Android Open Source - Game/server
- servestream
Fork of the HTTP media server browser and stream player for Android. For use with streaming media servers such as GNUMP3d
Score:52 Fragment:5 Activity:15 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:112 Manifest File:1
- DragonGoApp
Android app to play the game of go with the Dragon Go Server.
Score:9 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:9 Java File:29 Manifest File:1
- PixelDraw-Android
A Pictionary like game made in 5 days by 7 students at Polytech' Paris Sud. This is the Android app. There are still a lot of bugs but it works! Server part is here
Score:5 Fragment:1 Activity:2 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:17 Java File:11 Manifest File:1
- MediaController
Android app and server side to remote control the VLC Player
Score:4 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:15 Java File:2 Manifest File:1
- chesshero
A simple chess game server and a client for a school project
Score:2 Activity:5 Java File:91 Manifest File:1
- netPanzerSB
Android app for NetPanzer game server browser.
Score:2 Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:104 Manifest File:2
- FoxHunter
A game where multiple client hunting each other by usage of their smart phone. It's possible to have a look on the game process during or after the actual game on a Vaadin web application. Technically: It's a small but complete Client (Android) - Server - WebUi Application.
Score:1 Activity:5 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:45 Manifest File:1
- gomoku-android
Android gomoku game and Java server
Score:1 Activity:13 Min SDK:3 Java File:42 Manifest File:2
- GuildViewerApp2
Guild Viewer is an Android app in the Google Play Store that allows users to view news feeds and news feed details on a mobile device and while not logged into the game servers.
Fragment:1 Activity:3 Java File:21 Manifest File:1
- MischiefMenace
Server-client based Android game made during the summer of 2014
Activity:3 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:19 Java File:50 Manifest File:1
- boardgame-app
An android app for playing games using a BoardGameWeb server.
Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:15 Java File:10 Manifest File:1
- tictactoe-server
An example client-server application using Java socket. Client is implemented on Android.
Activity:1 Min SDK:11 Java File:3 Manifest File:1
- Trading-Game-Version-3
This is a simple two player trading cards game developed for android in which one mobile acts as the server and the other as the client.
Activity:24 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:18 Java File:30 Manifest File:4
- TheHangman
The Hangman game for Android. Multiplayer with Client-Server architecture.
Activity:3 Java File:18 Manifest File:1
- Multiplayer-Andoird-Game
The classic rock paper & scissors game with multiplayer support (not web server required)
Activity:8 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:19 Java File:13 Manifest File:1