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package com.chalmers.frapp.database; /*from w w w .j a va 2 s. c o m*/ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import android.util.Pair; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; /** * A parser class to create a new LocationDatabse from a * given XML file. * * The general design is to use a stack representing the * currently open XML tags or XML path. Each tag includes * a parser state containing various data to be processed * by this parser class. */ public class Parser extends DefaultHandler { /** * Enumeration of parsed tags. */ private enum XMLTags { BUILDINGS, BUILDING, ENTRANCES, ENTRANCE, ADDRESS, GEOPOINT, LOCATIONS, LOCATION, ENTRANCEID, CATEGORY, DESCRIPTION }; /** * The database which holds the parsed data. */ private LocationDatabase database; /** * A stack to hold the current XML path and additional * parser states. */ private LinkedList<Pair<XMLTags, Object>> parseStack; /** * Parse an InputStream to a LocationDatabase. * * @param inputStream An InputStream to parse. * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ public Parser(InputStream inputStream) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { database = new LocationDatabase(); parseStack = new LinkedList<Pair<XMLTags, Object>>(); // getting SAXParserFactory instance SAXParserFactory saxParserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); // Getting SAXParser object from AXParserFactory instance SAXParser saxParser = saxParserFactory.newSAXParser(); // Parsing XML Document by calling parse method of SAXParser class saxParser.parse(inputStream, this); } /** * Get the parsed database. * * @return A LocationDatabase filled with parsed information. */ public LocationDatabase getDatabase() { return database; } /** * Parse a geopoint tag. * * @param atts Attributes from the SAX parser. * @return A parsed GeoPoint * @throws SAXException */ private GeoPoint parseGeopoint(Attributes atts) throws SAXException { Integer latitude = null; Integer longitude = null; int attributeCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { // Accept attribute "lat". if(latitude == null && atts.getLocalName(i).toLowerCase().equals("lat")) { latitude = (int) (Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue(i)) * 1E6); // Accept attribute "long". } else if(longitude == null && atts.getLocalName(i).toLowerCase().equals("long")) { longitude = (int) (Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue(i)) * 1E6); // Any other attributes is an error. } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected attribute: " + atts.getLocalName(i) + ", expected lat and long."); } attributeCount++; } // There must be exactly two attributes ("lat" and "long"). if(attributeCount != 2) { throw new SAXException("Unexpected attribute count: " + attributeCount + ", expected two."); } return new GeoPoint(latitude, longitude); } public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { // If the current XML path is empty. if(parseStack.isEmpty()) { // Accept tag "buildings". if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("buildings")) { // Update the XML path parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.BUILDINGS, null)); // Any other tag is an error. } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected tag: " + localName + ", expected buildings."); } // Currently processing a "buildings" tag. } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.BUILDINGS)) { // Accept any number of "building" tags. if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("building")) { int attributeCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { // Accept the "name" XML attribute. if(atts.getLocalName(i).toLowerCase().equals("name")) { // Update the XML path and include a building state connected to the database. parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.BUILDING, database.addBuilding(atts.getValue(i)))); // Any incorrect attribute is an error. } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected attribute: " + atts.getLocalName(i) + ", expected name."); } attributeCount++; } // There must be exactly one attribute (and that is "name"). if(attributeCount != 1) { throw new SAXException("Unexpected attribute count: " + attributeCount + ", expected one."); } // Any other tag is an error. } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected tag: " + localName + ", expected building."); } // Currently processing a "building" tag. } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.BUILDING)) { // Accept "entrance" tag. if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("entrances")) { // Update the XML path and include the current building state. parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.ENTRANCES, parseStack.peekLast().second)); // Accept "location" tag. } else if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("locations")) { // Update the XML path and include the current building state. parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.LOCATIONS, parseStack.peekLast().second)); // Any other tag is an error. } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected tag: " + localName + ", expected entrances or locations."); } // Currently processing a "entrances" tag. } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.ENTRANCES)) { // Accept "entrance" tag. if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("entrance")) { int attributeCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { if(atts.getLocalName(i).toLowerCase().equals("id")) { // Create a new state for this entrance. ArrayList<Object> entranceData = new ArrayList<Object>(3); entranceData.add(atts.getValue(i)); // The entrance ID (String) entranceData.add(null); // Placeholder for address (String) entranceData.add(null); // Placeholder for location (GeoPoint) // Update the XML path and use the new entrance state. // Note: see processing of the "entrance" tag and the // method characters for filling all placeholders. parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.ENTRANCE, entranceData)); } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected attribute: " + atts.getLocalName(i) + ", expected id."); } attributeCount++; } if(attributeCount != 1) { throw new SAXException("Unexpected attribute count: " + attributeCount + ", expected one."); } } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected tag: " + localName + ", expected entrance."); } // Process "entrance" tag. } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.ENTRANCE)) { ArrayList<Object> entranceData = (ArrayList<Object>) parseStack.peekLast().second; if(entranceData.get(1) == null && localName.toLowerCase().equals("address")) { parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.ADDRESS, entranceData)); } else if(entranceData.get(2) == null && localName.toLowerCase().equals("geopoint")) { entranceData.set(2, parseGeopoint(atts)); parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.GEOPOINT, null)); } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected tag: " + localName + ", expected address or geopoint."); } // Process "locations" tag. } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.LOCATIONS)) { if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("location")) { int attributeCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { if(atts.getLocalName(i).toLowerCase().equals("name")) { // Create a new state for this location/room. ArrayList<Object> locationData = new ArrayList<Object>(5); locationData.add(atts.getValue(i)); // Room name. locationData.add(new LinkedList<String>()); // List of entranceIDs. locationData.add(new LinkedList<String>()); // List of categories. locationData.add(null); // GeoPoint placeholder. locationData.add(null); // Description placeholder. parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.LOCATION, locationData)); } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected attribute: " + atts.getLocalName(i) + ", expected name."); } attributeCount++; } if(attributeCount != 1) { throw new SAXException("Unexpected attribute count: " + attributeCount + ", expected one."); } } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected tag: " + localName + ", expected location."); } // Process "location" tag. } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.LOCATION)) { ArrayList<Object> locationData = (ArrayList<Object>) parseStack.peekLast().second; if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("entrance")) { parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.ENTRANCEID, locationData.get(1))); } else if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("category")) { parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.CATEGORY, locationData.get(2))); } else if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("geopoint")) { locationData.set(3, parseGeopoint(atts)); parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.GEOPOINT, null)); } else if(localName.toLowerCase().equals("description")) { parseStack.add(new Pair<XMLTags, Object>(XMLTags.DESCRIPTION, locationData)); } else { throw new SAXException("Unexpected tag: " + localName + ", expected entrance, category, geopoint or description."); } } // No other interesting start states should be present. } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { // Process "address" tag under "entrance". if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.ADDRESS)) { ArrayList<Object> entranceData = (ArrayList<Object>) parseStack.peekLast().second; String address = new String(ch, start, length); entranceData.set(1, address); // Process "entrance" tag under "location" (room). } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.ENTRANCEID)) { LinkedList<String> entrances = (LinkedList<String>) parseStack.peekLast().second; String entranceID = new String(ch, start, length); entrances.add(entranceID); // Process "category" tag under "location" (room). } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.CATEGORY)) { LinkedList<String> categoryList = (LinkedList<String>) parseStack.peekLast().second; String category = new String(ch, start, length); categoryList.add(category); // Process "description" tag under "location" (room). } else if(parseStack.peekLast().first.equals(XMLTags.DESCRIPTION)) { ArrayList<Object> locationData = (ArrayList<Object>) parseStack.peekLast().second; String description = new String(ch, start, length); locationData.set(4, description); } } public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { // Pop the current parse state from the parse stack Pair<XMLTags, Object> current = parseStack.removeLast(); // When closing an "entrance" tag, add it to the building. if(current.first.equals(XMLTags.ENTRANCE)) { ArrayList<Object> entranceData = (ArrayList<Object>) current.second; Building b = (Building) parseStack.peekLast().second; b.addEntrance((String) entranceData.get(0), (String) entranceData.get(1), (GeoPoint) entranceData.get(2)); // When closing an "location" tag (room), add it to the building. } else if(current.first.equals(XMLTags.LOCATION)) { ArrayList<Object> locationData = (ArrayList<Object>) current.second; Building b = (Building) parseStack.peekLast().second; Room newRoom = b.addRoom((String) locationData.get(0), (String) locationData.get(4), (LinkedList<String>) locationData.get(1), (GeoPoint) locationData.get(3)); newRoom.getCategories().addAll((LinkedList<String>) locationData.get(2)); } } public void endDocument() throws SAXException { // If the parse stack is not empty at the end of the XML document // then the XML document is incorrect. if(!parseStack.isEmpty()) { throw new SAXException("Unexpected end of document."); } } }