Android Open Source - SMSMorsify-Android Morse

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Java Source Code

/*from ww w .  j av  a 2 s .  c o m*/
 * Abstracts the storage of a sequence of Morse code elements.
 * Implementation can be changed to store the Morse code as Strings, Integers, etc,
 * while still providing the same functionality to programs that rely on this class.
 * @author Anton
public class Morse
   * Defines the dots and dashes used by Morse for storage.
  public static final char   DIT     = '.';
  public static final char   DAH     = '-';
  public static final char   GAP     = ' ';

   * Storage container for the Morse.
   * As of now, uses a char[] of dots and dashs.
  private char[] morse;

   * Default constructor. Creates an empty Morse.
  public Morse()
    this.morse = new char[0];

   * Special constructor: creates an empty Morse consisting of gaps only.
   * @param gaps - specifies the number of gaps in the empty Morse.
/*  public Morse(int gaps)
    this.morse = new char[gaps];
    for (int i = 0; i < this.morse.length; i++)
      this.morse[i] = Morse.GAP;
   * Creates Morse from String with given chars for the dots and dashes.
   * @param s - String contains only given chars for dots and dashes.
   * @param dit - char representing a dot.
   * @param dah - char representing a dash.
  public Morse(String s, char dit, char dah)
    if (dit != Morse.DIT)
      s = s.replace(dit, Morse.DIT);
    if (dah != Morse.DAH)
      s = s.replace(dah, Morse.DAH);

    // **** Implementation specific **** //
    this.morse = new char[2 * s.length() - 1];  // Morse char[] is spaced
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
      this.morse[i*2] = s.charAt(i);
    for (int i = 1; i < this.morse.length; i += 2)
      this.morse[i] = Morse.GAP;

   * Creates Morse from String.
   * @param s - String containing only dots (.) and dashes (-).
  public Morse(String s)
    this(s, Morse.DIT, Morse.DAH);

   * Creates Morse from String with given char for dots and String for dashes. 
   * @param s - String contains only given char for dots and Strings for dashes.
   * @param dit - char representing a dot.
   * @param dah - String representing a dash.
  public Morse(String s, char dit, String dah)
    this(s.replace(dah, String.valueOf(Morse.DAH)), dit, Morse.DAH);

   * Creates Morse from String with given Strings for dots and dashes.
   * @param s - String contains only given Strings for dots and dashes.
   * @param dit - String representing a dot.
   * @param dah - String representing a dash.
  public Morse(String s, String dit, String dah)
    this(s.replace(dit, String.valueOf(Morse.DIT)).replace(dah, String.valueOf(Morse.DAH)), Morse.DIT, Morse.DAH);

   * @param rhs
   * @return
  public boolean equals(Morse rhs)
    if (this.morse.length != rhs.morse.length)
      return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < this.morse.length; i++)
      if (this.morse[i] != rhs.morse[i])
        return false;
    return true;

   * @return
  public String toString()
    String s = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < this.morse.length; i += 2)
      s += this.morse[i];
    return s;

  public char[] toSignal()
    return this.morse;

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