Android Open Source - PhoneGap/phonegap

    1. phonegap-geolocation
      PhoneGap Geolocation Example
      Score:4 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:91 Manifest File:2

    2. ponyville-live-android
      Ponyville Live! for Android, minus PhoneGap heresy
      Score:2 Fragment:3 Activity:1 Java File:60 Manifest File:1

    3. loginPhonegap
      Login para aplicativos usando Phonegap
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:91 Manifest File:2

    4. PhoneGap-ContactsApi-Android
      Sample Source code for PhoneGap ContactsApi Android
      Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:19 Java File:98 Manifest File:2

    5. SLC-phonegap
      SLC developed by phonegap
      Fragment:2 Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:8 Java File:221 Manifest File:8

    6. remotePhoneGap
      Android remote built with PhoneGap
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:90 Manifest File:2

    7. busboy_phonegap
      Phonegap version of Busboy
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:74 Manifest File:2

    8. test
      phonegap test project
      Activity:3 Min SDK:10 Java File:190 Manifest File:5

    9. bars-phonegap
      Phonegap version of Bars
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:94 Manifest File:2

    10. Dagens-ord-android
      Android til Phonegap build
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:91 Manifest File:2

    11. bd_phonegap
      Teste de BD
      Activity:2 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:19 Java File:95 Manifest File:2

    12. PhoneGapThing
      Use phonegap to check github on android
      Activity:2 Min SDK:13 Target SDK:18 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    13. s3Uploader
      Upload from Phonegap to an Amazon S3 Bucket
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:126 Manifest File:2

    14. TesteAudioPhonegap
      Teste de Media Android Phonegap
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:131 Manifest File:2

    15. affordably_mobile
      The phonegap wrapped Affordably.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:91 Manifest File:2

    16. push
      PhoneGap push notification
      Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Java File:83 Manifest File:2

    17. androidtest
      testing phonegap and aptana
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:92 Manifest File:2

    18. workflow-android
      This project is moved to workflow-phonegap
      Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Java File:82 Manifest File:2

    19. testphonegap
      This repo includes all phonegap examples
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:73 Manifest File:2

    20. CompClicker
      Projeto da disciplna Engenharia de Software 2014/02 DCC-UFMG. Clicker para ensino de engenharia de software, usando a plataforma Phonegap
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:93 Manifest File:2

      PhoneGap Shell for Rutgers Coast run in the marshes
      Activity:5 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:14 Java File:3 Manifest File:2

    22. phonegap-compass
      AngularJS + D3 + Phonegap
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:75 Manifest File:2

    23. phonegap-openzix
      Aplicaci?n movil desarrollada en phonegap de demostraci?n de la empresa Openzix
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:91 Manifest File:2

    24. BarMobile-Phonegap
      Bartender with Kinect service. Phonegap mobile apps.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Java File:93 Manifest File:2

    25. Phonegap
      Curso de Phonegap
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:91 Manifest File:2

    26. simplenote
      PhoneGap Android - Simple Note
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Java File:97 Manifest File:2

    27. After-Action-Android
      Android Phonegap version of After Action Review
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:77 Manifest File:2

    28. FunWithPhoneGap
      Trying out phonegap build.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:73 Manifest File:2

    29. WikiPlaces
      A semantic browser based on points of interests and written in PhoneGap.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:95 Manifest File:2

    30. Phonegap-projet-simple
      Un projet simple qui d?montre la configuration de Phonegap en ajoutant la plateforme Android.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:91 Manifest File:2

    31. phonegap-push
      phonegap push test
      Activity:2 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:106 Manifest File:2

    32. PhoneGapExperiments
      Experimenting with PhoneGap
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:95 Manifest File:2

    33. test-phonegap
      example of Sencha Touch and PhoneGap integration
      Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:19 Java File:95 Manifest File:2

    34. fislGamesSerproApp
      Aplicativo desenvolvido com o PhoneGap para Android.
      Activity:13 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:271 Manifest File:2

    35. two-rooms-mobile
      Mobile deployment for Two Rooms web app using Phonegap
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:91 Manifest File:2

    36. android
      Repo for PhoneGap Android Apps
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:92 Manifest File:2

    37. curso-phonegap
      Reposit?rio para os exerc?cios realizados no curso de phonegap com Marcio Albuquerque (
      Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Java File:186 Manifest File:4

    38. BarcodeScannerPortrait
      Phonegap BarcodeScanner In Portrait mode
      Activity:9 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:14 Java File:269 Manifest File:1

    39. CursoPhonegap
      Curso de Phonegap
      Activity:9 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:10 Java File:276 Manifest File:1

    40. phonegap_worm
      Just a playground for me.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:19 Java File:95 Manifest File:2

    41. QRApp
      #codeEncodeQR, #Android, #Phonegap
      Activity:19 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:10 Java File:633 Manifest File:4