonCols.length();j++) cv.put( jsonColsName.getString(j) , jsonCols.getString(j) ); mDB.insert(sTableName,null,cv); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"INSERT IN "+sTableName+" ID="+jsonCols.getString(0)); } iRes++; // set transaction successful mDB.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in json2table",e); } finally { // end transaction, commit if successful else rollback mDB.endTransaction(); } return iRes; } //---- GSON2DB ------------------------------------------------------------- // strong constraint is order of fields into table object in json file // order should be : table_name / table_sql / cols_name / rows // or : cols_name / table_name / table_sql / rows public static int gson2db(SQLiteDatabase mDB,File jsonFile) { // vars int iTableNum = 0; FileReader fr = null; BufferedReader br = null; JsonReader jr = null; String name = null; String val = null; String mTable = null; String mTableSql = null; ArrayList<String> aFields = null; ArrayList<String> aValues = null; ContentValues cv = null; // file readers try { fr = new FileReader(jsonFile); br = new BufferedReader(fr); jr = new JsonReader(br); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in gson2db file readers",e); } // parsing try { // start database transaction mDB.beginTransaction(); // open root { jr.beginObject(); // iterate through root objects while (jr.hasNext()) { name = jr.nextName(); if (jr.peek()==JsonToken.NULL) jr.skipValue(); // number of tables else if (name.equals("tables_num")) { val = jr.nextString(); iTableNum = Integer.parseInt(val); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"TABLE NUM : "+iTableNum); } // iterate through tables array else if (name.equals("tables")) { jr.beginArray(); while (jr.hasNext()) { // start table mTable = null; aFields = null; jr.beginObject(); while (jr.hasNext()) { name = jr.nextName(); if (jr.peek()==JsonToken.NULL) jr.skipValue(); // table name else if (name.equals("table_name")) { mTable = jr.nextString(); } // table sql else if (name.equals("table_sql")) { mTableSql = jr.nextString(); if ((mTable!=null)&&(mTableSql!=null)) { mDB.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+mTable); mDB.execSQL(mTableSql); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"DROPPED AND CREATED TABLE : "+mTable); } } // iterate through columns name else if (name.equals("cols_name")) { jr.beginArray(); while (jr.hasNext()) { val = jr.nextString(); if (aFields==null) aFields = new ArrayList<String>(); aFields.add(val); } jr.endArray(); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"COLUMN NAME : "+aFields.toString()); } // iterate through rows else if (name.equals("rows")) { jr.beginArray(); while (jr.hasNext()) { jr.beginArray(); // iterate through values in row aValues = null; cv = null; while (jr.hasNext()) { val = jr.nextString(); if (aValues==null) aValues = new ArrayList<String>(); aValues.add(val); } jr.endArray(); // add to database cv = new ContentValues(); for (int j=0;j<aFields.size();j++) cv.put( aFields.get(j) , aValues.get(j) ); mDB.insert(mTable,null,cv); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"INSERT IN "+mTable+" : "+aValues.toString()); } jr.endArray(); } else jr.skipValue(); } // end table jr.endObject(); } jr.endArray(); } else jr.skipValue(); } // close root } jr.endObject(); jr.close(); // successfull transaction mDB.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in gson2db gson parsing",e); } finally { mDB.endTransaction(); } return iTableNum; } //---- DB2JSON ------------------------------------------------------------- public static JSONObject db2json(SQLiteDatabase mDB,String sDbName) { // vars JSONObject jsonDB = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonNameTables = new JSONArray(); JSONArray jsonTables = new JSONArray(); // read tables String sqlquery = "select * from sqlite_master"; Cursor cur = mDB.rawQuery(sqlquery,null); // iterate through tables int iTableNum = 0; String sTableName = ""; String sTableSql = ""; while (cur.moveToNext()) { sTableName = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex("name")); sTableSql = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex("sql")); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"TABLE NAME : "+sTableName); // skip metadata, sequence, and uidx before exporting tables if (!sTableName.equals("android_metadata") && !sTableName.equals("sqlite_sequence") && !sTableName.startsWith("uidx") && !sTableName.startsWith("idx_") && !sTableName.startsWith("_idx")) { // add new table iTableNum++; jsonNameTables.put(sTableName); // try exporting table jsonTables.put(table2json(mDB,sTableName,sTableSql)); } } cur.close(); // final json building try { // json db format jsonDB.put("jsondb_format","1"); // database name if ((sDbName!=null)&&(!sDbName.isEmpty())) jsonDB.put("db_name",sDbName); else jsonDB.put("db_name","database.sqlite"); // tables number and name jsonDB.put("tables_num",String.valueOf(iTableNum)); jsonDB.put("tables_name",jsonNameTables); // tables jsonDB.put("tables",jsonTables); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in db2json",e); } // return String return jsonDB; } //---- TABLE2JSON ---------------------------------------------------------- public static JSONObject table2json(SQLiteDatabase mDB,String sTableName,String sTableSql) { // vars JSONObject jsonTable = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonRows = new JSONArray(); JSONArray jsonColsName = new JSONArray(); JSONArray jsonCols = null; // read table String sqlquery = "select * from " + sTableName; Cursor cur = mDB.rawQuery(sqlquery,null); // iteratew through rows int i = -1; while (cur.moveToNext()) { // at first element store column names if (i==-1) for (i=0;i<cur.getColumnCount();i++) { jsonColsName.put(cur.getColumnName(i)); } // get values jsonCols = new JSONArray(); for (i=0;i<cur.getColumnCount();i++) { jsonCols.put(cur.getString(i)); } // add values to rows array jsonRows.put(jsonCols); } // final json building try { // table name jsonTable.put("table_name",sTableName); // code for create table if ((sTableSql!=null)&&(!sTableSql.isEmpty())) jsonTable.put("table_sql",sTableSql); // columns name jsonTable.put("cols_name",jsonColsName); // rows jsonTable.put("rows",jsonRows); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in table2json",e); } // return String return jsonTable; } //---- DB2GSON ------------------------------------------------------------- public static int db2gson(SQLiteDatabase mDB,File jsonFile) { // vars int iTableNum = 0; FileWriter fw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; JsonWriter jw = null; String sqlquery = ""; Cursor cur = null; String mTable = null; String mTableSql = null; ArrayList<String> aTable = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> aTableSql = new ArrayList<String>(); // file writers try { fw = new FileWriter(jsonFile); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); jw = new JsonWriter(bw); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in db2gson file writers",e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in db2gson file writers",e); } // read tables list and extract name and createsql sqlquery = "select * from sqlite_master"; cur = mDB.rawQuery(sqlquery,null); while (cur.moveToNext()) { mTable = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex("name")); mTableSql = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex("sql")); // add new table, and skip metadata, sequence, and uidx before exporting tables if (!mTable.equals("android_metadata") && !mTable.equals("sqlite_sequence") && !mTable.startsWith("uidx") && !mTable.startsWith("idx_") && !mTable.startsWith("_idx")) { iTableNum++; aTable.add(mTable); aTableSql.add(mTableSql); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"TABLE NAME : "+mTable); } } cur.close(); // start writing json try { // open root { jw.beginObject(); // header elements"tables_num").value(Integer.toString(iTableNum));"jsondb_format").value("1"); // tables name"tables_name"); jw.beginArray(); for(int i=0;i<aTable.size();i++) jw.value(aTable.get(i)); jw.endArray(); // open tables array"tables"); jw.beginArray(); // iterate through tables for(int i=0;i<aTable.size();i++) { // open table object jw.beginObject(); // table name and table sql"table_name").value(aTable.get(i));"table_sql").value(aTableSql.get(i)); // iteratew through rows sqlquery = "select * from " + aTable.get(i); cur = mDB.rawQuery(sqlquery,null); int k = -1; while (cur.moveToNext()) { if (k==-1) { // column names generated at very first row"cols_name"); jw.beginArray(); for (k=0;k<cur.getColumnCount();k++) jw.value(cur.getColumnName(k)); jw.endArray(); // open rows array"rows"); jw.beginArray(); } // get columns values in row jw.beginArray(); for (k=0;k<cur.getColumnCount();k++) jw.value(cur.getString(k)); jw.endArray(); } // close rows array jw.endArray(); // close table object jw.endObject(); } // close tables array jw.endArray(); // close root { jw.endObject(); jw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in db2gson file writers",e); } // return number of tables return iTableNum; } //---- XML2DB -------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO : xml2db version with xmlFile passed to parser and used in place of ByteArrayInputStream public static int xml2db(SQLiteDatabase mDB,File xmlFile) { XmlDbParser xdp = new XmlDbParser(mDB); return xdp.parse(xmlFile); } public static class XmlDbParser extends DefaultHandler { // nodes final String XML_DATABASE = "database"; final String XML_DBNAME = "dbname"; final String XML_TABLES = "tables"; final String XML_TABLE = "table"; final String XML_TABLENAME = "tablename"; final String XML_TABLESQL = "tablesql"; final String XML_COLSNAME = "colsname"; final String XML_ROWS = "rows"; final String XML_ROW = "r"; final String XML_COL = "c"; // section flags boolean bTableName = false; boolean bTableSql = false; boolean bColsName = false; boolean bC = false; boolean bR = false; // vars FileInputStream fis = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; SQLiteDatabase mDB = null; int iTableNum = 0; String mNode = null; String mVal = null; String mTable = null; ArrayList<String> xmlFields = null; ArrayList<String> xmlValues = null; ContentValues cv = null; // constructor XmlDbParser(SQLiteDatabase db) { mDB = db; } // parse method public int parse(File xmlFile) { // create parse factory SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); try { SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); parser.parse(bis,this); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in xml2db",e); } finally { if (mDB.inTransaction()) mDB.endTransaction(); } // return number of tables written in database return iTableNum; } // start element method @Override public void startElement(String uri,String localName,String name,Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { super.startElement(uri,localName,name,attributes); // setting mNode if (name.trim().length()==0) mNode = localName; else mNode = name; // reset values at table start and begin transaction if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLE)) { mVal = null; mTable = null; xmlFields = null; mDB.beginTransaction(); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"BEGIN TABLE"); } // reset values at row start if (mNode.equals(XML_ROW)) { xmlValues = null; cv = null; } // start node flag if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLENAME)) bTableName = true; if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLESQL)) bTableSql = true; if (mNode.equals(XML_COLSNAME)) bColsName = true; if (mNode.equals(XML_COL)) bC = true; if (mNode.equals(XML_ROW)) bR = true; } // characters method @Override public void characters(char[] ch,int start,int length) throws SAXException { super.characters(ch,start,length); // save table name if (bTableName) { mTable = new String(ch).substring(start,start+length); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"NEW TABLE : "+mTable); } // drope table and create new one, transactioned if (bTableSql) { String sCreateSql = new String(ch).substring(start,start+length); if (mTable!=null) { mDB.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+mTable); mDB.execSQL(sCreateSql); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"DROPPED AND CREATED TABLE : "+mTable); } } // fetching columns names if (bColsName && bC) { mVal = new String(ch).substring(start,start+length); if (xmlFields==null) xmlFields = new ArrayList<String>(); xmlFields.add(mVal); } // fetching columns values if (bR && bC) { mVal = new String(ch).substring(start,start+length); if (xmlValues==null) xmlValues = new ArrayList<String>(); xmlValues.add(mVal); } } // end element method @Override public void endElement(String uri,String localName,String name) throws SAXException { super.endElement(uri,localName,name); // setting mNode if (name.trim().length()==0) mNode = localName; else mNode = name; if (mNode==null) return; // insert at end of row if (mNode.equals(XML_ROW)) { cv = new ContentValues(); for (int j=0;j<xmlFields.size();j++) cv.put( xmlFields.get(j) , xmlValues.get(j) ); mDB.insert(mTable,null,cv); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"INSERT IN "+mTable+" : "+xmlValues.toString()); } // end of table if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLE)) { iTableNum++; mDB.setTransactionSuccessful(); mDB.endTransaction(); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"END TABLE"); } // end of database if (mNode.equals(XML_DATABASE)) { if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"END IMPORT"); } // end node flags if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLENAME)) bTableName = false; if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLESQL)) bTableSql = false; if (mNode.equals(XML_COLSNAME)) bColsName = false; if (mNode.equals(XML_COL)) bC = false; if (mNode.equals(XML_ROW)) bR = false; } // start and end document method @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { super.startDocument(); } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { super.endDocument(); } } //---- XML2DB -------------------------------------------------------------- // obsolete : to be removed /* public static int xml2db(SQLiteDatabase mDB,String xmlDB) { XmlDbParser xdp = new XmlDbParser(mDB); return xdp.parse(xmlDB.getBytes()); } public static class XmlDbParser extends DefaultHandler { // nodes final String XML_DATABASE = "database"; final String XML_DBNAME = "dbname"; final String XML_TABLES = "tables"; final String XML_TABLE = "table"; final String XML_TABLENAME = "tablename"; final String XML_TABLESQL = "tablesql"; final String XML_COLSNAME = "colsname"; final String XML_ROWS = "rows"; final String XML_ROW = "r"; final String XML_COL = "c"; // section flags boolean bTableName = false; boolean bTableSql = false; boolean bColsName = false; boolean bC = false; boolean bR = false; // vars SQLiteDatabase mDB = null; int iTableNum = 0; String mNode = null; String mVal = null; String mTable = null; ArrayList<String> xmlFields = null; ArrayList<String> xmlValues = null; ContentValues cv = null; // constructor XmlDbParser(SQLiteDatabase db) { mDB = db; } // parse method public int parse(byte[] data) { // create parse factory SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); try { SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); mDB.beginTransaction(); parser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(data),this); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in xml2db",e); } finally { mDB.endTransaction(); } // return number of tables written in database return iTableNum; } // start element method @Override public void startElement(String uri,String localName,String name,Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { super.startElement(uri,localName,name,attributes); // setting mNode if (name.trim().length()==0) mNode = localName; else mNode = name; // reset values at table start and begin transaction if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLE)) { mVal = null; mTable = null; xmlFields = null; if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"BEGIN TABLE"); } // reset values at row start if (mNode.equals(XML_ROW)) { xmlValues = null; cv = null; } // start node flag if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLENAME)) bTableName = true; if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLESQL)) bTableSql = true; if (mNode.equals(XML_COLSNAME)) bColsName = true; if (mNode.equals(XML_COL)) bC = true; if (mNode.equals(XML_ROW)) bR = true; } // characters method @Override public void characters(char[] ch,int start,int length) throws SAXException { super.characters(ch,start,length); // save table name if (bTableName) { mTable = new String(ch).substring(start,start+length); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"NEW TABLE : "+mTable); } // drope table and create new one, transactioned if (bTableSql) { String sCreateSql = new String(ch).substring(start,start+length); if (mTable!=null) { mDB.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+mTable); mDB.execSQL(sCreateSql); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"DROPPED AND CREATED TABLE : "+mTable); } } // fetching columns names if (bColsName && bC) { mVal = new String(ch).substring(start,start+length); if (xmlFields==null) xmlFields = new ArrayList<String>(); xmlFields.add(mVal); } // fetching columns values if (bR && bC) { mVal = new String(ch).substring(start,start+length); if (xmlValues==null) xmlValues = new ArrayList<String>(); xmlValues.add(mVal); } } // end element method @Override public void endElement(String uri,String localName,String name) throws SAXException { super.endElement(uri,localName,name); // setting mNode if (name.trim().length()==0) mNode = localName; else mNode = name; if (mNode==null) return; // insert at end of row if (mNode.equals(XML_ROW)) { cv = new ContentValues(); for (int j=0;j<xmlFields.size();j++) cv.put( xmlFields.get(j) , xmlValues.get(j) ); mDB.insert(mTable,null,cv); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"INSERT IN "+mTable+" : "+xmlValues.toString()); } // end of table if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLE)) { iTableNum++; if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"END TABLE"); } // end of database if (mNode.equals(XML_DATABASE)) { mDB.setTransactionSuccessful(); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"END TABLE"); } // end node flags if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLENAME)) bTableName = false; if (mNode.equals(XML_TABLESQL)) bTableSql = false; if (mNode.equals(XML_COLSNAME)) bColsName = false; if (mNode.equals(XML_COL)) bC = false; if (mNode.equals(XML_ROW)) bR = false; } // start and end document method @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { super.startDocument(); } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { super.endDocument(); } } */ //---- DB2XML -------------------------------------------------------------- public static int db2xml(SQLiteDatabase mDB,File xmlFile) { // vars final String XML_DATABASE = "database"; final String XML_DBNAME = "dbname"; final String XML_TABLES = "tables"; final String XML_TABLE = "table"; final String XML_TABLENAME = "tablename"; final String XML_TABLESQL = "tablesql"; final String XML_COLSNAME = "colsname"; final String XML_ROWS = "rows"; final String XML_ROW = "r"; final String XML_COL = "c"; // tables list query and cursor int iTableNum = 0; FileWriter fw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; XmlSerializer sr = Xml.newSerializer(); String tblquery = "select * from sqlite_master"; Cursor tblcur = mDB.rawQuery(tblquery,null); String rowquery = ""; Cursor rowcur = null; // file writers try { fw = new FileWriter(xmlFile); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); sr.setOutput(bw); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in db2gson file writers",e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in db2gson file writers",e); } // xml serializer try { // prepare xml document sr.startDocument("UTF-8",true); sr.setFeature("",true); // start document sr.startTag("",XML_DATABASE); sr.startTag("",XML_DBNAME); sr.text(xmlFile.getName()); sr.endTag("",XML_DBNAME); sr.startTag("",XML_TABLES); // iterate through tables String sTableName = ""; String sTableSql = ""; while (tblcur.moveToNext()) { sTableName = tblcur.getString(tblcur.getColumnIndex("name")); sTableSql = tblcur.getString(tblcur.getColumnIndex("sql")); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"TABLE NAME : "+sTableName); // skip metadata, sequence, and uidx before exporting tables if (!sTableName.equals("android_metadata") && !sTableName.equals("sqlite_sequence") && !sTableName.startsWith("uidx") && !sTableName.startsWith("idx_") && !sTableName.startsWith("_idx")) { // table query and cursor iTableNum++; rowquery = "select * from " + sTableName; rowcur = mDB.rawQuery(rowquery,null); // exporting table sr.startTag("",XML_TABLE); sr.startTag("",XML_TABLENAME); sr.text(sTableName); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLENAME); if ((sTableSql!=null)&&(!sTableSql.isEmpty())) { sr.startTag("",XML_TABLESQL); sr.text(sTableSql); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLESQL); } // iteratew through rows int i = -1; while (rowcur.moveToNext()) { // at first element store column names if (i==-1) { sr.startTag("",XML_COLSNAME); for (i=0;i<rowcur.getColumnCount();i++) { sr.startTag("",XML_COL); sr.text(rowcur.getColumnName(i)); sr.endTag("",XML_COL); } sr.endTag("",XML_COLSNAME); sr.startTag("",XML_ROWS); } // get values sr.startTag("",XML_ROW); for (i=0;i<rowcur.getColumnCount();i++) { sr.startTag("",XML_COL); sr.text(rowcur.getString(i)); sr.endTag("",XML_COL); } sr.endTag("",XML_ROW); } // finishing table query rowcur.close(); sr.endTag("",XML_ROWS); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLE); } } // finishing table query tblcur.close(); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLES); sr.endTag("",XML_DATABASE); // finishing sr.endDocument(); sr.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in db2xml",e); } return iTableNum; } //---- DB2XML -------------------------------------------------------------- // obsolete : to be removed /* public static String db2xml(SQLiteDatabase mDB,String sDbName) { // vars final String XML_DATABASE = "database"; final String XML_DBNAME = "dbname"; final String XML_TABLES = "tables"; final String XML_TABLE = "table"; final String XML_TABLENAME = "tablename"; final String XML_TABLESQL = "tablesql"; final String XML_COLSNAME = "colsname"; final String XML_ROWS = "rows"; final String XML_ROW = "r"; final String XML_COL = "c"; // tables list query and cursor String tblquery = "select * from sqlite_master"; Cursor tblcur = mDB.rawQuery(tblquery,null); String rowquery = ""; Cursor rowcur = null; // xml serializer XmlSerializer sr = Xml.newSerializer(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { // prepare xml document sr.setOutput(sw); sr.startDocument("UTF-8",true); sr.setFeature("",false); // start document sr.startTag("",XML_DATABASE); sr.startTag("",XML_DBNAME); if ((sDbName!=null)&&(!sDbName.isEmpty())) sr.text(sDbName); else sr.text("db_name"); sr.endTag("",XML_DBNAME); sr.startTag("",XML_TABLES); // iterate through tables String sTableName = ""; String sTableSql = ""; while (tblcur.moveToNext()) { sTableName = tblcur.getString(tblcur.getColumnIndex("name")); sTableSql = tblcur.getString(tblcur.getColumnIndex("sql")); if (GOLOG) Log.d(LOGTAG,"TABLE NAME : "+sTableName); // skip metadata, sequence, and uidx before exporting tables if (!sTableName.equals("android_metadata") && !sTableName.equals("sqlite_sequence") && !sTableName.startsWith("uidx") && !sTableName.startsWith("idx_") && !sTableName.startsWith("_idx")) { // table query and cursor rowquery = "select * from " + sTableName; rowcur = mDB.rawQuery(rowquery,null); // exporting table sr.startTag("",XML_TABLE); sr.startTag("",XML_TABLENAME); sr.text(sTableName); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLENAME); if ((sTableSql!=null)&&(!sTableSql.isEmpty())) { sr.startTag("",XML_TABLESQL); sr.text(sTableSql); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLESQL); } // iteratew through rows int i = -1; while (rowcur.moveToNext()) { // at first element store column names if (i==-1) { sr.startTag("",XML_COLSNAME); for (i=0;i<rowcur.getColumnCount();i++) { sr.startTag("",XML_COL); sr.text(rowcur.getColumnName(i)); sr.endTag("",XML_COL); } sr.endTag("",XML_COLSNAME); sr.startTag("",XML_ROWS); } // get values sr.startTag("",XML_ROW); for (i=0;i<rowcur.getColumnCount();i++) { sr.startTag("",XML_COL); sr.text(rowcur.getString(i)); sr.endTag("",XML_COL); } sr.endTag("",XML_ROW); } // finishing table query rowcur.close(); sr.endTag("",XML_ROWS); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLE); } } // finishing table query tblcur.close(); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLES); sr.endTag("",XML_DATABASE); // finishing sr.endDocument(); sr.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in db2xml",e); } return sw.toString(); } */ //---- TABLE2XML ----------------------------------------------------------- // obsolete : to be removed /* public static String table2xml(SQLiteDatabase mDB,String sTableName,String sTableSql,XmlSerializer xsr) { // vars //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); final String XML_TABLE = "table"; final String XML_TABLENAME = "tablename"; final String XML_TABLESQL = "tablesql"; final String XML_COLSNAME = "colsname"; final String XML_ROWS = "rows"; final String XML_ROW = "r"; final String XML_COL = "c"; // read table String sqlquery = "select * from " + sTableName; Cursor cur = mDB.rawQuery(sqlquery,null); // xml serializer XmlSerializer sr = null; StringWriter sw = null; try { // if XMLserializer is passed then use it else create new if (xsr!=null) sr = xsr; else { sr = Xml.newSerializer(); sw = new StringWriter(); sr.setOutput(sw); sr.startDocument("UTF-8",true); sr.setFeature("",true); } // start table sr.startTag("",XML_TABLE); sr.startTag("",XML_TABLENAME); sr.text(sTableName); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLENAME); if ((sTableSql!=null)&&(!sTableSql.isEmpty())) { sr.startTag("",XML_TABLESQL); sr.text(sTableSql); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLESQL); } // iteratew through rows int i = -1; while (cur.moveToNext()) { // at first element store column names if (i==-1) { sr.startTag("",XML_COLSNAME); for (i=0;i<cur.getColumnCount();i++) { sr.startTag("",XML_COL); sr.text(cur.getColumnName(i)); sr.endTag("",XML_COL); } sr.endTag("",XML_COLSNAME); sr.startTag("",XML_ROWS); } // get values sr.startTag("",XML_ROW); for (i=0;i<cur.getColumnCount();i++) { sr.startTag("",XML_COL); sr.text(cur.getString(i)); sr.endTag("",XML_COL); } sr.endTag("",XML_ROW); } // finishing table query cur.close(); sr.endTag("",XML_ROWS); sr.endTag("",XML_TABLE); // finishing sr.endDocument(); sr.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOGTAG,"error in table2xml",e); } // if XMLserializer created here, return all XML else return empty if (xsr==null) return sw.toString(); else return ""; } */ //---- JSONMINIFY ---------------------------------------------------------- // Java porting created by Bernhard Gass on 8/01/13 // Ported from // distributed under MIT License public static String jsonMinify(String jsonString) { String tokenizer = "\"|(/\\*)|(\\*/)|(//)|\\n|\\r"; String magic = "(\\\\)*$"; Boolean in_string = false; Boolean in_multiline_comment = false; Boolean in_singleline_comment = false; String tmp = ""; String tmp2 = ""; List<String> new_str = new ArrayList<String>(); Integer from = 0; String lc = ""; String rc = ""; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(tokenizer); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(jsonString); Pattern magicPattern = Pattern.compile(magic); Matcher magicMatcher = null; Boolean foundMagic = false; if (!matcher.find()) return jsonString; else matcher.reset(); while (matcher.find()) { lc = jsonString.substring(0, matcher.start()); rc = jsonString.substring(matcher.end(), jsonString.length()); tmp = jsonString.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end()); if (!in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { tmp2 = lc.substring(from); if (!in_string) tmp2 = tmp2.replaceAll("(\\n|\\r|\\s)*",""); new_str.add(tmp2); } from = matcher.end(); if (tmp.charAt(0) == '\"' && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { magicMatcher = magicPattern.matcher(lc); foundMagic = magicMatcher.find(); if (!in_string || !foundMagic || (magicMatcher.end() - magicMatcher.start()) % 2 == 0) { in_string = !in_string; } from--; rc = jsonString.substring(from); } else if (tmp.startsWith("/*") && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { in_multiline_comment = true; } else if (tmp.startsWith("*/") && !in_string && in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { in_multiline_comment = false; } else if (tmp.startsWith("//") && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { in_singleline_comment = true; } else if ((tmp.startsWith("\n") || tmp.startsWith("\r")) && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && in_singleline_comment) { in_singleline_comment = false; } else if (!in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment && !tmp.substring(0, 1).matches("\\n|\\r|\\s")) { new_str.add(tmp); } } new_str.add(rc); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (String str : new_str) sb.append(str); return sb.toString(); } }