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Java Source Code
package com.livio.sdl.dialogs;
/**/import java.util.List;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.ImageButton;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.livio.sdl.R;
import com.livio.sdl.SdlLogMessage;
import com.livio.sdl.utils.SdlUtils;
* This dialog shows a single JSON message, but allows the ability to flip back and forth between
* all available messages via the arrow buttons at the bottom of the dialog. This dialog will not
* be updated when new messages are sent with this dialog open. The dialog must be closed and re-opened
* in order to refresh with new values.
* @author Mike Burke
*/publicclass JsonFlipperDialog extends BaseAlertDialog {
private List<SdlLogMessage> jsonMessages;
privateint currentPosition;
private TextView text;
private ImageButton leftButton, rightButton;
public JsonFlipperDialog(Context context, List<SdlLogMessage> jsonMessages, int startPosition) {
super(context, SdlUtils.makeJsonTitle(jsonMessages.get(startPosition).getCorrelationId()), R.layout.json_flipper_dialog);
this.jsonMessages = jsonMessages;
this.currentPosition = startPosition;
// since refresh updates the dialog's title, this must be after createDialog() so the dialog isn't null
protectedvoid findViews(View parent) {
text = (TextView) parent.findViewById(;
// set up left button
leftButton = (ImageButton) parent.findViewById(;
leftButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
publicvoid onClick(View v) {
// if we can move left, do it. if not, do nothing
if(currentPosition > 0){
// set up right button
rightButton = (ImageButton) parent.findViewById(;
rightButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
publicvoid onClick(View v) {
// if we can move right, do it. if not, do nothing
if(currentPosition < (jsonMessages.size()-1) ){
// refresh the buttons & the text for this dialog
privatevoid refresh(){
// refreshes the buttons with new position. disables the buttons when we're at the edges of the list.
privatevoid refreshButtons(){
boolean atStart = (currentPosition == 0);
boolean atEnd = (currentPosition == jsonMessages.size()-1);
// refreshes the text of the dialog - both the title and the main text.
privatevoid refreshText(){
SdlLogMessage currentMessage = jsonMessages.get(currentPosition);