Android Open Source - Password/account

    1. aegis-shield
      Aegis Shield is an android application for managing web and other user account passwords.
      Score:2 Activity:4 Java File:25 Manifest File:1

    2. zAPM
      zcjl's Account-Password Management system
      Score:1 Activity:2 Min SDK:10 Java File:6 Manifest File:1

    3. Passcount
      Android application to store account and password information
      Score:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:15 Java File:8 Manifest File:1

    4. trivial-password
      A simple Android app for storing account and password information.
      Fragment:4 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:18 Java File:13 Manifest File:1

    5. PwdReposite
      simple local repository tool to save your accounts and passwords locally,secretly
      Activity:8 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:21 Java File:23 Manifest File:1

    6. PasswordHelper
      A simple tool for android help user remember your accounts,password and so on.
      Activity:3 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:17 Java File:19 Manifest File:1

    7. AccountPasswordsAndroid
      Source Code for Account Passwords Android App
      Activity:1 Min SDK:17 Target SDK:19 Java File:7 Manifest File:1

    8. SecurePassword
      Android app of saving password on device and dropbox account
      Activity:5 Min SDK:15 Java File:9 Manifest File:1