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/* * License: Public Domain/*from w w w . ja v a2 s .c om*/ * Author: elf * EMail: */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; public class MapView extends View{ private int _nLevel = 0; private MapPainter _mpMapPainter; private Bitmap _bmpMap; private Paint _paint; private PointF _ptfGps = new PointF(); private Point _ptGps = new Point(); private List<Point> _gpsTrace = new ArrayList<Point>(); private Point _ptLocationCenter = new Point(); private Size _szMapMargin = new Size(); private int _nWidth; private int _nHeight; private _rtSrc = new; private RectF _rtfDest = new RectF(); public MapView(Context context, MapPainter painter) { super(context); _mpMapPainter = painter; _paint = new Paint(); _paint.setAntiAlias(true); _paint.setTextSize(20.0f); _paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); for(int i = 0, n = _szVisibleTypes.length; i < n; ++i) _szVisibleTypes[i] = true; } public void SetGps(float fLongitude, float fLatitude){ if(fLongitude == _ptfGps.x && fLatitude == _ptfGps.y) return; long nLongitude = Map.LongitudeFloatToLong(fLongitude); long nLatitude = Map.LatitudeFloatToLong(fLatitude); _ptfGps.set(fLongitude, fLatitude); _ptGps.Set(nLongitude, nLatitude); if(_gpsTrace.size() >= 1000) _gpsTrace.remove(0); _gpsTrace.add(new Point(nLongitude, nLatitude)); } private void _Home(){ _ptLocationCenter.Set(_ptGps); } public void Home(){ _Home(); if(_bmpMap != null){ _Redraw(); invalidate(); } } private void resetSourceRect(){ _rtSrc.set((int)_szMapMargin.Width(), (int)_szMapMargin.Height(), (int)_szMapMargin.Width() + _nWidth, (int)_szMapMargin.Height() + _nHeight); } private void _SetCenter(float fLongitude, float fLatitude){ long nLongitude = Map.LongitudeFloatToLong(fLongitude); long nLatitude = Map.LatitudeFloatToLong(fLatitude); _ptLocationCenter.Set(nLongitude, nLatitude); } public void SetCenter(Point ptCenter){ _ptLocationCenter.Set(ptCenter); if(_bmpMap != null){ _Redraw(); invalidate(); } } public void SetCenter(float fLongitude, float fLatitude){ _SetCenter(fLongitude, fLatitude); if(_bmpMap != null){ _Redraw(); invalidate(); } } public void PixelOffset(int nX, int nY){ if(_bmpMap == null) return; long nLongitudeOffset = _mpMapPainter.PixelToLocationLong(nX); long nLatitudeOffset = _mpMapPainter.PixelToLocationLong(nY); long nNewLongitude = _ptLocationCenter.X() + nLongitudeOffset; long nNewLatitude = _ptLocationCenter.Y() + nLatitudeOffset; if(nNewLongitude < 0 || nNewLongitude >= 4294967296L || nNewLatitude < 0 || nNewLatitude >= 2147483648L) return; _ptLocationCenter.Set(nNewLongitude, nNewLatitude); _rtSrc.offset(nX, nY); if((_rtSrc.left < 0 || < 0 || _rtSrc.right > _nBmpSize || _rtSrc.bottom > _nBmpSize)){ _Redraw(); } invalidate(); } public void SetLevel(int nLevel){ _nLevel = nLevel; if(_bmpMap != null){ _Redraw(); invalidate(); } } public void DecreaseLevel(){ --_nLevel; if(_bmpMap != null){ _Redraw(); invalidate(); } } public void IncreaseLevel(){ ++_nLevel; if(_bmpMap != null){ _Redraw(); invalidate(); } } private boolean[] _szVisibleTypes = new boolean[5]; public boolean[] GetVisibleTypes(){ return _szVisibleTypes; } public void SetVisibleType(Map.ObjectType type, boolean bVisible){ _szVisibleTypes[type.ordinal()] = bVisible; } public void Redraw(){ _Redraw(); invalidate(); } private void _Redraw(){ resetSourceRect(); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(_bmpMap); _nLevel = _mpMapPainter.Begin(canvas, _ptLocationCenter, _nLevel); _mpMapPainter.DrawBackground(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.Area.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawAreas(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.Water.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawWaters(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.WaterWay.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawWaterWays(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.Way.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawLines(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.Location.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawLocations(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.Area.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawNameOfAreas(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.WaterWay.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawNameOfWaterWays(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.Water.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawNameOfWaters(); if(_szVisibleTypes[Map.ObjectType.Way.ordinal()]) _mpMapPainter.DrawNameOfWays(); _paint.setColor(Color.BLUE); _mpMapPainter.DrawOval(_ptGps, 5.0f, 5.0f, _paint); _paint.setColor(Color.RED); _mpMapPainter.DrawText(_ptGps, String.valueOf(_ptfGps.x) + ", " + String.valueOf(_ptfGps.y), _paint); _mpMapPainter.End(); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { // if(_bmpMap != null) // canvas.drawColor(0xFF808080); canvas.drawBitmap(_bmpMap, _rtSrc, _rtfDest, _paint); // _paint.setColor(Color.RED); // canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(_nLevel), 100, 100, _paint); // canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(_rtSrc.left) + ", " + String.valueOf( + ", " + String.valueOf(_rtSrc.width()) + ", " + String.valueOf(_rtSrc.height()), 320, 20, _textPaint); // canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(_rtfDest.left) + ", " + String.valueOf( + ", " + String.valueOf(_rtfDest.width()) + ", " + String.valueOf(_rtfDest.height()), 320, 60, _textPaint); } private int _nBmpSize; private int _nBmpOneQuarterSize; @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); _nWidth = w; _nHeight = h; _rtSrc.right = _rtSrc.left + w; _rtSrc.bottom = + h; _rtfDest.right = w; _rtfDest.bottom = h; int nBmpHalfSize = (w > h? w : h); _nBmpSize = nBmpHalfSize << 1; _nBmpOneQuarterSize = nBmpHalfSize >> 1; _szMapMargin.Set(_nBmpOneQuarterSize + ((nBmpHalfSize - w) >> 1), _nBmpOneQuarterSize + ((nBmpHalfSize - h) >> 1)); if(_bmpMap != null) _bmpMap.recycle(); _bmpMap = Bitmap.createBitmap(_nBmpSize, _nBmpSize, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); _Redraw(); } }