Android Open Source - RPG-Kit-Android O C Game Object Selection Activity

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Java Source Code

 * Philip Regan//from  w  ww . j  a  v a  m
 * OCGameObjectSelectionActivity
 * Generic, non-abstract class that is used to facilitate the creation of selection 
 * activities for various game objects. This is a simplified version of the original 
 * OCGameSelectionActivity.
 * Actions are determined by the previous activity, and the action determines what
 * happens each time the user presses a button.
 * Data required for object retrieval:
 *   * target type
 *   * parent id
 *   * parent type
 * Data required for object editing
 *   * target type
 *   * intended edit
 *     * update properties
 *     * update parent
 *     * delete
 * Pairs with (ListView)oc_game_object_selection and (TableView)oc_game_object_list_item layouts.
 * This class provides the List adapter, the SQLiteHelper and dbController. The subclass
 * provides the actual SQL statements and intents needed for CRUD, selection, and 
 * activity transitions
package net.cs76.projects.student;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;

 * @author philipr
public class OCGameObjectSelectionActivity extends ListActivity implements OnClickListener {
   * Activity Objects
   * These values are pulled from OCCoreActivity, but it would probably be better
   * if these were placed into an interface or category that the two classes
   * can implement and share rather than duplicating
  protected static String INTENT_GAME_ID = "game_id";
  protected static String INTENT_GAME_TITLE = "game_title";
  protected static String INTENT_EDIT_TARGET_COMPONENT = "target_component";
  protected static String INTENT_EDIT_TARGET_PARENT = "target_parent";
  protected static String INTENT_EDIT_PARENT_ID = "parent_id";
  // used in list selection activity
  protected static String INTENT_EDIT_INTENTION = "intended_edit";
  // things to do once an objects are selected and saved; HUMAN READABLE since
  // they are co-opted for button labels
  protected static String INTENDED_EDIT_LINK = "Link";
  protected static String INTENDED_EDIT_UNLINK = "Unlink";
  protected static String INTENDED_EDIT_UPDATE = "Edit";
  protected static String INTENDED_EDIT_DELETE = "Delete";
  protected static String BUTTON_ROLE_SAVE = "save";
  protected static String BUTTON_ROLE_CANCEL = "cancel";
    protected static final String TYP_GAME = "game";
    protected static final String TYP_PLAYER = "player";
    protected static final String TYP_TASK = "task";
    protected static final String TYP_STORY = "story";
    protected static final String TYP_EQUIPMENT = "equipment";
    protected static final String TYP_WALLET = "wallet";
    protected static final String TYP_ATTRIBUTES = "attribute";
  protected static int INTENT_GAME_ID_DEFAULT = -1;
  protected Intent intent;
  /* target object parameters */
  protected String targetType = "";
  protected String parentType = "";
  protected int parentId = INTENT_GAME_ID_DEFAULT;
  protected String targetEdit = "";
  /* database */
  OCGameObjectSelectionController gameObjectSelectionController = null;
  /* interface */
  private ListView listView = null;
  private List<OCGameObjectPayload> gameObjectPayloads = null;
  private OCGameObjectAdapter gameObjectAdapter = null;

   * Auto-generated constructor stub
  public OCGameObjectSelectionActivity() {
    // Auto-generated constructor stub
   * Required per framework
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   * class event that we will use to ensure we populate with the latest content
   * every time
  public void onResume() {
   * Populates the content for the activity
  private void initActivity() {
// get the intent
        intent = getIntent();
        // get the required information from the intent
        targetType = intent.getStringExtra( INTENT_EDIT_TARGET_COMPONENT );
        parentId = intent.getIntExtra( INTENT_GAME_ID, INTENT_GAME_ID_DEFAULT );
        parentType = intent.getStringExtra( INTENT_EDIT_TARGET_PARENT );
        targetEdit = intent.getStringExtra( INTENT_EDIT_INTENTION );
        // bind the interface to the class
        setContentView( R.layout.oc_game_object_selection );
       // get the desired objects and their content
        // set up the db controller
       gameObjectSelectionController = new OCGameObjectSelectionController( this, targetType, parentType, parentId, targetEdit );
       // get an array of the found objects
       gameObjectPayloads = gameObjectSelectionController.getGameObjects();
       // create and bind an adapter to the class
       gameObjectAdapter = new OCGameObjectAdapter(this, R.layout.oc_game_object_list_item, gameObjectPayloads, this);

       // get the list view and bind the adapter to it
       listView = getListView();
       listView.setAdapter( this.gameObjectAdapter );
        // set the title for user confirmation of the chosen task
        setTitle( intent.getCharSequenceExtra( INTENT_GAME_TITLE ) + ": Select " + targetType );
   * Private class that acts as connecter between class and database
   * Target object parameters for CURD include the following
   * String targetType;
   * String parentType;
   * int parentId;
   * String targetEdit;
   * @author philipr
  private class OCGameObjectSelectionController extends OCDbController {
     String mTargetType;
     String mParentType;
     int mParentId;
     String mTargetEdit;
     * Auto-generated constructor stub
     * @param context
    public OCGameObjectSelectionController(Context context, String tType, String pType, int pId, String tEdit ) {
      mTargetType = tType;
      mParentType = pType;
      mParentId = pId;
      mTargetEdit = tEdit;
     * Handles retrieving the game objects and their stories from the database
     * @return
    public List<OCGameObjectPayload> getGameObjects() {
      // check to be sure we can actually open the db
      if ( !openDatabase( this.context ) ) {
        return null;
      // prep the array list
      List<OCGameObjectPayload> gameObjects = new ArrayList<OCGameObjectPayload>();
      String targetTable = "";
      // convert the target type into a table
      if ( mTargetType.contains( (CharSequence) TYP_TASK ) ) {
        targetTable = TBL_TASKS;
      } else if ( mTargetType.contains( (CharSequence) TYP_EQUIPMENT ) ) {
        targetTable = TBL_EQUIPMENT;
      } else {
        targetTable = TBL_GAMES; // this won't return anything of value, but we need to put something here
        Log.w("OC", "OCGameObjectSelectionActivity.OCGameObjectSelectionController.getGameObjects(): mTargetType does not equate to an existing table inthe database. ");
      // get the target objects that match the parent id and parent type
      String[] targetGameObjectColumns = new String[]{ COL_UNI_ID };
      String targetGameObjectWhereParams = COL_UNI_PARENT_ID + " = " + mParentId + " AND " + COL_UNI_PARENT_TYPE + " = '" + mParentType + "'";
      Cursor gameObjectIds = db.query(targetTable, targetGameObjectColumns, targetGameObjectWhereParams, null, null, null, null);
      if ( gameObjectIds.moveToFirst() ) {
        do {
          int targetId = gameObjectIds.getInt( gameObjectIds.getColumnIndexOrThrow( COL_UNI_ID ) );
          String[] targetStoryColumns = new String[]{ COL_UNI_ID, COL_STY_STORY, COL_STY_CONTEXT };
          String targetStoryWhereParams = COL_UNI_PARENT_ID + " = " + targetId + " AND " + COL_UNI_PARENT_TYPE + " = '" + mTargetType + "'";
          Cursor gameObjectStories = db.query(TBL_STORIES, targetStoryColumns, targetStoryWhereParams, null, null, null, null);
          // now we have some object ids, let's get their stories
          if ( gameObjectStories.moveToFirst() ) {
            // set up buffers to capture content
            String gameObjectTitle = null;
            String gameObjectAbout = null;
            do {
              String storyContext = gameObjectStories.getString( gameObjectStories.getColumnIndexOrThrow( COL_STY_CONTEXT ) );
              if ( storyContext.contentEquals( CTX_TITLE )) {
                gameObjectTitle = gameObjectStories.getString( gameObjectStories.getColumnIndexOrThrow( COL_STY_STORY ) );
              } else if ( storyContext.contentEquals( CTX_ABOUT )) {
                gameObjectAbout = gameObjectStories.getString( gameObjectStories.getColumnIndexOrThrow( COL_STY_STORY ) );
              // now that we have the core information for a payload object, 
              // let's create a game object payload instance
              if ( gameObjectTitle != null && gameObjectAbout != null ) {
                OCGameObjectPayload gameObjectPayload = new OCGameObjectPayload();
                gameObjectPayload.gameObjectTitle = gameObjectTitle;
                gameObjectPayload.gameObjectAbout = gameObjectAbout;
                gameObjectPayload.gameObjectId = targetId;
                gameObjectPayload.gameObjectType = mTargetType;
                gameObjectPayload.intendedEdit = mTargetEdit;
                gameObjects.add( gameObjectPayload );
                // clear the buffers
                gameObjectTitle = null;
                gameObjectAbout = null;
            } while ( gameObjectStories.moveToNext() );
            // close the story cursor
            if ( gameObjectStories != null && !gameObjectStories.isClosed() ) {
          } else {
            // something bad happened with stories
            Log.w("OC", "OCGameObjectSelectionActivity.OCGameObjectSelectionController.getGameObjects(): Stories for " + mTargetType + "[" + targetId + "]->{" + mParentType + "} could not be retrieved");
        } while ( gameObjectIds.moveToNext() );
      } else {
        // something bad happened with game objects
        Log.w("OC", "OCGameObjectSelectionActivity.OCGameObjectSelectionController.getGameObjects(): Objects for " + mParentType + "[" + mParentId + "]->{" + mTargetType + "} could not be retrieved");
      // close the cursor
      if ( gameObjectIds != null && !gameObjectIds.isClosed() ) {
      // close the database
      // whew!
      return gameObjects;
   * Private class that binds the game entries found to a list item for display 
   * to the user
   * @author philipr
  private class OCGameObjectAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<OCGameObjectPayload> {
    private List<OCGameObjectPayload> items;
    private OnClickListener clickListener;
    public OCGameObjectAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId, List<OCGameObjectPayload> items, OnClickListener cl) {
      super(context, textViewResourceId, items);
      this.items = items;
      this.clickListener = cl;
    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
      // set up a buffer for a given position
      View v = convertView;
      if (v == null) {
        // inflate the interface
        LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
        v = vi.inflate(R.layout.oc_game_object_list_item, null);
      } else {
        v = convertView;
      // we have a view, now push the gameObjectPayload data to it
      if ( items.get( position ) != null ) {
        OCGameObjectPayload gameObjectPayload = items.get( position );
        // populate the interface with the game object's text
        TextView gameObjectTitleView = (TextView) v.findViewById( );
        gameObjectTitleView.setText( gameObjectPayload.gameObjectTitle );
        TextView gameObjectAboutView = (TextView) v.findViewById( );
        gameObjectAboutView.setText( gameObjectPayload.gameObjectAbout );
        Button gameObjectActionButton = (Button) v.findViewById( );
        gameObjectActionButton.setText( gameObjectPayload.intendedEdit );

        // set the game object payload to the button for use in onClick
        gameObjectActionButton.setTag( gameObjectPayload );
        // set the OnClickListener
        gameObjectActionButton.setOnClickListener( clickListener );        
      return v;
   * Capture the button clicks
  public void onClick(View v) {
    // get the gameObjectPayload so we can see what action on which object was intended.
    OCGameObjectPayload gameObjectPayload = (OCGameObjectPayload) v.getTag();
    // something got clicked we are not supporting at this point
    if ( gameObjectPayload == null ) {
    Intent targetIntent = null;
    // switch by the class then switch by the edit.

    if ( gameObjectPayload.gameObjectType.contains( TYP_TASK ) ) {
      if ( gameObjectPayload.intendedEdit.contains( INTENDED_EDIT_UPDATE ) ) {
        // TODO push to the Task Edit Home
      } else {
        // do nothing for now, but there is link, unlink, and delete
    if ( gameObjectPayload.gameObjectType.contains( TYP_EQUIPMENT ) ) {
      if ( gameObjectPayload.intendedEdit.contains( INTENDED_EDIT_UPDATE ) ) {
        // TODO push to the Equipment Edit Home
      } else {
        // do nothing for now, but there is link, unlink, and delete
    if ( targetIntent != null ) {
      // throw in some extras as needed
      startActivity( targetIntent );
  static class OCGameObjectPayload {
    String gameObjectTitle;
    String gameObjectAbout;
    int gameObjectId;
    String gameObjectType;
    String intendedEdit;
   * Helper method for showing messages onScreen using Toast.
   * @param title
  public void showMessage(String title) {
    Toast t = Toast.makeText(this, title, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
    t.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM, 0, 0);;


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