Android Open Source - square-libgdx Json Value

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Java Source Code

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013 EclipseSource.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 *//from   w w  w.j  a va 2  s.c o m
 * Contributors:
 *    Ralf Sternberg - initial implementation and API
package com.denzyldick.square.json;


 * Represents a JSON value. According to RFC 4627, a JSON value must be an <strong>object</strong>,
 * an <strong>array</strong>, a <strong>number</strong>, a <strong>string</strong>, or one of the
 * literal names <strong>true</strong>, <strong>false</strong>, and <strong>null</strong>.
 * <p>
 * The literal names <strong>true</strong>, <strong>false</strong>, and <strong>null</strong> are
 * represented by the constants {@link #TRUE}, {@link #FALSE}, and {@link #NULL}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * JSON <strong>objects</strong> and <strong>arrays</strong> are represented by the subtypes
 * {@link JsonObject} and {@link JsonArray}. Instances of these types can be created using the
 * public constructors.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Instances for JSON <strong>numbers</strong> and <strong>strings</strong> can be created using the
 * static factory methods {@link #valueOf(String)}, {@link #valueOf(long)}, {@link #valueOf(double)}
 * , etc.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * In order to find out whether an instance of this class is of a certain type, the methods
 * {@link #isObject()}, {@link #isArray()}, {@link #isString()}, {@link #isNumber()} etc. can be
 * used.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If there is no doubt about the type of a JSON value, one of the methods {@link #asObject()},
 * {@link #asArray()}, {@link #asString()}, {@link #asInt()}, etc. can be used to get this value
 * directly in the appropriate target type.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This class is <strong>not supposed to be extended</strong> by clients.
 * </p>
@SuppressWarnings( "serial" ) // use default serial UID
public abstract class JsonValue implements Serializable {

   * Represents the JSON literal <code>true</code>.
  public static final JsonValue TRUE = new JsonLiteral( "true" );

   * Represents the JSON literal <code>false</code>.
  public static final JsonValue FALSE = new JsonLiteral( "false" );

   * The JSON literal <code>null</code>.
  public static final JsonValue NULL = new JsonLiteral( "null" );

  JsonValue() {
    // prevent subclasses outside of this package

   * Reads a JSON value from the given reader.
   * @param reader
   *          the reader to read the JSON value from
   * @return the JSON value that has been read
   * @throws IOException
   *           if an I/O error occurs in the reader
   * @throws ParseException
   *           if the input is not valid JSON
  public static JsonValue readFrom( Reader reader ) throws IOException {
    return new JsonParser( reader ).parse();

   * Reads a JSON value from the given string.
   * @param text
   *          the string that contains the JSON value
   * @return the JSON value that has been read
   * @throws ParseException
   *           if the input is not valid JSON
  public static JsonValue readFrom( String text ) {
    try {
      return new JsonParser( new StringReader( text ) ).parse();
    } catch( IOException exception ) {
      // StringReader does not throw IOException
      throw new RuntimeException( exception );

   * Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given <code>int</code> value.
   * @param value
   *          the value to get a JSON representation for
   * @return a JSON value that represents the given value
  public static JsonValue valueOf( int value ) {
    return new JsonNumber( Integer.toString( value, 10 ) );

   * Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given <code>long</code> value.
   * @param value
   *          the value to get a JSON representation for
   * @return a JSON value that represents the given value
  public static JsonValue valueOf( long value ) {
    return new JsonNumber( Long.toString( value, 10 ) );

   * Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given <code>float</code> value.
   * @param value
   *          the value to get a JSON representation for
   * @return a JSON value that represents the given value
  public static JsonValue valueOf( float value ) {
    if( Float.isInfinite( value ) || Float.isNaN( value ) ) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Infinite and NaN values not permitted in JSON" );
    return new JsonNumber( cutOffPointZero( Float.toString( value ) ) );

   * Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given <code>double</code> value.
   * @param value
   *          the value to get a JSON representation for
   * @return a JSON value that represents the given value
  public static JsonValue valueOf( double value ) {
    if( Double.isInfinite( value ) || Double.isNaN( value ) ) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Infinite and NaN values not permitted in JSON" );
    return new JsonNumber( cutOffPointZero( Double.toString( value ) ) );

   * Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given string.
   * @param string
   *          the string to get a JSON representation for
   * @return a JSON value that represents the given string
  public static JsonValue valueOf( String string ) {
    return string == null ? NULL : new JsonString( string );

   * Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given <code>boolean</code> value.
   * @param value
   *          the value to get a JSON representation for
   * @return a JSON value that represents the given value
  public static JsonValue valueOf( boolean value ) {
    return value ? TRUE : FALSE;

   * Detects whether this value represents a JSON object. If this is the case, this value is an
   * instance of {@link JsonObject}.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this value is an instance of JsonObject
  public boolean isObject() {
    return false;

   * Detects whether this value represents a JSON array. If this is the case, this value is an
   * instance of {@link JsonArray}.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this value is an instance of JsonArray
  public boolean isArray() {
    return false;

   * Detects whether this value represents a JSON number.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this value represents a JSON number
  public boolean isNumber() {
    return false;

   * Detects whether this value represents a JSON string.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this value represents a JSON string
  public boolean isString() {
    return false;

   * Detects whether this value represents a boolean value.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this value represents either the JSON literal
   *         <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>
  public boolean isBoolean() {
    return false;

   * Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal <code>true</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this value represents the JSON literal
   *         <code>true</code>
  public boolean isTrue() {
    return false;

   * Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal <code>false</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this value represents the JSON literal
   *         <code>false</code>
  public boolean isFalse() {
    return false;

   * Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal <code>null</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this value represents the JSON literal
   *         <code>null</code>
  public boolean isNull() {
    return false;

   * Returns this JSON value as {@link JsonObject}, assuming that this value represents a JSON
   * object. If this is not the case, an exception is thrown.
   * @return a JSONObject for this value
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *           if this value is not a JSON object
  public JsonObject asObject() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not an object: " + toString() );

   * Returns this JSON value as {@link JsonArray}, assuming that this value represents a JSON
   * array. If this is not the case, an exception is thrown.
   * @return a JSONArray for this value
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *           if this value is not a JSON array
  public JsonArray asArray() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not an array: " + toString() );

   * Returns this JSON value as an <code>int</code> value, assuming that this value represents a
   * JSON number that can be interpreted as Java <code>int</code>. If this is not the case, an
   * exception is thrown.
   * <p>
   * To be interpreted as Java <code>int</code>, the JSON number must neither contain an exponent
   * nor a fraction part. Moreover, the number must be in the <code>Integer</code> range.
   * </p>
   * @return this value as <code>int</code>
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *           if this value is not a JSON number
   * @throws NumberFormatException
   *           if this JSON number can not be interpreted as <code>int</code> value
  public int asInt() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not a number: " + toString() );

   * Returns this JSON value as a <code>long</code> value, assuming that this value represents a
   * JSON number that can be interpreted as Java <code>long</code>. If this is not the case, an
   * exception is thrown.
   * <p>
   * To be interpreted as Java <code>long</code>, the JSON number must neither contain an exponent
   * nor a fraction part. Moreover, the number must be in the <code>Long</code> range.
   * </p>
   * @return this value as <code>long</code>
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *           if this value is not a JSON number
   * @throws NumberFormatException
   *           if this JSON number can not be interpreted as <code>long</code> value
  public long asLong() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not a number: " + toString() );

   * Returns this JSON value as a <code>float</code> value, assuming that this value represents a
   * JSON number. If this is not the case, an exception is thrown.
   * <p>
   * If the JSON number is out of the <code>Float</code> range, {@link Float#POSITIVE_INFINITY} or
   * {@link Float#NEGATIVE_INFINITY} is returned.
   * </p>
   * @return this value as <code>float</code>
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *           if this value is not a JSON number
  public float asFloat() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not a number: " + toString() );

   * Returns this JSON value as a <code>double</code> value, assuming that this value represents a
   * JSON number. If this is not the case, an exception is thrown.
   * <p>
   * If the JSON number is out of the <code>Double</code> range, {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} or
   * {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY} is returned.
   * </p>
   * @return this value as <code>double</code>
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *           if this value is not a JSON number
  public double asDouble() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not a number: " + toString() );

   * Returns this JSON value as String, assuming that this value represents a JSON string. If this
   * is not the case, an exception is thrown.
   * @return the string represented by this value
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *           if this value is not a JSON string
  public String asString() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not a string: " + toString() );

   * Returns this JSON value as a <code>boolean</code> value, assuming that this value is either
   * <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>. If this is not the case, an exception is thrown.
   * @return this value as <code>boolean</code>
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
   *           if this value is neither <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>
  public boolean asBoolean() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not a boolean: " + toString() );

   * Writes the JSON representation for this object to the given writer.
   * @param writer
   *          the writer to write this value to
   * @throws IOException
   *           if an I/O error occurs in the writer
  public void writeTo( Writer writer ) throws IOException {
    write( new JsonWriter( writer ) );

   * Returns the JSON string for this value in its minimal form, without any additional whitespace.
   * The result is guaranteed to be a valid input for the method {@link #readFrom(String)} and to
   * create a value that is <em>equal</em> to this object.
   * @return a JSON string that represents this value
  public String toString() {
    StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter( stringWriter );
    try {
      write( jsonWriter );
    } catch( IOException exception ) {
      // StringWriter does not throw IOExceptions
      throw new RuntimeException( exception );
    return stringWriter.toString();

   * Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one according to the contract specified
   * in {@link Object#equals(Object)}.
   * <p>
   * Two JsonValues are considered equal if and only if they represent the same JSON text. As a
   * consequence, two given JsonObjects may be different even though they contain the same set of
   * names with the same values, but in a different order.
   * </p>
   * @param object
   *          the reference object with which to compare
   * @return true if this object is the same as the object argument; false otherwise
  public boolean equals( Object object ) {
    return super.equals( object );

  public int hashCode() {
    return super.hashCode();

  protected abstract void write( JsonWriter writer ) throws IOException;

  private static String cutOffPointZero( String string ) {
    if( string.endsWith( ".0" ) ) {
      return string.substring( 0, string.length() - 2 );
    return string;


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