Android Open Source - Android-Media-Helper Media Engine

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Java Source Code

package mobi.sherif.imageuploader;
/* www.  j a v  a 2s .co  m*/
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import mobi.sherif.imageuploader.MediaEngine.FileCreator.FileCreationException;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.provider.MediaStore;
import android.util.SparseArray;

 * @author Sherif elKhatib - shush
public class MediaEngine {
   * @author Sherif elKhatib - shush
   *         Builder utility class for Media Engine.
  public static class Builder {
    private LoadingListener loadinglistener;
    private MediaChooseCallback callback;
    private Bundle state;
    private ActivityManager manager;
    private FileCreator filecreator;

    public Builder( activity, Bundle state) {
      this.manager =;
      this.state = state;

    public Builder( activity, Bundle state) {
      this.manager =;
      this.state = state;

    public Builder( fragment, Bundle state) {
      this.manager =;
      this.state = state;

    public Builder( fragment, Bundle state) {
      this.manager =;
      this.state = state;

     * @author Sherif elKhatib - shush Optional function to set the
     *         callback. However, note that if this is not called, the
     *         callback will be the activity or fragment passed in the
     *         constructor of this {@link Builder} instance.
     * @param callback
     *            The {@link MediaChooseCallback} instance that will receive
     *            callbacks
     * @see MediaChooseCallback
    public Builder setCallback(MediaChooseCallback callback) {
      this.callback = callback;
      return this;

     * @author Sherif elKhatib - shush Optional function to set the
     *         {@link FileCreator} instance. If this is not called, a
     *         default implementation will be used that saves images in
     *         folder named "Uploads" in the
     *         {@link Environment#DIRECTORY_PICTURES} folder. The names of
     *         the files will be "Upload_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss.jpg" where
     *         `yyyyMMdd_HHmmss` is replaced with the date using
     *         {@link SimpleDateFormat}.
     * @param filecreator
     *            The {@link FileCreator} instance that will be used to
     *            create new files when needed
     * @see FileCreator
    public Builder setFileCreator(FileCreator filecreator) {
      this.filecreator = filecreator;
      return this;

     * @author Sherif elKhatib - shush Optional function to set a Loading
     *         Listener. The {@link LoadingListener} instance will receive
     *         callbacks for loading requests. If the engine needs to write
     *         to a file or read from a file, this will be notified.
     * @param callback
     *            The {@link LoadingListener} instance that will receive
     *            callbacks
     * @see setLoadingListener
    public Builder setLoadingListener(LoadingListener listener) {
      this.loadinglistener = listener;
      return this;

    public MediaEngine build( ) {
      if (callback == null) {
        callback = manager.getCallback();
      return new MediaEngine(state, manager, callback, filecreator, loadinglistener);

  public static class Result {
    MediaEngine engine;
    boolean canceled;
    boolean error;
    boolean newfile;
    int type;
    String path;
    Exception exception;

    public MediaEngine getEngine( ) {
      return engine;

    public boolean isCanceled( ) {
      return canceled;

    public boolean isError( ) {
      return error;

    public boolean isNewfile( ) {
      return newfile;

    public int getType( ) {
      return type;

    public String getPath( ) {
      return path;

    public Exception getException( ) {
      return exception;

   * @author Sherif elKhatib - shush
   *         Interface defining the callbacks received because of an Image
   *         Choose/Take request.
  public interface MediaChooseCallback {
    void onResult(MediaEngine engine, Result result);

  public interface LoadingListener {
    public void onLoadingStarted( );

    public void onLoadingDone( );

  public interface FileCreator {
    File createFile(String ext) throws FileCreationException;

    public class FileCreationException extends Exception {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 153850828158406491L;

      public FileCreationException( ) {

      public FileCreationException(Exception original) {

      Exception mException;

      public Exception getOriginalException( ) {
        return mException;

   * @author Sherif elKhatib
   *         Use this to ask the user for a image (new or from gallery).
   * @param title
   * @param buttonNewphoto
   * @param buttonExistingphoto
   * @param message
   * @param icon
  public void performImageAsk(int title, int buttonNewphoto, int buttonExistingphoto, int message, int icon) {
    mType = TYPE_IMAGE;
    performMediaAsk(title, buttonNewphoto, buttonExistingphoto, message, icon, mType);

   * @author Sherif elKhatib
   *         Use this to ask the user for a new video (new or from gallery).
   * @param title
   * @param buttonNewvideo
   * @param buttonExistingvideo
   * @param message
   * @param icon
  public void performVideoAsk(int title, int buttonNewvideo, int buttonExistingvideo, int message, int icon) {
    mType = TYPE_VIDEO;
    performMediaAsk(title, buttonNewvideo, buttonExistingvideo, message, icon, mType);

   * @author Sherif elKhatib
   *         Take a new picture.
  public void performImageTake( ) {

   * @author Sherif elKhatib
   *         Capture a new video.
  public void performVideoTake( ) {

   * @author Sherif elKhatib
   *         Select a picture from gallery.
  public void performImageChoose( ) {

   * @author Sherif elKhatib
   *         Select a video from gallery
  public void performVideoChoose( ) {

  public void performCancel( ) {
    Result r = new Result();
    r.engine = this;
    r.error = true;
    r.canceled = true;
    r.path = null;
    r.type = mType;
    mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);

  public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    outState.putString(STATE_PHOTOPATH, mCurrentPhotoPath);
    outState.putInt(STATE_COUNT, count);
    outState.putInt(STATE_ID, mIdentifier);
    outState.putBoolean(STATE_PENDING, mPending);

  public boolean onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if ( !mPending) return false;
    if (resultCode == {
      Result r = new Result();
      r.engine = this;
      r.error = true;
      r.canceled = true;
      r.path = null;
      mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
    switch (requestCode) {
      switch (resultCode) {
        Uri imageUri = data.getData();
        new FileLoadTask(mActivityManager.getContext(), mFileCreator == null ? new DefaultImageFileCreator() : mFileCreator) {
          protected void onPreExecute( ) {
            if (mLoadListener != null) mLoadListener.onLoadingStarted();

          protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
            if (mLoadListener != null) mLoadListener.onLoadingDone();
            if (result != null) {
              mCurrentPhotoPath = result;
            if (mCurrentPhotoPath != null) {
              Result r = new Result();
              r.engine = MediaEngine.this;
              r.error = false;
              r.canceled = false;
              r.path = mCurrentPhotoPath;
              r.exception = null;
              r.newfile = false;
              r.type = TYPE_IMAGE;
              mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
            } else {
              Result r = new Result();
              r.engine = MediaEngine.this;
              r.error = true;
              r.canceled = false;
              r.path = null;
              r.exception = mException != null ? mException : new Exception("Unable to extract selected image.");
              r.type = TYPE_IMAGE;
              mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
      return true;
      switch (resultCode) {
        Result r = new Result();
        r.engine = MediaEngine.this;
        r.error = false;
        r.canceled = false;
        r.path = mCurrentPhotoPath;
        r.exception = null;
        r.type = TYPE_IMAGE;
        r.newfile = true;
        mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
      return true;
    case LOADVIDEO:
      switch (resultCode) {
        Uri imageUri = data.getData();
        new FileLoadTask(mActivityManager.getContext(), mFileCreator == null ? new DefaultVideoFileCreator() : mFileCreator) {
          protected void onPreExecute( ) {
            if (mLoadListener != null) mLoadListener.onLoadingStarted();

          protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
            if (mLoadListener != null) mLoadListener.onLoadingDone();
            if (result != null) {
              mCurrentPhotoPath = result;
            if (mCurrentPhotoPath != null) {
              Result r = new Result();
              r.engine = MediaEngine.this;
              r.error = false;
              r.canceled = false;
              r.path = mCurrentPhotoPath;
              r.exception = null;
              r.newfile = false;
              r.type = TYPE_VIDEO;
              mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
            } else {
              Result r = new Result();
              r.engine = MediaEngine.this;
              r.error = true;
              r.canceled = false;
              r.path = null;
              r.exception = mException != null ? mException : new Exception("Unable to extract selected image.");
              r.type = TYPE_VIDEO;
              mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
      return true;
    case TAKEVIDEO:
      switch (resultCode) {
        Result r = new Result();
        r.engine = MediaEngine.this;
        r.error = false;
        r.canceled = false;
        r.path = mCurrentPhotoPath;
        r.exception = null;
        r.type = TYPE_VIDEO;
        r.newfile = true;
        mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
      return true;
      return false;

  protected static MediaEngine get(int identifier) {
    return mInstances.get(identifier);

  private static final int LOADPICTURE = 112;
  private static final int TAKEPICTURE = 113;
  private static final int LOADVIDEO = 114;
  private static final int TAKEVIDEO = 115;
  private static final String STATE_COUNT = MediaEngine.class.getName() + "count";
  private static final String STATE_ID = MediaEngine.class.getName() + "mIdentifier";
  private static final String STATE_PHOTOPATH = MediaEngine.class.getName() + "mCurrentPhotoPath";
  private static final String STATE_PENDING = MediaEngine.class.getName() + "mPending";
  private static SparseArray<MediaEngine> mInstances = new SparseArray<MediaEngine>();
  private static int count = 0;
  private static int TYPE_IMAGE = 1;
  private static int TYPE_VIDEO = 2;
  private int mIdentifier;
  private String mCurrentPhotoPath;
  private int mType;
  private boolean mPending;
  private ActivityManager mActivityManager;
  private FileCreator mFileCreator;
  private MediaChooseCallback mCallback;
  private LoadingListener mLoadListener;

  private MediaEngine(Bundle state, ActivityManager manager, MediaChooseCallback callback, FileCreator filecreator) {
    this(state, manager, callback, filecreator, null);

  private MediaEngine(Bundle state, ActivityManager manager, MediaChooseCallback callback, FileCreator filecreator, LoadingListener listener) {
    mActivityManager = manager;
    mCallback = callback;
    mFileCreator = filecreator;
    if (state != null) {
      int thecount = state.getInt(STATE_COUNT, 0);
      if (thecount > count) {
        count = thecount;
      mIdentifier = state.getInt(STATE_ID, 0);
      mCurrentPhotoPath = state.containsKey(STATE_PHOTOPATH) ? state.getString(STATE_PHOTOPATH) : null;
      mPending = state.getBoolean(STATE_PENDING, false);
    } else {
      mIdentifier = ++count;
      mCurrentPhotoPath = null;
      mPending = false;
    mLoadListener = listener;
    mInstances.put(mIdentifier, this);

  private void performMediaAsk(int title, int buttonNew, int buttonExisting, int message, int icon, int type) {
    mType = type;
    FragmentYesNoDialogBuilder b = new FragmentYesNoDialogBuilder(mActivityManager.getContext(), mIdentifier).setTitle(title).setYes(buttonNew).setNo(buttonExisting).setMessage(message).setIcon(icon);, MediaEngine.class.getName() + mIdentifier);

  private void performMediaTake(int type) {
    mType = type;

  protected void performMediaTake( ) {
    if (mType == TYPE_IMAGE) {
      try {
        Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
        File f = mFileCreator == null ? ( new DefaultImageFileCreator() ).createFile(null) : mFileCreator.createFile(null);
        mCurrentPhotoPath = f.getAbsolutePath();
        takePictureIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile(f));
        mPending = true;
        mActivityManager.startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, TAKEPICTURE);
      } catch (FileCreationException e) {
        Result r = new Result();
        r.engine = this;
        r.error = true;
        r.canceled = false;
        r.path = null;
        r.type = mType;
        r.exception = e;
        mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Result r = new Result();
        r.engine = this;
        r.error = true;
        r.canceled = false;
        r.path = null;
        r.type = mType;
        r.exception = e;
        mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
    } else if (mType == TYPE_VIDEO) {
      try {
        Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE);
        takePictureIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY, 0);
        File f = mFileCreator == null ? ( new DefaultVideoFileCreator() ).createFile(null) : mFileCreator.createFile(null);
        mCurrentPhotoPath = f.getAbsolutePath();
        takePictureIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile(f));
        mPending = true;
        mActivityManager.startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, TAKEVIDEO);
      } catch (FileCreationException e) {
        Result r = new Result();
        r.engine = this;
        r.error = true;
        r.canceled = false;
        r.path = null;
        r.exception = e;
        r.type = mType;
        mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Result r = new Result();
        r.engine = this;
        r.error = true;
        r.canceled = false;
        r.path = null;
        r.exception = e;
        r.type = mType;
        mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);

  private void performMediaChoose(int type) {
    mType = type;

  protected void performMediaChoose( ) {
    if (mType == TYPE_IMAGE) {
      try {
        Intent mediaChooser = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
        mPending = true;
        mActivityManager.startActivityForResult(mediaChooser, LOADPICTURE);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Result r = new Result();
        r.engine = this;
        r.error = true;
        r.canceled = false;
        r.path = null;
        r.type = mType;
        r.exception = e;
        mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);
    } else if (mType == TYPE_VIDEO) {
      try {
        Intent mediaChooser = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
        mPending = true;
        mActivityManager.startActivityForResult(mediaChooser, LOADVIDEO);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Result r = new Result();
        r.engine = this;
        r.error = true;
        r.type = mType;
        r.canceled = false;
        r.path = null;
        r.exception = e;
        mCallback.onResult(MediaEngine.this, r);

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