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package com.sbar.rebudget.database; /* www.ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import com.sbar.rebudget.database.DatabaseHelper; import com.sbar.rebudget.Common; import com.sbar.rebudget.FilterStruct; public class DatabaseConnector { public final String DB_NAME = "rebudget"; private DatabaseHelper dbHelper; private SQLiteDatabase db = null; public DatabaseConnector(Context context) { dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context, DB_NAME, null, 1); } public void open() throws SQLException { if (db == null) db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } public void close() { if (db != null) { db.close(); db = null; } } public boolean addFilter(FilterStruct f) { open(); Common.LOGI("addFilter"); if (f.costFracRegexp == null) f.costFracRegexp = ""; if (f.remainingFracRegexp == null) f.remainingFracRegexp = ""; Cursor cur = db.query( "filters", new String[] {"wallet_id"}, "outcome= ? and wallet_id = (select id from wallets where name =?) and sms_address = ? and sms_text_contains = ? and cost_integer_regexp = ? and cost_frac_regexp = ? and remaining_integer_regexp = ? and remaining_frac_regexp = ?", new String[]{f.outcome ? "1" : "0", f.wallet, f.smsAddress, f.smsTextContains, f.costIntegerRegexp, f.costFracRegexp, f.remainingIntegerRegexp, f.remainingFracRegexp}, null, null, null, null ); int count = cur.getCount(); Common.LOGI("count=" + count); if (count > 0) return false; ContentValues c = new ContentValues(); c.put("wallet_id", "(select id from wallets where name = \"" + f.wallet + "\")"); c.put("outcome", f.outcome); c.put("sms_address", f.smsAddress); c.put("sms_text_contains", f.smsTextContains); c.put("cost_integer_regexp", f.costIntegerRegexp); c.put("cost_frac_regexp", f.costFracRegexp); c.put("remaining_integer_regexp", f.remainingIntegerRegexp); c.put("remaining_frac_regexp", f.remainingFracRegexp); c.put("store_regexp", f.storeRegexp); return db.insert("filters", null, c) != -1; } public boolean addCategory(String name, int color, float moneyPlanned, float moneySpent) { open(); Common.LOGI("addCategory"); ContentValues c = new ContentValues(); c.put("name", name); c.put("color", color); c.put("money_planned", moneyPlanned); c.put("money_spent", moneySpent); return db.insert("categories", null, c) != -1; } public boolean addDefaultCategories() { boolean result = true; result &= addCategory("Reserved", 0xFFAAAA00, 5000.0f, 0.0f); result &= addCategory("Food", 0xFFAA00AA, 3000.0f, 0.0f); return result; } public boolean addWallet(String name, float money) { open(); Common.LOGI("addWallet"); ContentValues c = new ContentValues(); c.put("name", name); c.put("money", money); return db.insert("wallets", null, c) != -1; } public boolean addStat(long datetime, float moneyPlanned, float moneySpent) { open(); Common.LOGI("addStat"); ContentValues c = new ContentValues(); c.put("datetime", datetime); c.put("money_planned", moneyPlanned); c.put("money_spent", moneySpent); return db.insert("stats", null, c) != -1; } public boolean addStore(String name) { open(); Common.LOGI("addStore"); ContentValues c = new ContentValues(); c.put("name", name); c.put("category_id", "(select id from categories where name = \"Reserved\")"); return db.insert("stores", null, c) != -1; } public boolean removeCategory(String name) { // substract category money from Reserved category // update category_id to Reserved in stores table // remove category if (name == "Reserved") return false; return false; } public boolean updateStore(String name, String category) { open(); ContentValues c = new ContentValues(); c.put("category_id", "(select id from categories where name = " + category + ")"); return db.update("stores", c, "name = ?", new String[] {name}) != 0; } public boolean deleteWallet(String name) { open(); // TODO: remove filters return db.delete("wallets", "name = ?", new String[] {name}) != 0; } public boolean renameWallet(String currentName, String name) { open(); ContentValues c = new ContentValues(); c.put("name", name); return db.update("wallets", c, "name = ?", new String[] {currentName}) != 0; } public Cursor selectCategories() { open(); return db.query("categories", new String[] {"name", "color", "money_planned", "money_spent"}, null, null, null, null, null, null); } public Cursor selectFilters() { open(); return db.query("filters", new String[] {"sms_address", "sms_text_contains"}, null, null, null, null, null, null); } public Cursor selectWallets() { open(); return db.query("wallets", new String[] {"name", "money"}, null, null, null, null, null, null); } }