Android Open Source - Map/API

    1. clusterkraf
      A clustering library for the Google Maps Android API v2
      Score:316 Fragment:5 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Java File:29 Manifest File:3

    2. Polaris2
      Polaris is a framework enhancing the Google Maps Android API v2. It aims to fix some of the most frustrating bugs of the original library and provide additional features.
      Score:213 Fragment:18 Activity:18 Min SDK:8 Java File:57 Manifest File:3

    3. android_packages_apps_GmsCore
      Compatibility implementation of Google Play Services, including Maps API v2
      Score:58 Activity:3 Min SDK:16 Java File:47 Manifest File:1

    4. android-gmaps-addons
      A collection of add-ons for the Android Google Maps API v2 framework.
      Score:50 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:6 Manifest File:1

    5. maps-android-folding_map
      Sample showing how to create a folding map effect using the Google Maps Android API v2 and FoldingLayout
      Score:24 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:19 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    6. maps-android-walkway
      Sample Android app, using the Google Maps API, the demonstrates map UI techniques.
      Score:8 Fragment:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:18 Java File:6 Manifest File:2

    7. droidnate
      Object Relational Mapping API for Android Applications.
      Score:5 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:36 Manifest File:1

    8. android-api-poznan
      Prezentacja mo?liwo?ci map i geolokalizacji w Androidzie na przyk?adzie wykorzystania API portalu we wsp??pracy z Urz?dem Miasta Poznania oraz Pozna?skim Centrum Superkomputerowo Sieciowym.
      Score:4 Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    9. UK-Weather-repo
      An Android app that uses the Open Weather Map API.
      Score:3 Fragment:3 Activity:6 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:19 Java File:54 Manifest File:2

    10. MapSearch_v2
      MapSearch with Google Maps Android API v2
      Score:3 Fragment:3 Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Java File:10 Manifest File:1

    11. AndroidStudioBootstrapMapsMenuDrawer
      Android studio bootstrap with maps and menu drawer. When you need use maps in android studio you should chande in AndroidManifest this line: <meta-data android:name="" android:value="*"/>
      Score:2 Fragment:4 Activity:3 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:18 Java File:10 Manifest File:1

    12. MapleMap
      This is to test Google Maps API V2 for Android
      Score:2 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:1 Manifest File:2

    13. MapHomeTest
      Test Andorid App using the Loader Class and Android Maps v2 API
      Score:2 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:16 Java File:17 Manifest File:1

    14. MapsAPIv2Example
      Use of Google Maps API v2 to show a map on my Activity
      Score:2 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    15. mapsv2-experiments
      Google Android Maps API V2 Experimente
      Score:2 Fragment:2 Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

      Repo for the Google Maps API hackathon
      Score:1 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    17. Android---Google_Maps_1
      Ejemplo de API de Google Maps con LocationManager
      Score:1 Activity:1 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    18. OneBusAway-YORK-Android
      Based on OneBusAway-Android, York redesigned the interface and made changes for Google Maps API v2 integration.
      Score:1 Fragment:1 Activity:15 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:19 Java File:172 Manifest File:1

    19. GoogleMaps
      Sample code for Google Maps API v2 Android
      Score:1 Activity:1 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    20. android-map101-v2
      A Sample Application using the new Google Maps API v2 for Android
      Score:1 Activity:2 Min SDK:16 Target SDK:17 Java File:7 Manifest File:1

    21. TestGoogleMaps
      Test new Google Maps API v2
      Score:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    22. AndroidTestMap
      Just a test to integrate foursquare api and a map
      Score:1 Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    23. MultiUse
      An android application that allows the user to make calls, access the internet through a web browser, and access different coordinates using the google maps API.
      Activity:2 Min SDK:4 Target SDK:4 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    24. WeatherSnap
      Sample Android App, using OpenWeatherMap API, Web view, Google Maps v2, Parse, and Camera.
      Fragment:3 Activity:5 Java File:9 Manifest File:1

    25. MyMaps3Project
      poc maps api v2 with android studio
      Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:16 Java File:3 Manifest File:3

    26. JetStations
      An Assignment in an Android programming course. As part of learning how the map API works we had to develop a small app that would list where all the JET stations are located in Sweden.
      Activity:1 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    27. gslib
      Studying Google Maps API on Android.
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    28. FoodNow
      It aims to demonstrate how to use Google Maps API for Android
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    29. ChargeMap
      Google Maps API test
      Fragment:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Java File:7 Manifest File:2

    30. mapsforge
      Clone of with some changes to use with the Google Maps Android v2 API.
      Activity:10 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:188 Manifest File:2

    31. MeraukeProject
      this is a merauke project repo using google maps android api v2.
      Fragment:3 Activity:4 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:10 Java File:18 Manifest File:1

    32. MapGoogle
      Sample of Google Maps Android API v2
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:19 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    33. FindMyCarV1
      Android app using Google Maps API v1
      Activity:1 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:17 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    34. collabRoute
      Android app using google Maps API
      Fragment:9 Activity:5 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:19 Java File:39 Manifest File:1

    35. GoogleMapsTest
      Android test with Google Maps API v2 and custom markers.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:19 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    36. FindMyCarV2
      Android app using Google Maps API v2
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:17 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    37. HovaCoptApp
      Android application with Google Maps API
      Activity:9 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:15 Java File:12 Manifest File:1

    38. MovingMarkers
      Google Maps API V2 Moving Markers
      Activity:2 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    39. SocialCrimeMapping
      Stand-Alone Android (Google Maps) Application - Targets Twitter APIs and Google Geocoding APIs
      Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Java File:12 Manifest File:1

    40. map-window-recorder
      Simple application demonstrating recording, replaying and saving Google Maps Android API v2 windows to generate test data
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:19 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    41. MapsDemo
      A android project to showcase google and bing maps api
      Fragment:4 Activity:1 Min SDK:16 Target SDK:21 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    42. gMapsAndroidApp
      Testing google maps api in an android app
      Activity:3 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:19 Java File:8 Manifest File:1

    43. tuto-android-google-maps-v2
      Android - Utilisation de l'API Google Maps Android v2
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:18 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    44. TutorialGoogleMaps
      Google Maps Android API v2
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    45. World-Weather
      An Android app that uses the Open Weather Map API.
      Fragment:3 Activity:6 Java File:53 Manifest File:1

    46. MapsTesting
      Learning the Google Maps API V2 for Android.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:12 Target SDK:17 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    47. Android_Yellow_Pages_App_TDD
      Android app using Yellow Pages API and Google Maps API. Developed using TDD, robolectric testing framework & roboguice dependency injection; very high test code coverage.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:19 Java File:27 Manifest File:2

    48. MapsAndroid
      exploring the maps api v2 for android
      Activity:2 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:15 Java File:5 Manifest File:1