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// THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS // WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE // TIME. AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY // DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS // ARISING FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS // OF THE CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. /*from w ww . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ package com.seeedstudio.workcard; //**** SUMMARY ***** // castHexKeyboard // input : String "AZER" // output : String "AFEF" // StringForceDigit // input : String "23" // input : Int 4 // output : String"0023" // ConvertHexByteToString // input : byte 0x0F // output : String "0F" // ConvertHexByteArrayToStrin // input : byte[] { 0X0F ; 0X43 ; 0xA4 ; ...} // output : String "0F 43 A4 ..." // FormatStringAddressStart // input : String "0F" // input : DataDevice // output: String "000F" // ConvertIntToHexFormatString // input : Int 2047 // output : String "7FF" // FormatStringNbBlock // input : String "2" // output : String "02" // ConvertStringToHexBytes // input : String "0F43" // output : byte[] { 0X0F ; 0X43 } // ConvertStringToHexByte // input : String "43" // output : byte { 0X43 } // ConvertIntTo2bytesHexaFormat // input : Int 1876 // output : byte[] {0x07, 0x54} // Convert2bytesHexaFormatToInt // input : byte[] {0x07, 0x54} // output : Int 1876 // ConvertStringToInt // input : String "0754" // output : Int 1876 // FormatDisplayReadBlock // input : byte[] ReadMultipleBlockAnswer & byte[]AddressStart // output : String "Block 0 : 32 FF EE 44" public class Helper { //***********************************************************************/ //* the function cast a String to hexa character only //* when a character is not hexa it's replaced by '0' //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("AZER") -> returns "AFEF" //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("12l./<4") -> returns "12FFFF4" //***********************************************************************/ public static String castHexKeyboard (String sInput) { String sOutput =""; sInput = sInput.toUpperCase(); char[] cInput = sInput.toCharArray(); for(int i=0; i<sInput.length();i++) { if( cInput[i] != '0' && cInput[i] != '1' && cInput[i] != '2' && cInput[i] != '3' && cInput[i] != '4' && cInput[i] != '5' && cInput[i] != '6' && cInput[i] != '7' && cInput[i] != '8' && cInput[i] != '9' && cInput[i] != 'A' && cInput[i] != 'B' && cInput[i] != 'C' && cInput[i] != 'D' && cInput[i] != 'E') { cInput[i] = 'F'; } sOutput += cInput[i]; } return sOutput; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function cast a String to hexa character only //* when a character is not hexa it's replaced by '0' //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("AZER") -> returns "AFEF" //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("12l./<4") -> returns "12FFFF4" //***********************************************************************/ public static boolean checkDataHexa (String sInput) { boolean checkedValue = true; sInput = sInput.toUpperCase(); char[] cInput = sInput.toCharArray(); for(int i=0; i<sInput.length();i++) { if( cInput[i] != '0' && cInput[i] != '1' && cInput[i] != '2' && cInput[i] != '3' && cInput[i] != '4' && cInput[i] != '5' && cInput[i] != '6' && cInput[i] != '7' && cInput[i] != '8' && cInput[i] != '9' && cInput[i] != 'A' && cInput[i] != 'B' && cInput[i] != 'C' && cInput[i] != 'D' && cInput[i] != 'E' && cInput[i] != 'F') { checkedValue= false; } } return checkedValue; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function cast a String to hexa character only //* when a character is not hexa it's replaced by '0' //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("AZER") -> returns "AFEF" //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("12l./<4") -> returns "12FFFF4" //***********************************************************************/ public static String checkAndChangeDataHexa (String sInput) { String CheckedAndChangedValue = ""; sInput = sInput.toUpperCase(); char[] cInput = sInput.toCharArray(); for(int i=0; i<sInput.length();i++) { if( cInput[i] == '0' || cInput[i] == '1' || cInput[i] == '2' || cInput[i] == '3' || cInput[i] == '4' || cInput[i] == '5' || cInput[i] == '6' || cInput[i] == '7' || cInput[i] == '8' || cInput[i] == '9' || cInput[i] == 'A' || cInput[i] == 'B' || cInput[i] == 'C' || cInput[i] == 'D' || cInput[i] == 'E' || cInput[i] == 'F') { CheckedAndChangedValue += cInput[i]; } } return CheckedAndChangedValue; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function cast a String to hexa character only //* when a character is not hexa it's replaced by '0' //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("AZER") -> returns "AFEF" //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("12l./<4") -> returns "12FFFF4" //***********************************************************************/ public static boolean checkFileName (String sInput) { boolean checkedValue = true; //sInput = sInput.toUpperCase(); char[] cInput = sInput.toCharArray(); for(int i=0; i<sInput.length();i++) { if( cInput[i] != '0' && cInput[i] != '1' && cInput[i] != '2' && cInput[i] != '3' && cInput[i] != '4' && cInput[i] != '5' && cInput[i] != '6' && cInput[i] != '7' && cInput[i] != '8' && cInput[i] != '9' && cInput[i] != 'a' && cInput[i] != 'b' && cInput[i] != 'c' && cInput[i] != 'd' && cInput[i] != 'e' && cInput[i] != 'f' && cInput[i] != 'g' && cInput[i] != 'h' && cInput[i] != 'i' && cInput[i] != 'j' && cInput[i] != 'k' && cInput[i] != 'l' && cInput[i] != 'm' && cInput[i] != 'n' && cInput[i] != 'o' && cInput[i] != 'p' && cInput[i] != 'q' && cInput[i] != 'r' && cInput[i] != 's' && cInput[i] != 't' && cInput[i] != 'u' && cInput[i] != 'v' && cInput[i] != 'w' && cInput[i] != 'x' && cInput[i] != 'y' && cInput[i] != 'z' && cInput[i] != 'A' && cInput[i] != 'B' && cInput[i] != 'C' && cInput[i] != 'D' && cInput[i] != 'E' && cInput[i] != 'F' && cInput[i] != 'G' && cInput[i] != 'H' && cInput[i] != 'I' && cInput[i] != 'J' && cInput[i] != 'K' && cInput[i] != 'L' && cInput[i] != 'M' && cInput[i] != 'N' && cInput[i] != 'O' && cInput[i] != 'P' && cInput[i] != 'Q' && cInput[i] != 'R' && cInput[i] != 'S' && cInput[i] != 'T' && cInput[i] != 'U' && cInput[i] != 'V' && cInput[i] != 'W' && cInput[i] != 'X' && cInput[i] != 'Y' && cInput[i] != 'Z' && cInput[i] != '.' && cInput[i] != '_') { checkedValue= false; } } return checkedValue; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function cast a String to hexa character only //* when a character is not hexa it's replaced by '0' //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("AZER") -> returns "AFEF" //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("12l./<4") -> returns "12FFFF4" //***********************************************************************/ public static String checkAndChangeFileName (String sInput) { String CheckedAndChangedName = ""; //sInput = sInput.toUpperCase(); char[] cInput = sInput.toCharArray(); for(int i=0; i<sInput.length();i++) { if( cInput[i] == '0' || cInput[i] == '1' || cInput[i] == '2' || cInput[i] == '3' || cInput[i] == '4' || cInput[i] == '5' || cInput[i] == '6' || cInput[i] == '7' || cInput[i] == '8' || cInput[i] == '9' || cInput[i] == 'a' || cInput[i] == 'b' || cInput[i] == 'c' || cInput[i] == 'd' || cInput[i] == 'e' || cInput[i] == 'f' || cInput[i] == 'g' || cInput[i] == 'h' || cInput[i] == 'i' || cInput[i] == 'j' || cInput[i] == 'k' || cInput[i] == 'l' || cInput[i] == 'm' || cInput[i] == 'n' || cInput[i] == 'o' || cInput[i] == 'p' || cInput[i] == 'q' || cInput[i] == 'r' || cInput[i] == 's' || cInput[i] == 't' || cInput[i] == 'u' || cInput[i] == 'v' || cInput[i] == 'w' || cInput[i] == 'x' || cInput[i] == 'y' || cInput[i] == 'z' || cInput[i] == 'A' || cInput[i] == 'B' || cInput[i] == 'C' || cInput[i] == 'D' || cInput[i] == 'E' || cInput[i] == 'F' || cInput[i] == 'G' || cInput[i] == 'H' || cInput[i] == 'I' || cInput[i] == 'J' || cInput[i] == 'K' || cInput[i] == 'L' || cInput[i] == 'M' || cInput[i] == 'N' || cInput[i] == 'O' || cInput[i] == 'P' || cInput[i] == 'Q' || cInput[i] == 'R' || cInput[i] == 'S' || cInput[i] == 'T' || cInput[i] == 'U' || cInput[i] == 'V' || cInput[i] == 'W' || cInput[i] == 'X' || cInput[i] == 'Y' || cInput[i] == 'Z' || cInput[i] == '.' || cInput[i] == '_') { CheckedAndChangedName += cInput[i]; } } return CheckedAndChangedName; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Format a String with the right number of digit //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("23",4) -> returns "0023" //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ("54",7) -> returns "0000054" //***********************************************************************/ public static String StringForceDigit (String sStringToFormat, int nbOfDigit) { String sStringFormated = sStringToFormat.replaceAll(" ", ""); if(sStringFormated.length() == 4) { return sStringFormated; } else if (sStringFormated.length() < nbOfDigit) { while (sStringFormated.length() !=nbOfDigit) { sStringFormated = "0".concat(sStringFormated); } } return sStringFormated; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Convert byte value to a "2-char String" Format //* Example : ConvertHexByteToString ((byte)0X0F) -> returns "0F" //***********************************************************************/ public static String ConvertHexByteToString (byte byteToConvert) { String ConvertedByte = ""; if (byteToConvert < 0) { ConvertedByte += Integer.toString(byteToConvert + 256, 16) + " "; } else if (byteToConvert <= 15) { ConvertedByte += "0" + Integer.toString(byteToConvert, 16) + " "; } else { ConvertedByte += Integer.toString(byteToConvert, 16) + " "; } return ConvertedByte; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Convert byte Array to a "String" Formated with spaces //* Example : ConvertHexByteArrayToString { 0X0F ; 0X43 } -> returns "0F 43" //***********************************************************************/ public static String ConvertHexByteArrayToString (byte[] byteArrayToConvert) { String ConvertedByte = ""; for(int i=0;i<byteArrayToConvert.length;i++) { if (byteArrayToConvert[i] < 0) { ConvertedByte += Integer.toString(byteArrayToConvert[i] + 256, 16) + " "; } else if (byteArrayToConvert[i] <= 15) { ConvertedByte += "0" + Integer.toString(byteArrayToConvert[i], 16) + " "; } else { ConvertedByte += Integer.toString(byteArrayToConvert[i], 16) + " "; } } return ConvertedByte; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function verify and convert the start address from the EditText //* in order to not read out of memory range and code String on 4chars. //* Example : FormatStringAddressStart ("0F") -> returns "000F" //* Example : FormatStringAddressStart ("FFFF") -> returns "07FF" //***********************************************************************/ public static String FormatStringAddressStart (String stringToFormat, DataDevice ma) { String stringFormated = stringToFormat; stringFormated = StringForceDigit(stringToFormat,4); if (stringFormated.length() > 4) { stringFormated = ma.getMemorySize().replace(" ", ""); } int iAddressStart = ConvertStringToInt(stringFormated); int iAddresStartMax = ConvertStringToInt(StringForceDigit(ma.getMemorySize(),4)); if(iAddressStart > iAddresStartMax) { iAddressStart = iAddresStartMax; } stringFormated = ConvertIntToHexFormatString(iAddressStart); return stringFormated.toUpperCase(); } //***********************************************************************/ //* this function give the right format for the 4 EditText to fill in //* the screen BASICWRITE //***********************************************************************/ public static String FormatValueByteWrite (String stringToFormat) { String stringFormated = stringToFormat; stringFormated = StringForceDigit(stringToFormat,2); stringFormated = castHexKeyboard(stringFormated); return stringFormated.toUpperCase(); } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function convert an Int value to a String with Hexadecimal format //* Example : ConvertIntToHexFormatString (2047) -> returns "7FF" //***********************************************************************/ public static String ConvertIntToHexFormatString (int iNumberToConvert) { String sConvertedNumber =""; byte[] bNumberToConvert; bNumberToConvert = ConvertIntTo2bytesHexaFormat(iNumberToConvert); sConvertedNumber = ConvertHexByteArrayToString(bNumberToConvert); sConvertedNumber = sConvertedNumber.replaceAll(" ",""); return sConvertedNumber ; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function verify and convert the NbBlock from the EditText (HEXA) //* in order to not read out of memory range and code String on 4chars. //* Example : FormatStringAddressStart ("0F") -> returns "000F" //* Example : FormatStringAddressStart ("FFFF") -> returns "07FF" //***********************************************************************/ public static String FormatStringNbBlock (String stringToformat, String sAddressStart,DataDevice ma) { String sNbBlockToRead = stringToformat; sNbBlockToRead = StringForceDigit(sNbBlockToRead,4); if (sNbBlockToRead.length() > 4) { sNbBlockToRead = ma.getMemorySize().replace(" ", ""); } int iNbBlockToRead = ConvertStringToInt(sNbBlockToRead); int iAddressStart = ConvertStringToInt(sAddressStart); int iAddresStartMax = ConvertStringToInt(StringForceDigit(ma.getMemorySize(),4)); if(iAddressStart + iNbBlockToRead > iAddresStartMax) { iNbBlockToRead = iAddresStartMax - iAddressStart +1; } /* else if(iNbBlockToRead > iAddresStartMax) { iNbBlockToRead = iAddresStartMax +1; } */ sNbBlockToRead = ConvertIntToHexFormatString(iNbBlockToRead); sNbBlockToRead = StringForceDigit(sNbBlockToRead,4); return sNbBlockToRead; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function verify and convert the NbBlock from the EditText (DECIMAL) //* in order to not read out of memory range and code String on 4chars. //* Example : FormatStringAddressStart ("01") -> returns "0001" //* Example : FormatStringAddressStart ("9999") -> returns "2048" //***********************************************************************/ public static String FormatStringNbBlockInteger (String stringToformat, String sAddressStart,DataDevice ma) { String sNbBlockToRead = stringToformat; sNbBlockToRead = StringForceDigit(sNbBlockToRead,4); if (sNbBlockToRead.length() > 4) { sNbBlockToRead = ma.getMemorySize().replace(" ", ""); } int iNbBlockToRead = Integer.parseInt(sNbBlockToRead); int iAddressStart = ConvertStringToInt(sAddressStart); int iAddresStartMax = ConvertStringToInt(StringForceDigit(ma.getMemorySize(),4)); if(iAddressStart + iNbBlockToRead > iAddresStartMax + 1) { iNbBlockToRead = iAddresStartMax - iAddressStart +1; } /* else if(iNbBlockToRead > iAddresStartMax) { iNbBlockToRead = iAddresStartMax +1; } */ sNbBlockToRead = Integer.toString(iNbBlockToRead, 10); sNbBlockToRead = StringForceDigit(sNbBlockToRead,4); return sNbBlockToRead; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Convert a "4-char String" to a two bytes format //* Example : "0F43" -> { 0X0F ; 0X43 } //***********************************************************************/ public static byte[] ConvertStringToHexBytes (String StringToConvert) { StringToConvert = StringToConvert.toUpperCase(); StringToConvert = StringToConvert.replaceAll(" ", ""); char[]CharArray = StringToConvert.toCharArray(); char[] Char = new char[]{'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; int result = 0; byte[] ConvertedString = new byte[]{(byte)0x00,(byte)0x00}; for(int i=0;i <= 1 ; i++ ) { for(int j=0; j<=15 ; j++) { if(CharArray[i] == Char[j]) { if(i == 1) { result = result + j; j=15; } else if (i==0) { result = result + j*16; j = 15; } } } } ConvertedString[0]= (byte)result; result = 0; for(int i=2;i <= 3 ; i++ ) { for(int j=0; j<=15 ; j++) { if(CharArray[i] == Char[j]) { if(i==3) { result = result + j; j=15; } else if (i==2) { result = result + j*16; j=15; } } } } ConvertedString[1]= (byte)result; return ConvertedString; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Convert a "4-char String" to a X bytes format //* Example : "0F43" -> { 0X0F ; 0X43 } //***********************************************************************/ public static byte[] ConvertStringToHexBytesArray (String StringToConvert) { StringToConvert = StringToConvert.toUpperCase(); StringToConvert = StringToConvert.replaceAll(" ", ""); char[]CharArray = StringToConvert.toCharArray(); char[] Char = new char[]{'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; int result = 0; byte[] ConvertedString = new byte[StringToConvert.length()/2]; int iStringLen = (StringToConvert.length()); for(int i=0;i <iStringLen ; i++ ) { for(int j=0; j<=15 ; j++) { if(CharArray[i] == Char[j]) { if(i%2 == 1) { result = result + j; j=15; } else if (i%2 == 0) { result = result + j*16; j = 15; } } } if (i%2 == 1) { ConvertedString[i/2]= (byte)result; result = 0; } } return ConvertedString; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Convert a "4-char String" to a two bytes format //* Example : "43" -> { 0X43 } //***********************************************************************/ public static byte ConvertStringToHexByte (String StringToConvert) { StringToConvert = StringToConvert.toUpperCase(); char[]CharArray = StringToConvert.toCharArray(); char[] Char = new char[]{'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; int result = 0; for(int i=0;i <= 1 ; i++ ) { for(int j=0; j<=15 ; j++) { if(CharArray[i] == Char[j]) { if(i == 1) { result = result + j; j=15; } else if (i==0) { result = result + j*16; j = 15; } } } } return (byte)result; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Convert Int value to a "2 bytes Array" Format //* (decimal)1876 == (hexadecimal)0754 //* Example : ConvertIntTo2bytesHexaFormat (1876) -> returns {0x07, 0x54} //***********************************************************************/ public static byte[] ConvertIntTo2bytesHexaFormat (int numberToConvert) { byte[] ConvertedNumber = new byte[2]; ConvertedNumber[0]= (byte)(numberToConvert/256); ConvertedNumber[1]= (byte)(numberToConvert-(256*(numberToConvert/256))); return ConvertedNumber; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Convert a "2 bytes Array" To int Format //* (decimal)1876 = (hexadecimal)0754 //* Example : Convert2bytesHexaFormatToInt {0x07, 0x54} -> returns 1876 //***********************************************************************/ public static int Convert2bytesHexaFormatToInt (byte[] ArrayToConvert) { int ConvertedNumber = 0; if(ArrayToConvert[1]<=-1)//<0 ConvertedNumber += ArrayToConvert[1]+256; else ConvertedNumber += ArrayToConvert[1]; if(ArrayToConvert[0]<=-1)//<0 ConvertedNumber += (ArrayToConvert[0]*256)+256; else ConvertedNumber += ArrayToConvert[0]*256; return ConvertedNumber; } //***********************************************************************/ //* the function Convert String to an Int value //***********************************************************************/ public static int ConvertStringToInt (String nbOfBlocks) { int count = 0; if(nbOfBlocks.length()>2) { String msb = nbOfBlocks.substring(0, 2); String lsb = nbOfBlocks.substring(2, 4); count = Integer.parseInt(lsb,16); count += (Integer.parseInt(msb,16))*256; } else { String lsb = nbOfBlocks.substring(0, 2); count = Integer.parseInt(lsb,16); } return count; } public static String[] buildArrayBlocks(byte[] addressStart, int length) { String array[] = new String[length]; int add = (int)addressStart[1]; if((int)addressStart[1]<0) add = ((int)addressStart[1]+256); if((int)addressStart[0]<0) add += (256*((int)addressStart[0]+256)); else add += (256*(int)addressStart[0]); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(i == 14) { i =14; } array[i] = "Block " + ConvertIntToHexFormatString(i + add).toUpperCase(); } return array; } public static String[] buildArrayValueBlocks(byte[]ReadMultipleBlockAnswer, int length) { String array[] = new String[length]; int sup = 1; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = ""; array[i] += Helper.ConvertHexByteToString(ReadMultipleBlockAnswer[sup]).toUpperCase(); array[i] += " "; array[i] += Helper.ConvertHexByteToString(ReadMultipleBlockAnswer[sup + 1]).toUpperCase(); array[i] += " "; array[i] += Helper.ConvertHexByteToString(ReadMultipleBlockAnswer[sup + 2]).toUpperCase(); array[i] += " "; array[i] += Helper.ConvertHexByteToString(ReadMultipleBlockAnswer[sup + 3]).toUpperCase(); sup += 4; } return array; } }