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package ru.levrun.libgdx_demo; // w w w .jav a2 s .co m import android.util.Log; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; public class Game implements ApplicationListener { public static final int CAMERA_WIDTH = 480; public static final int CAMERA_HEIGHT = 800; public static final int FIELD_ROWS = 3; public static final int FIELD_COLS = 3; public static final String MARMOT_EMPTY_IMAGE_FILE_NAME = "surok_empty.png"; public static final String MARMOT_PRESENT_IMAGE_FILE_NAME = "surok_present.png"; public static final String MARMOT_HIT_IMAGE_FILE_NAME = "surok_hitt.png"; public static final String INTRO_SOUND_FILE_NAME = "start_game.mp3"; public static final String KICK_MARMOT_SOUND_FILE_NAME = "kick_marmot.wav"; public static final String FINISH_GAME_SOUND_FILE_NAME = "game_over.wav"; public static final int CELL_WEIGHT = 128; public static final int CELL_HEIGHT = 128; public static final String MARMOT_GAME_TAG = "MARMOT_GAME"; public static final String TIME_COUNTER_TEXT_MESSAGE = "Time : "; public static final String SCORE_COUNTER_TEXT_MESSAGE = "Score : "; public static final String START_MENU_TEXT_MESSAGE = "Click to start"; public static final int TICK_MS = 1000; private int GAME_SESSION_TIME = 30; private Marmot[][] marmotsList = new Marmot[FIELD_COLS][FIELD_ROWS]; private Marmot currentMarmotCell; private Marmot pressedMarmotCell; private OrthographicCamera camera; private SpriteBatch batch; private BitmapFont timeCounterText; private BitmapFont startMenuText; private BitmapFont scoreCounterText; private Texture marmotHiddenImage; private Texture marmotPresentImage; private Texture marmotHitImage; private Vector3 touchPoint; private int timeCount = GAME_SESSION_TIME; private int sessionScore = 0; private boolean isGameSessionOnPause; private boolean isGameStarted; private Sound introMusic; private Sound kickMarmotSound; private Sound finishGameSound; private boolean soundPlaying; private MyTimer myTimer; @Override public void create() { camera = new OrthographicCamera(); camera.setToOrtho(false, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT); batch = new SpriteBatch(); touchPoint = new Vector3(); createGameImages(); createGameField(); createGameText(); createSounds(); } private void createSounds() { introMusic = .internal(INTRO_SOUND_FILE_NAME)); kickMarmotSound = .internal(KICK_MARMOT_SOUND_FILE_NAME)); finishGameSound = .internal(FINISH_GAME_SOUND_FILE_NAME)); } private void createGameImages() { marmotHiddenImage = new Texture( Gdx.files.internal(MARMOT_EMPTY_IMAGE_FILE_NAME)); marmotPresentImage = new Texture( Gdx.files.internal(MARMOT_PRESENT_IMAGE_FILE_NAME)); marmotHitImage = new Texture( Gdx.files.internal(MARMOT_HIT_IMAGE_FILE_NAME)); } private void createGameText() { timeCounterText = GameUtils.createBitmapFont(1f, Color.BLACK); startMenuText = GameUtils.createBitmapFont(2f, Color.BLUE); scoreCounterText = GameUtils.createBitmapFont(1f, Color.BLACK); } private void createGameField() { for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_COLS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < FIELD_ROWS; j++) { marmotsList[i][j] = new Marmot(i, j); } } } @Override public void dispose() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void pause() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } private void drawField() { for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_ROWS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < FIELD_COLS; j++) { Marmot myMarmot = marmotsList[i][j]; if (myMarmot == currentMarmotCell && myMarmot == pressedMarmotCell) { batch.draw(marmotHitImage, myMarmot.getRectangle().x, myMarmot.getRectangle().y); } else if (myMarmot == currentMarmotCell) { batch.draw(marmotPresentImage, myMarmot.getRectangle().x, myMarmot.getRectangle().y); } else { batch.draw(marmotHiddenImage, myMarmot.getRectangle().x, myMarmot.getRectangle().y); } } } } @Override public void render() { Color color = GameUtils.colorFromHex(0xB0BC22);, color.g, color.b, color.a);; // OpenGL code to clear the // screen camera.update(); batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); batch.begin(); timeCounterText.draw( batch, TIME_COUNTER_TEXT_MESSAGE + timeCount, CAMERA_WIDTH - timeCounterText.getBounds(TIME_COUNTER_TEXT_MESSAGE + " ").width, CAMERA_HEIGHT - timeCounterText.getBounds(TIME_COUNTER_TEXT_MESSAGE + " ").height); scoreCounterText.draw( batch, SCORE_COUNTER_TEXT_MESSAGE + sessionScore, 10, CAMERA_HEIGHT - timeCounterText.getBounds(SCORE_COUNTER_TEXT_MESSAGE + " ").height); if (timeCount >= GAME_SESSION_TIME || timeCount <= 0) { startMenuText.draw(batch, START_MENU_TEXT_MESSAGE, CAMERA_WIDTH / 2 - timeCounterText.getBounds(START_MENU_TEXT_MESSAGE).width / 2 - 30, CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2); } if (isGameStarted) { if (myTimer == null) { myTimer = new MyTimer(Marmot.randomGenerator.nextInt(3)); myTimer.start(); } if (timeCount < 5) { if (!soundPlaying) { soundPlaying = true;; } } if (myTimer != null && myTimer.hasCompleted()) { myTimer = null; if (!isGameSessionOnPause) { currentMarmotCell = Marmot.getRandomMarmotCell(marmotsList); pressedMarmotCell = null; isGameSessionOnPause = true; } else { isGameSessionOnPause = false; currentMarmotCell = null; } } drawField(); } batch.end(); camera.unproject(touchPoint.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0)); /** Simple technique to detect user input on the touch screen **/ if (Gdx.input.isTouched()) { if (!isGameStarted) {; // startTime = TimeUtils.millis(); sessionScore = 0; soundPlaying = false; timeCount = GAME_SESSION_TIME; isGameStarted = true; final Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { timeCount--; if (timeCount <= 0) { isGameStarted = false; timer.cancel(); } } }, 0, TICK_MS); } else { checkField(); } } } private void checkField() { for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_ROWS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < FIELD_COLS; j++) { Marmot myMarmot = marmotsList[i][j]; if (myMarmot.getRectangle() .contains(touchPoint.x, touchPoint.y)) { Log.d(MARMOT_GAME_TAG, "Point in rectangle!"); pressedMarmotCell = myMarmot; if (currentMarmotCell == pressedMarmotCell) {; Log.d(MARMOT_GAME_TAG, "Hit!"); sessionScore = sessionScore + 10; } } } } } @Override public void resize(int arg0, int arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void resume() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }