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package com.jiahaoliuliu.nearestrestaurants.session; /* w w w .j a va 2 s . com*/ import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONArray; import; import; import com.jiahaoliuliu.nearestrestaurants.session.HttpRequest; import com.jiahaoliuliu.nearestrestaurants.session.ErrorHandler.RequestStatus; import com.jiahaoliuliu.nearestrestaurants.session.HttpRequest.RequestMethod; import com.jiahaoliuliu.nearestrestaurants.interfaces.RequestJSONCallback; /** * This class is used to communicates with the remote server. * If there is any error, HTTPRequest class will return an error code * then the server will translate the error code to the application * specific error code and give it to the upper class. The upper class * will check the error and decide what to do. */ public class Service { /** * The tag used for log. */ private static final String LOG_TAG = Service.class.getSimpleName(); /** * The base URL */ private static final String URL_BASE = ""; // The API key private static final String API_KEY_KEY = "key"; private static final String API_KEY_VALUE = ""; // Location private static final String LOCATION_KEY = "location"; // Radius private static final String RADIUS_KEY = "radius"; private static final String RADIUS_VALUE = String.valueOf(Session.DEFAULT_RANGE); // The radius is defined by the session // Sensor private static final String SENSOR_KEY = "sensor"; private static final String SENSOR_VALUE = "false"; // Because the sensor is always false, it is better to save it as String // Types (Restaurant) private static final String TYPES_KEY = "types"; private static final String TYPES_VALUE = "restaurant"; // Next page token private static final String NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN_KEY = "pagetoken"; // Get the list of the restaurants nearby private static final RequestMethod RESTAURANTS_NEARBY_REQUEST_METHOD = RequestMethod.RequestMethodGet; /** * The empty constructor of the service. * It is used only for Anonymous users */ Service() {}; protected void getRestaurantsNearby( LatLng myPosition, final RequestJSONCallback requestJSONCallback) { Uri finalUri = Uri.parse(URL_BASE); // The parameters Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(API_KEY_KEY, API_KEY_VALUE); parameters.put(LOCATION_KEY, myPosition.latitude + "," + myPosition.longitude); parameters.put(RADIUS_KEY, RADIUS_VALUE); parameters.put(SENSOR_KEY, SENSOR_VALUE); parameters.put(TYPES_KEY, TYPES_VALUE); HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.create(finalUri, RESTAURANTS_NEARBY_REQUEST_METHOD, parameters); httpRequest.performRequestWithJSONHandler(new RequestJSONCallback() { @Override public void done(JSONArray jsonArray, String extraValue, RequestStatus requestStatus) { requestJSONCallback.done(jsonArray, extraValue, requestStatus); } }); } /** * Get the next page of Restaurants Nearby * @param nextPageToken The token returned by the server to get the next page * @param requestJSONCallback The callback to call when the data is ready */ protected void getRestaurantsNearbyNextPage(String nextPageToken, final RequestJSONCallback requestJSONCallback) { Uri finalUri = Uri.parse(URL_BASE); // The parameters Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(API_KEY_KEY, API_KEY_VALUE); parameters.put(SENSOR_KEY, SENSOR_VALUE); parameters.put(NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN_KEY, nextPageToken); HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.create(finalUri, RESTAURANTS_NEARBY_REQUEST_METHOD, parameters); httpRequest.performRequestWithJSONHandler(new RequestJSONCallback() { @Override public void done(JSONArray jsonArray, String extraValue, RequestStatus requestStatus) { requestJSONCallback.done(jsonArray, extraValue, requestStatus); } }); } }