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package com.artifex.mupdf; import; import; import; import; import; //w w w .jav a2s . c o m public class MuPDFCore { /* load our native library */ // ????????ClassLoader?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? // static { // System.loadLibrary("mupdf"); // } /* Readable members */ private int pageNum = -1;; private int numPages = -1; public float pageWidth; public float pageHeight; /* The native functions */ private static native int setResolution(int res); private static native int openFile(String filename); private static native int countPagesInternal(); private static native void gotoPageInternal(int localActionPageNum); private static native float getPageWidth(); private static native float getPageHeight(); public static native void drawPage(Bitmap bitmap, int pageW, int pageH, int patchX, int patchY, int patchW, int patchH); public static native RectF[] searchPage(String text); public static native int getPageLink(int page, float x, float y); public static native LinkInfo [] getPageLinksInternal(int page); public static native OutlineItem [] getOutlineInternal(); public static native boolean hasOutlineInternal(); public static native boolean needsPasswordInternal(); public static native boolean authenticatePasswordInternal(String password); public static native void destroying(); public MuPDFCore(String filename) throws Exception { // ????????ClassLoader????????????????????????????????????????????? LoadLibrary instance = LoadLibrary.getInstance(); instance.init(); if (openFile(filename) <= 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to open "+filename); } } public void setRenderResolution(int res) { setResolution(res); return; } public int countPages() { if (numPages < 0) numPages = countPagesSynchronized(); return numPages; } private synchronized int countPagesSynchronized() { return countPagesInternal(); } /* Shim function */ public void gotoPage(int page) { if (page > numPages-1) page = numPages-1; else if (page < 0) page = 0; if (this.pageNum == page) return; gotoPageInternal(page); this.pageNum = page; this.pageWidth = getPageWidth(); this.pageHeight = getPageHeight(); } public synchronized PointF getPageSize(int page) { gotoPage(page); return new PointF(pageWidth, pageHeight); } public synchronized void onDestroy() { destroying(); } public synchronized Bitmap drawPage(int page, int pageW, int pageH, int patchX, int patchY, int patchW, int patchH) { gotoPage(page); Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(patchW, patchH, Config.ARGB_8888); drawPage(bm, pageW, pageH, patchX, patchY, patchW, patchH); return bm; } public synchronized int hitLinkPage(int page, float x, float y) { return getPageLink(page, x, y); } public synchronized LinkInfo [] getPageLinks(int page) { return getPageLinksInternal(page); } public synchronized RectF [] searchPage(int page, String text) { gotoPage(page); return searchPage(text); } public synchronized boolean hasOutline() { return hasOutlineInternal(); } public synchronized OutlineItem [] getOutline() { return getOutlineInternal(); } public synchronized boolean needsPassword() { return needsPasswordInternal(); } public synchronized boolean authenticatePassword(String password) { return authenticatePasswordInternal(password); } }