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package; /*ww w. j av a 2s. c o m*/ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Main activity for the application, it handles the game UI and auth and * spawns tasks to Endpoints. */ public class TictactoeActivity extends Activity { private static final Level LOGGING_LEVEL = Level.ALL; private static final String TAG = "TicTacToeSample"; static final String PREF_ACCOUNT_NAME = "accountName"; static final int REQUEST_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES = 0; static final int REQUEST_ACCOUNT_PICKER = 1; static final String PREF_AUTH_TOKEN = "authToken"; /** * Preference object where the app stores the name of the preferred user. */ SharedPreferences settings; String accountName; /** * Credentials object that maintains tokens to send to the backend. */ GoogleAccountCredential credential; boolean signedIn = false; boolean waitingForMove = false; /** * Service object that manages requests to the backend. */ Tictactoe service; private static final int[] BOARD_BUTTONS = {,,,,,,,, }; private static final int NOT_DONE = 0; private static final int WON = 1; private static final int LOST = 2; private static final int TIE = 3; private static final String[] STATUS_STRINGS = { "NOT_DONE", "WON", "LOST", "TIE" }; /** * Handles logic for clicking the sign in button. * * @param v current view within the application, for rendering updates */ public void signIn(View v) { if (!this.signedIn) { chooseAccount(); } else { forgetAccount(); setSignInEnablement(true); setBoardEnablement(false); setAccountLabel("(not signed in)"); } } private void chooseAccount() { startActivityForResult(credential.newChooseAccountIntent(), REQUEST_ACCOUNT_PICKER); } private void setAccountName(String accountName) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putString(PREF_ACCOUNT_NAME, accountName); editor.commit(); credential.setSelectedAccountName(accountName); this.accountName = accountName; } private void onSignIn() { this.signedIn = true; this.waitingForMove = true; setSignInEnablement(false); setBoardEnablement(true); setAccountLabel(this.accountName); queryScores(); } private void forgetAccount() { this.signedIn = false; SharedPreferences.Editor editor2 = settings.edit(); editor2.remove(PREF_AUTH_TOKEN); editor2.commit(); } /** * Handles filling in a square on the board. * * @param v current view within the application, for rendering updates */ public void clickSquare(View v) { Button button = (Button) v; if (waitingForMove && button.getText().equals("-")) { button.setText("X"); waitingForMove = false; final String boardString = getBoardString(); int status = checkForVictory(boardString); if (status == NOT_DONE) { getComputerMove(boardString); } else { handleFinish(status); } } } /** * Handles resetting of the game board. * * @param v current view within the application, for rendering updates */ public void resetGame(View v) { setBoardFilling("---------"); TextView victory = (TextView) findViewById(; victory.setText(""); waitingForMove = true; } /** * Gets the computer's move, spawning an AsyncTask to make the request. * * @param boardString state of the board */ private void getComputerMove(final String boardString) { Board board = new Board(); board.setState(boardString); new GetComputerMoveTask().execute(board); } /** * Handles the request to the Board Endpoint, to get the computer's move, * without blocking the UI. */ private class GetComputerMoveTask extends AsyncTask<Board, Board, Board> { @Override protected Board doInBackground(Board... boards) { Board newBoard = null; try { newBoard = service.board().getmove(boards[0]).execute(); return newBoard; } catch (IOException e) { Log.d("TicTacToe", e.getMessage(), e); } return newBoard; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Board board) { setBoardFilling(board.getState()); int status = checkForVictory(board.getState()); if (status != 0) { handleFinish(status); } else { waitingForMove = true; } } } /** * Stores the game outcome on the server, spawning an AsyncTask to make the * request. * * @param status outcome of the game */ private void sendResultToServer(int status) { Score score = new Score(); score.setOutcome(STATUS_STRINGS[status]); new SendResultToServerTask().execute(score); } /** * Handles the request to the Score Endpoint, to save a score, without * blocking the UI. */ private class SendResultToServerTask extends AsyncTask<Score, Void, Void> { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Score... scores) { try { service.scores().insert(scores[0]).execute(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void unused) { queryScores(); } } /** * Queries for previous game outcomes for the current player, spawning an * AsyncTask to make the request. */ private void queryScores() { new QueryScoresTask(this).execute(); } /** * Handles the request to the Score Endpoint, to retrieve scores, without * blocking the UI. */ private class QueryScoresTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, ScoreCollection> { Activity activity; public QueryScoresTask(Activity activity) { this.activity = activity; } @Override protected ScoreCollection doInBackground(Void... unused) { ScoreCollection scores = null; try { scores = service.scores().list().execute(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return scores; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(ScoreCollection scores) { ListView gameHistory = (ListView) findViewById(; ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(activity, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,, values); if (scores != null && scores.getItems() != null) { for (Score score : scores.getItems()) { values.add(score.getOutcome()); } gameHistory.setAdapter(adapter); } } } private void setBoardEnablement(boolean state) { for (int i : BOARD_BUTTONS) { setItemEnablement(i, state); } setItemEnablement(, state); setItemEnablement(, state); setItemEnablement(, state); setItemEnablement(, state); } private void setItemEnablement(int id, boolean state) { View item = findViewById(id); if (state) { item.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { item.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } private void setBoardFilling(String boardString) { for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_BUTTONS.length; i++) { Button button = (Button) findViewById(BOARD_BUTTONS[i]); button.setText(boardString.subSequence(i, i+1)); } } private void setSignInEnablement(boolean state) { Button button = (Button) findViewById(; if (state) { button.setText("Sign In"); } else { button.setText("Sign Out"); } } private void setAccountLabel(String label) { TextView userLabel = (TextView) findViewById(; userLabel.setText(label); } private int checkForVictory(String board) { int status = 0; // Check rows and columns. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { String rowString = getStringsAtPositions(board, i*3, (i*3)+1, (i*3)+2); status |= checkSectionVictory(rowString); String colString = getStringsAtPositions(board, i, i+3, i+6); status |= checkSectionVictory(colString); } // Check top-left to bottom-right. String diagonal = getStringsAtPositions(board, 0, 4, 8); status |= checkSectionVictory(diagonal); // Check top-right to bottom-left. diagonal = getStringsAtPositions(board, 2, 4, 6); status |= checkSectionVictory(diagonal); if (status == 0) { if (board.indexOf("-") == -1) { return TIE; } } return status; } private int checkSectionVictory(String section) { char a = section.charAt(0); char b = section.charAt(1); char c = section.charAt(2); if (a == b && a == c) { if (a == 'X') { return WON; } else if (a == 'O') { return LOST; } } return NOT_DONE; } private void handleFinish(int status) { TextView victory = (TextView) findViewById(; if (status == WON) { victory.setText("You win!"); } else if (status == LOST) { victory.setText("You lost!"); } else { victory.setText("You tied!"); } sendResultToServer(status); } private String getBoardString() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i : BOARD_BUTTONS) { Button button = (Button) findViewById(i); stringBuilder.append(button.getText()); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } private String getStringsAtPositions(String string, int first, int second, int third) { return new StringBuilder().append(string.charAt(first)) .append(string.charAt(second)) .append(string.charAt(third)) .toString(); } /** * Called when the activity is first created. It displays the UI, checks * for the account previously chosen to sign in (if available), and * configures the service object. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); settings = getSharedPreferences(TAG, 0); credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience(this, ClientCredentials.AUDIENCE); setAccountName(settings.getString(PREF_ACCOUNT_NAME, null)); Tictactoe.Builder builder = new Tictactoe.Builder( AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new GsonFactory(), credential); service =; if (credential.getSelectedAccountName() != null) { onSignIn(); } Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(LOGGING_LEVEL); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); checkGooglePlayServicesAvailable(); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); switch (requestCode) { case REQUEST_ACCOUNT_PICKER: if (data != null && data.getExtras() != null) { String accountName = data.getExtras().getString(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME); if (accountName != null) { setAccountName(accountName); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putString(PREF_ACCOUNT_NAME, accountName); editor.commit(); onSignIn(); } } break; } } /** * Check that Google Play services APK is installed and up to date. */ private boolean checkGooglePlayServicesAvailable() { final int connectionStatusCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this); if (GooglePlayServicesUtil.isUserRecoverableError(connectionStatusCode)) { showGooglePlayServicesAvailabilityErrorDialog(connectionStatusCode); return false; } return true; } /** * Called if the device does not have Google Play Services installed. */ void showGooglePlayServicesAvailabilityErrorDialog(final int connectionStatusCode) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Dialog dialog = GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog( connectionStatusCode, TictactoeActivity.this, REQUEST_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES);; } }); } }