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/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Herbert Straub, */* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package at.linuxhacker.battery; import static at.linuxhacker.battery_widget.BatteryWidget.TAG; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.os.BatteryManager; import android.util.Log; import at.linuxhacker.battery_widget.BatteryWidget; import at.linuxhacker.notifications.NotificationScreenOverlayView; public class EventCollector { private BatteryStatusEvent actualBatteryStatus = null; private BatteryStatusEvent previousBatteryStatus = null; boolean isScreenOnFlag; public boolean pluggedState = false; // FIXME: notwendig? // public String statusText = "leer"; FIXME: weg damit // public boolean batteryFull = false; FIXME: weg damit private Context context = null; private ArrayList<BatteryStatusEvent> batteryStatusEventList; private ArrayList<ScreenStatusEvent> screenStatusList = new ArrayList<ScreenStatusEvent>( ); NotificationScreenOverlayView mView = null; private EventFilter eventFilter = null; public EventCollector(Context context) { Log.d( BatteryWidget.TAG, "EventsTracer::Constructor" ); this.eventFilter = new EventFilter( context ); this.batteryStatusEventList = new ArrayList<BatteryStatusEvent>( ); this.context = context; this.loadDbData( ); } public void addBatteryChangedEvent( BatteryStatusEvent batteryStatus ) { Log.d( TAG, "battery state: level=" + batteryStatus.getLevel( ) + ", plugged=" + batteryStatus.getPlugged( ) + ", status=" + batteryStatus.getStatus( ) + ", mScreenOn=" + batteryStatus.isScreenOn( ) + ", timestamp=" + batteryStatus.getTimestamp( ) ); this.batteryStatusEventList.add( batteryStatus ); if ( ! this.isScreenOnFlag ) { this.flushDataToDb( ); } this.previousBatteryStatus = this.actualBatteryStatus; this.actualBatteryStatus = batteryStatus; if ( this.actualBatteryStatus == null || this.previousBatteryStatus == null ) { return; } this.processBatteryStatusUpdate( ); } public void setScreenStatusToOn( boolean screenOnFlag ) { this.isScreenOnFlag = screenOnFlag; } public void addScreenOnEvent( ) { this.screenStatusList.add( new ScreenStatusEvent( true ) ); this.isScreenOnFlag = true; if ( this.actualBatteryStatus != null ) { // yes, actualBatteryStatus could be null, after startup the widget // and the service. We have to check, if we have the necessary data if ( this.pluggedState ) { this.eventFilter.processScreenOnEventPluggedInState( this .calculateMinutesToFull( ) ); } else { this.eventFilter .processScreenOnEvent( this.actualBatteryStatus ); } } } public void addScreenOffEvent( ) { this.isScreenOnFlag = false; this.screenStatusList.add( new ScreenStatusEvent( false ) ); this.flushDataToDb( ); } public void processBatteryStatusUpdate( ) { // We are in plugged state if ( this.actualBatteryStatus.getPlugged( ) > 0 ) { this.pluggedState = true; } else { this.pluggedState = false; } // Check for plugged state change on the rising edge // Set only Flag - notifications on ScreenOnEvent if ( this.previousBatteryStatus.getPlugged( ) == 0 && this.actualBatteryStatus.getPlugged( ) > 0 ) { this.actualBatteryStatus.setMinutesToFull( this .calculateMinutesToFull( ) ); this.eventFilter.processPowerPluggedInEvent( this.actualBatteryStatus ); } // Check for unplugged state change on the falling edge if ( this.previousBatteryStatus.getPlugged( ) > 0 && this.actualBatteryStatus.getPlugged( ) == 0 ) { this.eventFilter.processPowerPluggedOutEvent( this.actualBatteryStatus ); } // Check battery full state if ( this.actualBatteryStatus.getLevel( ) == 100 && this.previousBatteryStatus.getLevel( ) < 100 ) { this.eventFilter.processBatteryFullEvent( this.actualBatteryStatus ); } } private int calculateMinutesToFull( ) { int minutesToFull = -1; if ( this.actualBatteryStatus.getPlugged( ) == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC ) { minutesToFull = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( 100 - this.actualBatteryStatus .getLevel( ) ) / 0.8 ); } else if ( this.actualBatteryStatus.getPlugged( ) == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB ) { minutesToFull = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( 100 - this.actualBatteryStatus .getLevel( ) ) / 0.27 ); } return minutesToFull; } public void flushDataToDb( ) { int i, size; DbHelper dbHelper = new DbHelper( this.context ); SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase( ); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues( ); size = this.batteryStatusEventList.size( ); if ( size != 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { contentValues.clear( ); contentValues.put( DbHelper.C_TIMESTAMP, this.batteryStatusEventList.get( i ).getTimestamp( ) ); contentValues.put( DbHelper.C_LEVEL, this.batteryStatusEventList.get( i ).getLevel( ) ); contentValues.put( DbHelper.C_PLUGGED, this.batteryStatusEventList.get( i ).getPlugged( ) ); contentValues.put( DbHelper.C_SCREEN_ON, this.batteryStatusEventList.get( i ).isScreenOn( ) ); contentValues .put( DbHelper.C_MINUTES_TO_FULL, this.batteryStatusEventList.get( i ) .getMinutesToFull( ) ); db.insert( DbHelper.T_BATTERY_EVENTS, null, contentValues ); } } size = this.screenStatusList.size( ); if ( size != 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { contentValues.clear( ); contentValues.put( DbHelper.C_TIMESTAMP, this.screenStatusList.get( i ).getTimestamp( ) ); contentValues.put( DbHelper.C_SCREEN_ON, this.screenStatusList.get( i ).isScreenOnFlag( ) ); db.insert( DbHelper.T_SCREEN_EVENTS, null, contentValues ); } } db.close( ); this.batteryStatusEventList.clear( ); this.screenStatusList.clear( ); } private void loadDbData( ) { String columns[] = { DbHelper.C_TIMESTAMP, DbHelper.C_LEVEL, DbHelper.C_STATUS , DbHelper.C_PLUGGED, DbHelper.C_SCREEN_ON, DbHelper.C_MINUTES_TO_FULL }; DbHelper dbHelper = new DbHelper( this.context ); SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase( ); Cursor data = db.query( DbHelper.T_BATTERY_EVENTS, columns, null, null, null, null, DbHelper.C_TIMESTAMP + " desc" ); if ( data.moveToFirst( ) ) { this.actualBatteryStatus = this.constructBatteryStatusEventFromCursorPosition ( data ); Log.d( BatteryWidget.TAG, "DB Read timestamp1=" + this.actualBatteryStatus.getTimestamp( ) ); } if ( data.moveToNext( ) ) { this.previousBatteryStatus = this.constructBatteryStatusEventFromCursorPosition ( data ); Log.d( BatteryWidget.TAG, "DB Read timestamp2=" + this.previousBatteryStatus.getTimestamp( ) ); } data.close( ); db.close( ); } private BatteryStatusEvent constructBatteryStatusEventFromCursorPosition ( Cursor cursor ) { BatteryStatusEvent event = new BatteryStatusEvent( cursor.getLong( 0 ), cursor.getInt( 1 ), cursor.getInt( 2 ), cursor.getInt( 3 ), cursor.getInt( 4 ) == 1 ? true : false ); event.setMinutesToFull( cursor.getInt( 5 ) ); return event; } }