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package; //w ww .j a v a2s .c o m import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10; import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL11; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; public abstract class BaseMesh implements Mesh { private static final int NULL = 0xDEADC0DE; /** * Note that all properties of this class must be accessed from the GL thread if not stated otherwise */ /** * OpenGL instance associated with this mesh. This must be a instance which is used for drawing. */ protected GL11 gl; protected MeshConfig config; private FloatBuffer vertices; private int verticesCount = -1; private ShortBuffer indices; private int indicesCount = -1; @Nonnull private IndicesOrder indicesOrder = IndicesOrder.TRIANGLES; private FloatBuffer colors; private int colorsCount = -1; /** * Vertex buffer objects */ protected boolean useVbo; private int verticesVbo = NULL; private int indicesVbo = NULL; private int colorsVbo = NULL; // can be set from any thread @Nonnull private volatile Color color = Color.WHITE; // can be accessed/changed from any thread @Nonnull private final StateHolder state = new StateHolder(); private static boolean supportsVbo(@Nonnull GL11 gl) { final String extensions = gl.glGetString(GL10.GL_EXTENSIONS); return extensions.contains("vertex_buffer_object"); } @Nonnull public Color getColor() { return color; } @Nonnull public final State getState() { return state.get(); } protected final void setDirty() { state.setDirty(); } @Override public final boolean init() { Check.isNotMainThread(); if (!state.setIf(State.INITIALIZING, State.DIRTY)) { return false; } onInit(); return state.set(State.INIT); } /** * Method initializes mesh. Note that this method might be called on background thread */ protected void onInit() { } @Override public final boolean initGl(@Nonnull GL11 gl, @Nonnull MeshConfig config) { Check.isGlThread(); if ( == null || ! { state.setIf(State.INIT, State.INIT_GL); } if (!state.setIf(State.INITIALIZING_GL, State.INIT)) { return false; } = gl; this.config = config; final boolean usedVbo = useVbo; useVbo = this.config.useVbo && supportsVbo(gl); if (usedVbo) { gl.glDeleteBuffers(3, new int[]{verticesVbo, colorsVbo, indicesVbo}, 0); } if (useVbo) { final int[] out = new int[3]; gl.glGenBuffers(3, out, 0); verticesVbo = out[0]; colorsVbo = out[1]; indicesVbo = out[2]; } else { verticesVbo = NULL; colorsVbo = NULL; indicesVbo = NULL; } onInitGl(gl, config); return state.set(State.INIT_GL); } /** * Method initializes mesh on the GL thread * * @param gl gl instance * @param config configuration */ protected void onInitGl(@Nonnull GL11 gl, @Nonnull MeshConfig config) { } public final void draw(@Nonnull GL11 gl) { Check.isGlThread(); if (getState() != State.INIT_GL) { return; } final boolean hasColors = colorsCount >= 0; // counter-clockwise winding gl.glFrontFace(GL10.GL_CCW); if (config.cullFace) { gl.glEnable(GL10.GL_CULL_FACE); gl.glCullFace(GL10.GL_BACK); } gl.glEnableClientState(GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (hasColors) { gl.glEnableClientState(GL10.GL_COLOR_ARRAY); } if (!hasColors) { gl.glColor4f(,,, color.alpha); } onPreDraw(gl); if (useVbo) { gl.glBindBuffer(GL11.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, verticesVbo); gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0); if (hasColors) { gl.glBindBuffer(GL11.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colorsVbo); gl.glColorPointer(Color.COMPONENTS, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0); } gl.glBindBuffer(GL11.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indicesVbo); gl.glDrawElements(indicesOrder.glMode, indicesCount, GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); gl.glBindBuffer(GL11.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } else { gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices); if (hasColors) { gl.glColorPointer(Color.COMPONENTS, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, colors); } gl.glDrawElements(indicesOrder.glMode, indicesCount, GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices); } onPostDraw(gl); if (hasColors) { gl.glDisableClientState(GL10.GL_COLOR_ARRAY); } gl.glDisableClientState(GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (config.cullFace) { gl.glDisable(GL10.GL_CULL_FACE); } } protected void onPostDraw(@Nonnull GL11 gl) { } protected void onPreDraw(@Nonnull GL11 gl) { } @Nonnull @Override public final BaseMesh copy() { final BaseMesh copy = makeCopy(); copy.color = this.color; return copy; } @Nonnull protected abstract BaseMesh makeCopy(); protected void setVertices(float[] vertices) { setVertices(Meshes.allocateOrPutBuffer(vertices, this.vertices)); } protected final void setVertices(@Nonnull FloatBuffer vertices) { Check.isGlThread(); this.vertices = vertices; this.verticesCount = vertices.capacity() / 3; if (useVbo) { bindVboBuffer(this.vertices, verticesVbo, GL11.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); this.vertices = null; } } private void bindVboBuffer(@Nonnull FloatBuffer source, int destination, int type) { bindVboBuffer(source, source.capacity() * Meshes.BYTES_IN_FLOAT, destination, type); } private void bindVboBuffer(@Nonnull ShortBuffer source, int destination, int type) { bindVboBuffer(source, source.capacity() * Meshes.BYTES_IN_SHORT, destination, type); } private void bindVboBuffer(@Nonnull Buffer source, int sourceBytes, int destination, int type) { gl.glBindBuffer(type, destination); gl.glBufferData(type, sourceBytes, source, GL11.GL_STATIC_DRAW); gl.glBindBuffer(type, 0); } protected final void setIndices(short[] indices, @Nonnull IndicesOrder order) { setIndices(Meshes.allocateOrPutBuffer(indices, this.indices), order); } protected final void setIndices(@Nonnull ShortBuffer indices, @Nonnull IndicesOrder order) { Check.isGlThread(); this.indices = indices; this.indicesCount = indices.capacity(); this.indicesOrder = order; if (useVbo) { bindVboBuffer(this.indices, indicesVbo, GL11.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); this.indices = null; } } @Nonnull public final BaseMesh withColor(int color) { setColor(color); return this; } @Nonnull public final BaseMesh withColor(@Nonnull Color color) { setColor(color); return this; } public final void setColor(int color) { setColor(Color.create(color)); } public final void setColor(@Nonnull Color color) { // todo serso: we must null colors here and call setDirty if they were not null this.color = color; } protected void setColors(@Nonnull float[] colors) { Check.isGlThread(); if (verticesCount <= 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Vertices must be set before setting the color"); } if (verticesCount != colors.length / Color.COMPONENTS) { throw new IllegalStateException("Colors length must be the same as vertices length"); } this.colors = Meshes.allocateBuffer(colors); this.colorsCount = colors.length / Color.COMPONENTS; if (useVbo) { bindVboBuffer(this.colors, colorsVbo, GL11.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); this.colors = null; } } private static final class StateHolder { @GuardedBy("this") @Nonnull private State state = State.DIRTY; @GuardedBy("this") @Nullable private State delayedState; @Nonnull public State get() { synchronized (this) { return delayedState != null ? delayedState : state; } } private boolean setIf(@Nonnull State newState, @Nonnull State oldState) { synchronized (this) { if (state != oldState) { return false; } state = newState; } return true; } public void setDirty() { synchronized (this) { if (state == State.INITIALIZING || state == State.INITIALIZING_GL) { // if we are in the middle of initialization process we should postpone setting dirty state until // the process is done delayedState = State.DIRTY; } else { state = State.DIRTY; } } } public boolean set(@Nonnull State newState) { synchronized (this) { if (delayedState != null) { state = delayedState; delayedState = null; return false; } else { state = newState; return true; } } } } static class Swapper<M extends BaseMesh> implements DoubleBufferMesh.Swapper<M> { @Override public void swap(@Nonnull M current, @Nonnull M next) { next.setColor(((BaseMesh) current).color); } } }