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Copyright (c) 2011, Jonathan Perichon & Lucas Gerbeaux Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"...
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package fr.utbm.roodroid.client; /*from www. jav a 2s . c o m*/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import fr.utbm.roodroid.Conversation; import fr.utbm.roodroid.Message; import fr.utbm.roodroid.TextMessage; import fr.utbm.roodroid.Message.MessageStatus; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; /** * ConversationsDataSource * Manage the data source for Conversations. * * It has public methods that interact directly with the data source * (eg: to add a new conversation). * * @author Jonathan Perichon <> * @author Lucas Gerbeaux <> * */ public class ConversationsDataSource { private SQLiteDatabase database; private ConversationsHelper dbHelper; private String[] columnsConversations = { ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVID, ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVCONTACTPHONENUMBER, ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVCONTACTNAME }; private String[] columnsMessages = { ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGIDCONV, ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGSTATUS, ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGDATE, ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGCONTENT, ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGTYPE }; public ConversationsDataSource() { dbHelper = new ConversationsHelper(); } private void open() throws SQLException { database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } private void close() { dbHelper.close(); } public boolean addConversation(Conversation convo) { open(); Cursor cursor = database.query(ConversationsHelper.TAB_CONV, new String[] {ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVID}, ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVCONTACTPHONENUMBER + "= ?", new String[] { convo.getContactPhoneNumber() }, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); long convId; boolean isNew; if (isNew = cursor.isAfterLast()) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVCONTACTPHONENUMBER, convo.getContactPhoneNumber()); values.put(ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVCONTACTNAME, convo.getContactName()); convId = database.insert(ConversationsHelper.TAB_CONV, null, values); } else { convId = cursor.getLong(0); } cursor.close(); for (Message m : convo.getMessages()) { ContentValues v = new ContentValues(); v.put(ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGIDCONV, convId); v.put(ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGDATE, m.getDate().getTime()); v.put(ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGSTATUS, m.getMessageStatus().ordinal()); v.put(ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGTYPE, m.getMessageType().ordinal()); v.put(ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGCONTENT, m.getTextContent()); database.insert(ConversationsHelper.TAB_MSG, null, v); } close(); return isNew; } public void deleteConversation(String contactPhoneNumber) { open(); database.execSQL("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;"); database.delete(ConversationsHelper.TAB_CONV, ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVCONTACTPHONENUMBER + " = ?", new String[] { contactPhoneNumber }); close(); } public void deleteMessage(String contactPhoneNumber, Message msg) { open(); Cursor cursor = database.query(ConversationsHelper.TAB_CONV, new String[] {ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVID}, ConversationsHelper.COL_CONVCONTACTPHONENUMBER + "= ?", new String[] { contactPhoneNumber }, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); if (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { long convId = cursor.getLong(0); database.delete(ConversationsHelper.TAB_MSG, ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGIDCONV + " = ? AND " + ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGCONTENT + " = ? AND " + ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGDATE + " = ?", new String[] { convId+"", msg.getTextContent(), msg.getDate().getTime()+"" }); } cursor.close(); close(); } public HashSet<Conversation> getAllConversations() { open(); HashSet<Conversation> conversations = new HashSet<Conversation>(); Cursor cursor = database.query(ConversationsHelper.TAB_CONV, columnsConversations, null, null, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { conversations.add(cursorToConversation(cursor)); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); close(); return conversations; } private Conversation cursorToConversation(Cursor cursor) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); String contactPhoneNumber = cursor.getString(1); String contactName = cursor.getString(2); List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>(); Cursor cursorMessages = database.query(ConversationsHelper.TAB_MSG, columnsMessages, ConversationsHelper.COL_MSGIDCONV + "=" + id, null, null, null, null); cursorMessages.moveToFirst(); while (!cursorMessages.isAfterLast()) { Message m = cursorToMessage(cursorMessages); messages.add(m); cursorMessages.moveToNext(); } return new Conversation(contactPhoneNumber, contactName, messages); } private Message cursorToMessage(Cursor cursor) { Date date = new Date(cursor.getLong(2)); String content = cursor.getString(3); MessageStatus messageStatus = MessageStatus.RECEIVED; return new TextMessage(date, messageStatus, content); } }