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/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at/*from ww w . j a va 2s .c o m*/ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.*/ package com.fede; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import com.fede.MessageException.*; import com.fede.Utilities.GeneralUtils; import com.fede.Utilities.LocationUpdater; import com.fede.Utilities.PrefUtils; /* Sms structure : * left my phone at home. Call me at office-g:fedepaol * * e : sends an echo message to show the state * s + on / off: status. May be on or off * m + mail address : mail to send the notifications to. Null disables mail notifications * sms + number : number to send the notifications to. Null disables sms notifications * r + reply: reply message to caller / sms sender. Null disables replies * g + name: tries to retrieve the number(s) associated to the name and returns them * * Only password #password shows help * */ public class CommandSms { public enum BoolCommand {UNDEF, ENABLED, DISABLED} public static final String STATUS_COMMAND = "s"; public static final String STATUS_OFF = "off"; public static final String STATUS_ON = "on"; public static final String SMS_DEST_COMMAND = "sms"; public static final String MAIL_DEST_COMMAND = "m"; public static final String REPLY_COMMAND = "r"; public static final String ECHO_STATUS_COMMAND = "e"; public static final String GET_NUMBER_COMMAND = "g"; public static final String GET_POSITION_COMMAND = "w"; public static final String BEGIN_STRING = "#"; public static final String EXAMPLE = "#pwd-e-w-s:on/ -m, -sms, -r without arg reset mail dest"; final SharedPreferences prefs; /* status variables */ private BoolCommand status = BoolCommand.UNDEF; private String smsDest = ""; private boolean smsDestChange = false; private String mailDest = ""; private boolean mailDestChange = false; private String replyCommand = ""; private boolean replyCommandChange = false; private BoolCommand echoCommand = BoolCommand.UNDEF; private boolean mIsHelpMessage; private boolean retrieveNumber = false; private String numberToRetrieve = ""; private boolean getPosition; private final String smsBody; private final String incomingNumber; private final Context context; // Checks the password with the one stored in the preferences private void checkPassword(String pwd) throws InvalidPasswordException{ String PASSWORD_KEY = context.getString(R.string.password_key); String prefPwd = prefs.getString(PASSWORD_KEY, "*"); if(!pwd.equals(prefPwd)){ throw new InvalidPasswordException(pwd + " is not the current password", context); } } private String getPasswordFromCommands(String[] commands) { return commands[0].substring(1); } public String getSmsBody() { return smsBody; } public String getIncomingNumber() { return incomingNumber; } public static boolean isCommandSms(String body) { if(!body.startsWith(BEGIN_STRING)){ // if it doesn't start with a # is not a valid command message return false; }else return true; } public CommandSms(Bundle b, Context c) throws InvalidCommandException { this(b, b.getString(HomeAloneService.MESSAGE_BODY), b.getString(HomeAloneService.NUMBER), c); } public CommandSms(Bundle b, String body,String number, Context c) throws InvalidCommandException { context = c; incomingNumber = number; smsBody = body; mIsHelpMessage = false; prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c); if(!isCommandSms(smsBody)){ // if it doesn't start with a # is not a valid command message throw new InvalidCommandException(context.getString(R.string.doesnt_start_with) + " " + BEGIN_STRING, context); } String[] commands = smsBody.split("-"); String password = getPasswordFromCommands(commands); checkPassword(password); if(commands.length == 1){ // only password mIsHelpMessage = true; } for (String cmnd : commands){ if(!cmnd.startsWith(BEGIN_STRING)) // Skipping first command parseCommand(cmnd); } } // Command structure: com[:value] void parseCommand(String c) throws InvalidCommandException{ String[] parseRes = c.split(":"); String commandName = parseRes[0]; String commandValue = parseRes.length > 1? parseRes[1] : null; if(commandName.equals(STATUS_COMMAND)){ if(commandValue == null) throw new CommandParseException(context.getString(R.string.status_expect_value), context); if(commandValue.equals(STATUS_ON)){ if(PrefUtils.homeAloneEnabled(context)) throw new CommandParseException(context.getString(R.string.already_enabled_error), context); status = BoolCommand.ENABLED; }else if(commandValue.equals(STATUS_OFF)){ if(!PrefUtils.homeAloneEnabled(context)) throw new CommandParseException(context.getString(R.string.already_disabled_error), context); status = BoolCommand.DISABLED; }else throw new CommandParseException(context.getString(R.string.invalid_status_value) + ":" + commandValue, context); return; } if(commandName.equals(SMS_DEST_COMMAND)){ smsDestChange = true; if(commandValue != null){ if(GeneralUtils.isPhoneNumber(commandValue)) smsDest = commandValue; else throw new CommandParseException(commandValue + " " + context.getString(R.string.not_valid_number_message), context); }else{ smsDest = ""; } return; } if(commandName.equals(GET_NUMBER_COMMAND)){ retrieveNumber = true; if(commandValue != null){ numberToRetrieve = commandValue; }else{ throw new CommandParseException(context.getString(R.string.get_number_invalid_name), context); } return; } if(commandName.equals(GET_POSITION_COMMAND)){ getPosition = true; return; } if(commandName.equals(MAIL_DEST_COMMAND)){ mailDestChange = true; if(commandValue != null){ if(!GeneralUtils.isMail(commandValue)){ throw new CommandParseException(commandValue + " " + context.getString(R.string.not_valid_mail_message), context); } if(!PrefUtils.validMailUserPwd(context, prefs)){ throw new CommandParseException(context.getString(R.string.invalid_mail_user), context); } if(!GeneralUtils.isNetworkAvailable(context)){ throw new CommandParseException(context.getString(R.string.network_not_available), context); } mailDest = commandValue; }else{ mailDest = ""; } return; } if(commandName.equals(REPLY_COMMAND)){ replyCommandChange = true; if(commandValue != null){ replyCommand = commandValue; }else{ replyCommand = ""; } return; } if(commandName.equals(ECHO_STATUS_COMMAND)){ echoCommand = BoolCommand.ENABLED; return; } throw new CommandParseException("Invalid command name " + commandName, context); } // tells if the command wants to disable the feature sms: with no string means to disable the // sms private boolean isDisableFeatureCommand(String s) { return s.equals(""); } private void sendHelpMessage(){ GeneralUtils.sendSms(incomingNumber, EXAMPLE, context); GeneralUtils.notifyEvent(context.getString(R.string.help_requested), String.format(context.getString(R.string.help_requested_full), incomingNumber), DroidContentProviderClient.EventType.COMMAND, context); } // updates preferences from command instructions private void updatePreferences() { SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor = prefs.edit(); if(smsDestChange){ String SMS_ENABLE_KEY = context.getString(R.string.forward_to_sms_key); String SMS_TO_FWD_KEY = context.getString(R.string.sms_to_forward_key); if(isDisableFeatureCommand(smsDest)){ prefEditor.putBoolean(SMS_ENABLE_KEY, false); }else{ prefEditor.putBoolean(SMS_ENABLE_KEY, true); prefEditor.putString(SMS_TO_FWD_KEY, smsDest); } } if(mailDestChange){ String MAIL_ENABLE_KEY = context.getString(R.string.forward_to_mail_key); String MAIL_TO_FWD_KEY = context.getString(R.string.mail_to_forward_key); if(isDisableFeatureCommand(mailDest)){ prefEditor.putBoolean(MAIL_ENABLE_KEY, false); }else{ prefEditor.putBoolean(MAIL_ENABLE_KEY, true); prefEditor.putString(MAIL_TO_FWD_KEY, mailDest); } } if(replyCommandChange){ String REPLY_ENABLE_KEY = context.getString(R.string.reply_enable_key); String REPLY_KEY = context.getString(R.string.reply_key); if(isDisableFeatureCommand(replyCommand)){ prefEditor.putBoolean(REPLY_ENABLE_KEY, false); }else{ prefEditor.putBoolean(REPLY_ENABLE_KEY, true); prefEditor.putString(REPLY_KEY, replyCommand); } } prefEditor.commit(); } private void sendNumbersForName(String name){ try{ String[] res = GeneralUtils.getContactNumbers(name, context); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (String number:res){ buf.append(number); buf.append(" "); } GeneralUtils.sendSms(incomingNumber, String.format(context.getString(R.string.number_for_contact), name, buf.toString()), context); }catch(NameNotFoundException e){ GeneralUtils.sendSms(incomingNumber, String.format(context.getString(R.string.no_name_found), name), context); } } private void sendActivationMail(Context c, String number) throws InvalidCommandException{ try{ GeneralUtils.sendMail(c, String.format(c.getString(R.string.mail_activated_message), number)); }catch (Exception e){ throw new InvalidCommandException(c.getString(R.string.failed_to_send_activ_mail), c); } } private void flushMissedCalls(){ String[] missedCalls = GeneralUtils.getMissedCalls(context); if(missedCalls.length == 0) return; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for(String missed : missedCalls){ buf.append(missed); buf.append(" "); } EventForwarder f = new EventForwarder(buf.toString(), DroidContentProviderClient.EventType.FORWARDED_CALL, context); f.forward(); } // Action to be performed if the command enables homealone private void execEnableActions() throws InvalidCommandException{ if(!PrefUtils.checkForwardingEnabled(context)){ throw new ForwardingDisabledException(context.getString(R.string.forwarding_not_enabled), context); } if(PrefUtils.mailForwardingEnabled(context)){ sendActivationMail(context, incomingNumber); } flushMissedCalls(); } // Notifies current phone positions using configured forwarding options private void notifyPosition() throws LocationNotFoundException{ LocationUpdater updater = new LocationUpdater(context); String locationMessage = updater.getLocation(); GeneralUtils.sendSms(incomingNumber, locationMessage, context); } public void execute() throws InvalidCommandException { if(mIsHelpMessage){ sendHelpMessage(); }else{ updatePreferences(); String status = PrefUtils.getPreferencesStatus(context); if(echoCommand == BoolCommand.ENABLED){ GeneralUtils.sendSms(incomingNumber, status, context); } if(retrieveNumber){ sendNumbersForName(numberToRetrieve); } if(getPosition){ notifyPosition(); } if(getStatus() == BoolCommand.ENABLED){ execEnableActions(); } notifyCommandExecution(status, echoCommand); } } private void notifyCommandExecution(String status, BoolCommand echoCommand){ String shortDesc = context.getString(R.string.command_executed) + " " + incomingNumber; String fullDesc = context.getString(R.string.incoming_sms) + " " + smsBody; GeneralUtils.notifyEvent(shortDesc, fullDesc, DroidContentProviderClient.EventType.COMMAND, context); } public BoolCommand getStatus() { return status; } public BoolCommand getEcho() { return echoCommand; } }