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package com.diegocarloslima.byakugallery.lib; //from ww w . java2 s . c o m import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator; import android.view.animation.Transformation; import android.widget.ImageView; public class TouchImageView extends ImageView { private static final int DOUBLE_TAP_ANIMATION_DURATION = 300; private static final int SCALE_END_ANIMATION_DURATION = 200; private Drawable mDrawable; private int mDrawableIntrinsicWidth; private int mDrawableIntrinsicHeight; private final TouchGestureDetector mTouchGestureDetector; private final Matrix mMatrix = new Matrix(); private final float[] mMatrixValues = new float[9]; private float mScale; private float mMaxScale = 1; private float mTranslationX; private float mTranslationY; private Float mLastFocusX; private Float mLastFocusY; private final FlingScroller mFlingScroller = new FlingScroller(); private boolean mIsAnimatingBack; public TouchImageView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public TouchImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public TouchImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); final TouchGestureDetector.OnTouchGestureListener listener = new TouchGestureDetector.OnTouchGestureListener() { @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) { return performClick(); } @Override public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) { performLongClick(); } @Override public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) { loadMatrixValues(); final float minScale = getMinScale(); // If we have already zoomed in, we should return to our initial scale value (minScale). Otherwise, scale to full size final float targetScale = mScale > minScale ? minScale : mMaxScale; // First, we try to keep the focused point in the same position when the animation ends final float desiredTranslationX = e.getX() - (e.getX() - mTranslationX) * (targetScale / mScale); final float desiredTranslationY = e.getY() - (e.getY() - mTranslationY) * (targetScale / mScale); // Here, we apply a correction to avoid unwanted blank spaces final float targetTranslationX = desiredTranslationX + computeTranslation(getMeasuredWidth(), mDrawableIntrinsicWidth * targetScale, desiredTranslationX, 0); final float targetTranslationY = desiredTranslationY + computeTranslation(getMeasuredHeight(), mDrawableIntrinsicHeight * targetScale, desiredTranslationY, 0); clearAnimation(); final Animation animation = new TouchAnimation(targetScale, targetTranslationX, targetTranslationY); animation.setDuration(DOUBLE_TAP_ANIMATION_DURATION); startAnimation(animation); return true; } @Override public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) { // Sometimes, this method is called just after an onScaleEnd event. In this case, we want to wait until we animate back our image if(mIsAnimatingBack) { return false; } loadMatrixValues(); final float currentDrawableWidth = mDrawableIntrinsicWidth * mScale; final float currentDrawableHeight = mDrawableIntrinsicHeight * mScale; final float dx = computeTranslation(getMeasuredWidth(), currentDrawableWidth, mTranslationX, -distanceX); final float dy = computeTranslation(getMeasuredHeight(), currentDrawableHeight, mTranslationY, -distanceY); mMatrix.postTranslate(dx, dy); clearAnimation(); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(TouchImageView.this); return true; } @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { // Sometimes, this method is called just after an onScaleEnd event. In this case, we want to wait until we animate back our image if(mIsAnimatingBack) { return false; } loadMatrixValues(); final float horizontalSideFreeSpace = (getMeasuredWidth() - mDrawableIntrinsicWidth * mScale) / 2F; final float minTranslationX = horizontalSideFreeSpace > 0 ? horizontalSideFreeSpace : getMeasuredWidth() - mDrawableIntrinsicWidth * mScale; final float maxTranslationX = horizontalSideFreeSpace > 0 ? horizontalSideFreeSpace : 0; final float verticalSideFreeSpace = (getMeasuredHeight() - mDrawableIntrinsicHeight * mScale) / 2F; final float minTranslationY = verticalSideFreeSpace > 0 ? verticalSideFreeSpace : getMeasuredHeight() - mDrawableIntrinsicHeight * mScale; final float maxTranslationY = verticalSideFreeSpace > 0 ? verticalSideFreeSpace : 0; // Using FlingScroller here. The results were better than the Scroller class // mFlingScroller.fling(Math.round(mTranslationX), Math.round(mTranslationY), Math.round(velocityX), Math.round(velocityY), Math.round(minTranslationX), Math.round(maxTranslationX), Math.round(minTranslationY), Math.round(maxTranslationY)); clearAnimation(); final Animation animation = new FlingAnimation(); animation.setDuration(mFlingScroller.getDuration()); animation.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); startAnimation(animation); return true; } @Override public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) { mLastFocusX = null; mLastFocusY = null; return true; } @Override public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) { loadMatrixValues(); float currentDrawableWidth = mDrawableIntrinsicWidth * mScale; float currentDrawableHeight = mDrawableIntrinsicHeight * mScale; final float focusX = computeFocus(getMeasuredWidth(), currentDrawableWidth, mTranslationX, detector.getFocusX()); final float focusY = computeFocus(getMeasuredHeight(), currentDrawableHeight, mTranslationY, detector.getFocusY()); // Here, we provide the ability to scroll while scaling if(mLastFocusX != null && mLastFocusY != null) { final float dx = computeScaleTranslation(getMeasuredWidth(), currentDrawableWidth, mTranslationX, focusX - mLastFocusX); final float dy = computeScaleTranslation(getMeasuredHeight(), currentDrawableHeight, mTranslationY, focusY - mLastFocusY); if(dx != 0 || dy != 0) { mMatrix.postTranslate(dx, dy); } } final float scale = computeScale(getMinScale(), mMaxScale, mScale, detector.getScaleFactor()); mMatrix.postScale(scale, scale, focusX, focusY); mLastFocusX = focusX; mLastFocusY = focusY; clearAnimation(); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(TouchImageView.this); return true; } @Override public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) { loadMatrixValues(); final float currentDrawableWidth = mDrawableIntrinsicWidth * mScale; final float currentDrawableHeight = mDrawableIntrinsicHeight * mScale; final float dx = computeTranslation(getMeasuredWidth(), currentDrawableWidth, mTranslationX, 0); final float dy = computeTranslation(getMeasuredHeight(), currentDrawableHeight, mTranslationY, 0); if(Math.abs(dx) < 1 && Math.abs(dy) < 1) { return; } final float targetTranslationX = mTranslationX + dx; final float targetTranslationY = mTranslationY + dy; clearAnimation(); final Animation animation = new TouchAnimation(mScale, targetTranslationX, targetTranslationY); animation.setDuration(SCALE_END_ANIMATION_DURATION); startAnimation(animation); mIsAnimatingBack = true; } }; mTouchGestureDetector = new TouchGestureDetector(context, listener); super.setScaleType(ScaleType.MATRIX); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { final int oldMeasuredWidth = getMeasuredWidth(); final int oldMeasuredHeight = getMeasuredHeight(); super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); if(oldMeasuredWidth != getMeasuredWidth() || oldMeasuredHeight != getMeasuredHeight()) { resetToInitialState(); } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.setImageMatrix(mMatrix); super.onDraw(canvas); } @Override public void setImageMatrix(Matrix matrix) { if(matrix == null) { matrix = new Matrix(); } if(!mMatrix.equals(matrix)) { mMatrix.set(matrix); invalidate(); } } @Override public Matrix getImageMatrix() { return mMatrix; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { mTouchGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event); return true; } @Override public void clearAnimation() { super.clearAnimation(); mIsAnimatingBack = false; } @Override public void setImageDrawable(Drawable drawable) { super.setImageDrawable(drawable); if(mDrawable != drawable) { mDrawable = drawable; if(drawable != null) { mDrawableIntrinsicWidth = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); mDrawableIntrinsicHeight = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight(); resetToInitialState(); } else { mDrawableIntrinsicWidth = 0; mDrawableIntrinsicHeight = 0; } } } @Override public void setScaleType(ScaleType scaleType) { if(scaleType != ScaleType.MATRIX) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported scaleType. Only ScaleType.MATRIX is allowed."); } super.setScaleType(scaleType); } @Override public boolean canScrollHorizontally(int direction) { loadMatrixValues(); if(direction > 0) { return Math.round(mTranslationX) < 0; } else if(direction < 0) { final float currentDrawableWidth = mDrawableIntrinsicWidth * mScale; return Math.round(mTranslationX) > getMeasuredWidth() - Math.round(currentDrawableWidth); } return false; } public void setMaxScale(float maxScale) { mMaxScale = maxScale; } private void resetToInitialState() { mMatrix.reset(); final float minScale = getMinScale(); mMatrix.postScale(minScale, minScale); final float[] values = new float[9]; mMatrix.getValues(values); final float freeSpaceHorizontal = (getMeasuredWidth() - (mDrawableIntrinsicWidth * minScale)) / 2F; final float freeSpaceVertical = (getMeasuredHeight() - (mDrawableIntrinsicHeight * minScale)) / 2F; mMatrix.postTranslate(freeSpaceHorizontal, freeSpaceVertical); invalidate(); } private void loadMatrixValues() { mMatrix.getValues(mMatrixValues); mScale = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X]; mTranslationX = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X]; mTranslationY = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]; } private float getMinScale() { float minScale = Math.min(getMeasuredWidth() / (float) mDrawableIntrinsicWidth, getMeasuredHeight() / (float) mDrawableIntrinsicHeight); if(minScale > mMaxScale) { minScale = mMaxScale; } return minScale; } // The translation values must be in [0, viewSize - drawableSize], except if we have free space. In that case we will translate to half of the free space private static float computeTranslation(float viewSize, float drawableSize, float currentTranslation, float delta) { final float sideFreeSpace = (viewSize - drawableSize) / 2F; if(sideFreeSpace > 0) { return sideFreeSpace - currentTranslation; } else if(currentTranslation + delta > 0) { return -currentTranslation; } else if(currentTranslation + delta < viewSize - drawableSize) { return viewSize - drawableSize - currentTranslation; } return delta; } private static float computeScaleTranslation(float viewSize, float drawableSize, float currentTranslation, float delta) { final float minTranslation = viewSize > drawableSize ? 0 : viewSize - drawableSize; final float maxTranslation = viewSize > drawableSize ? viewSize - drawableSize : 0; if(currentTranslation < minTranslation && delta > 0) { if(currentTranslation + delta > maxTranslation) { return maxTranslation - currentTranslation; } else { return delta; } } else if(currentTranslation > maxTranslation && delta < 0) { if(currentTranslation + delta < minTranslation) { return minTranslation - currentTranslation; } else { return delta; } } else if(currentTranslation > minTranslation && currentTranslation < maxTranslation) { if(currentTranslation + delta < minTranslation) { return minTranslation - currentTranslation; } else if(currentTranslation + delta > maxTranslation) { return maxTranslation - currentTranslation; } else { return delta; } } return 0; } // If our focal point is outside the image, we will project it to our image bounds private static float computeFocus(float viewSize, float drawableSize, float currentTranslation, float focusCoordinate) { if(currentTranslation > 0 && focusCoordinate < currentTranslation) { return currentTranslation; } else if(currentTranslation < viewSize - drawableSize && focusCoordinate > currentTranslation + drawableSize) { return drawableSize + currentTranslation; } return focusCoordinate; } // The scale values must be in [minScale, maxScale] private static float computeScale(float minScale, float maxScale, float currentScale, float delta) { if(currentScale * delta < minScale) { return minScale / currentScale; } else if(currentScale * delta > maxScale) { return maxScale / currentScale; } return delta; } private class FlingAnimation extends Animation { @Override protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) { mFlingScroller.computeScrollOffset(interpolatedTime); loadMatrixValues(); final float dx = mFlingScroller.getCurrX() - mTranslationX; final float dy = mFlingScroller.getCurrY() - mTranslationY; mMatrix.postTranslate(dx, dy); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(TouchImageView.this); } } private class TouchAnimation extends Animation { private float initialScale; private float initialTranslationX; private float initialTranslationY; private float targetScale; private float targetTranslationX; private float targetTranslationY; TouchAnimation(float targetScale, float targetTranslationX, float targetTranslationY) { loadMatrixValues(); this.initialScale = mScale; this.initialTranslationX = mTranslationX; this.initialTranslationY = mTranslationY; this.targetScale = targetScale; this.targetTranslationX = targetTranslationX; this.targetTranslationY = targetTranslationY; } @Override protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) { loadMatrixValues(); if(interpolatedTime >= 1) { mMatrix.getValues(mMatrixValues); mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X] = this.targetScale; mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] = this.targetScale; mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X] = this.targetTranslationX; mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] = this.targetTranslationY; mMatrix.setValues(mMatrixValues); } else { final float scaleFactor = (this.initialScale + interpolatedTime * (this.targetScale - this.initialScale)) / mScale; mMatrix.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); mMatrix.getValues(mMatrixValues); final float currentTranslationX = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X]; final float currentTranslationY = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]; final float dx = this.initialTranslationX + interpolatedTime * (this.targetTranslationX - this.initialTranslationX) - currentTranslationX; final float dy = this.initialTranslationY + interpolatedTime * (this.targetTranslationY - this.initialTranslationY) - currentTranslationY; mMatrix.postTranslate(dx, dy); } ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(TouchImageView.this); } } }