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package; /* ww w.j av a 2 s. c om*/ import java.util.List; public class ArtificialInteligence { //private Judge judge; Environment environment; private int aiPiece; private int opponentPiece; private int dimension; private Dot bestMoveOpponet = null; private int round = 0; private int roundBestOpponetMove = -1; public ArtificialInteligence(int dim, int piece) { environment = new Environment(dim, piece); this.dimension = dim; this.aiPiece = piece; this.opponentPiece = (piece == Environment.TTT_O ? Environment.TTT_X : Environment.TTT_O ); //this.judge = new Judge(); } public int getDimension() { return dimension; } public Environment getEnvironment() { return environment; } public int getPiece() { return aiPiece; } public boolean isValidPosition(Dot dot) { if (environment.getPiece(dot) == Environment.TTT__) { return true; } return false; } private Dot getBestMove(int piece) { int opponent = (piece == Environment.TTT_O ? Environment.TTT_X : Environment.TTT_O ); // vit?ria eminente do jogador Dot move = this.environment.eminentVictory(piece); if (move != null) return move; // vit?ria eminente do oponente Dot opponetVictory = this.environment.eminentVictory(opponent); if (opponetVictory != null) return opponetVictory; // melhor jogada do oponente int numEminentVictory = 0; Dot bestMoveOpponet = this.environment.maxChanceVictory(opponent); if (bestMoveOpponet != null) { for (Line l: ((DotAI)bestMoveOpponet).getPossibleLines()) { if (l.getHasPiece() == opponent && l.getMarkedPosition() >= (dimension - 2)) numEminentVictory++; } if (numEminentVictory >= 2) return bestMoveOpponet; } Dot resp = this.environment.maxChanceVictory(piece); if (resp == null) return aiDummyMove(); return resp; } public Dot aiMove() { return getBestMove(aiPiece); } public Dot getBestMoveOpponet() { if (round != roundBestOpponetMove) { bestMoveOpponet = this.getBestMove(opponentPiece); roundBestOpponetMove = round; } return bestMoveOpponet; } public DotAI aiDummyMove() { DotAI dot; this.environment.maxChanceVictory(aiPiece); for (int plane = 0; plane < dimension; plane++) for (int lin = 0; lin < dimension; lin++) for (int col = 0; col < dimension; col++) { dot = environment.getDotAI(plane, lin, col); if (dot.getPiece() == Environment.TTT__) { markAction(dot, aiPiece); return dot; } } return null; } public boolean markAction(Dot dot, int playerPiece) { if (isValidPosition(dot)) { round++; this.environment.markPosition(dot, playerPiece); return true; } return false; } public Line getVictoryLine(Dot lastChoosePosition) { /* * nao e necessario varrer toda a matriz para verificar se existe um vencedor, sera feita a analise de uma vitoria a partir do ultimo ponto * marcado no tabuleiro, se nenhuma das possiveis vitorias a partir do ultimo ponto marcado foi alcancada retorna null */ return this.environment.hasVictory(lastChoosePosition); } public Dot chooseBestAction() { return null; } public int countVictoryPossibility(Dot dot) { return 0; } public List<Dot> findAdjacentsDots(Dot dot, int eixo) { return null; } }