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package poopswoop.appdata; import java.util.LinkedList; /* ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; public class PoopSwoop extends Activity implements OnTouchListener, SurfaceHolder.Callback{ public static int birdW =35; // width of bird public static int birdH =30; // height of bird public static int pooW = birdW/2; // width of poo public static int pooH = birdH/2; // height of poo public static int wiperW=pooW; // width of wiper public static int wiperH = 3*wiperW; // height of wiper static int flashbg =0; // needed for flashy background GameLoop gameLoop; public static SurfaceView gameTouch; private SurfaceHolder holder; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.game_sur); gameTouch =(SurfaceView) findViewById(; gameTouch.setOnTouchListener(this); holder = gameTouch.getHolder(); gameTouch.getHolder().addCallback(this); } public static boolean init = true; // if the game just started //private volatile boolean running = true; private class GameLoop extends Thread { boolean paused = false; public void run() { Looper.prepare(); if (init){ // if the game just started // initialize variables GameAlgs.topBird.clear(); GameAlgs.midBird.clear(); GameAlgs.botBird.clear(); GameAlgs.poo.clear(); GameAlgs.points = 0; GameAlgs.level = 1; GameAlgs.lives = 3; GameAlgs.levelup =false; GameAlgs.numBirds = 0; GameAlgs.birdPos = -birdW; //upgrades GameAlgs.bombx.clear(); GameAlgs.bomby.clear(); bomb_notification_elapsed.clear(); GameAlgs.wiperBig=false; GameAlgs.wiper_duration = 0; GameAlgs.poo_used=0; GameAlgs.numpoo =0; init = false; } while (GameAlgs.level <51 && GameAlgs.lives >0 && !GameAlgs.levelup) { // loops the game checkNew(); // checks everything (collision, generation) draw(); // draws the pictures/graphics //Log.v("DEBUG","DEBUGdraw"); synchronized (this){ while(paused){ try{ wait(); }catch(Exception e){} } } } if (GameAlgs.level>50){ // if the person beat the game gameBeaten(); } else if (GameAlgs.levelup){ // level up // finish drawing birds that are on the screen while (!(GameAlgs.topBird.size()==0 && GameAlgs.midBird.size()==0 && GameAlgs.botBird.size()==0 && GameAlgs.pooOnScreen())&&GameAlgs.lives>0){ synchronized (this){ while(paused){ try{ wait(); }catch(Exception e){} } } // makes sure nothing is on screen checkNew(); draw(); } if (GameAlgs.lives >0){ // if the person didnt die yet GameAlgs.poo.clear(); // clears the array of poo GameAlgs.levelup = false; // level is false GameAlgs.bombx.clear(); GameAlgs.bomby.clear(); bomb_notification_elapsed.clear(); //clear all notifications for bombs GameAlgs.wiperBig=false; // clear wiper upgrade GameAlgs.wiper_duration = 0; GameAlgs.poo_used=0; GameAlgs.numpoo =0; draw(); // redraw the screen GameAlgs.level ++; // increase level by one GameAlgs.numBirds = 0; // reset birds to zero lvlUpDialog(); // shows level up screen } else { gameOver(); } } else{ // lost all lives gameOver(); } Looper.loop(); } public void safeStop() { // running = false; paused = false; finish(); } } private void checkNew(){ // generates birds and poo, also checks if one has lost a life (poo falls below screen) GameAlgs.birdGen(); GameAlgs.pooGen(); GameAlgs.checkLife(); } //------------------------------------------------------------DRAWING-------------------------------------------------------------------// public static LinkedList<Integer> bomb_notification_elapsed = new LinkedList<Integer>(); private void drawNotifications(Canvas c){ //when a bomb hits Drawable BOOM = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.boom); if (GameAlgs.bombx.size()>0){ for (int i = 0;i<GameAlgs.bombx.size();i++){ if (bomb_notification_elapsed.get(i) <GameAlgs.bombduration){ // if the bomb has been hit within the duration. continue showing notification BOOM.setBounds(GameAlgs.bombx.get(i)-(birdW), GameAlgs.bomby.get(i), GameAlgs.bombx.get(i)+(birdW)+ birdW, GameAlgs.bomby.get(i)+2*birdH); BOOM.draw(c); bomb_notification_elapsed.set(i,bomb_notification_elapsed.get(i)+1); //adds one to the timer } else{//if duration exceed, clear GameAlgs.bombx.remove(i); GameAlgs.bomby.remove(i); bomb_notification_elapsed.remove(i); i--; //reduce iteration } } } } private void drawBirds(Canvas c){ // draws the birds Drawable bird = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.birdl); for (Bird b:GameAlgs.topBird){ b.x+=b.speed; // makes the bird move bird.setBounds(b.x, GameAlgs.TOP_BIRD, b.x+ birdW, b.y+birdH); bird.draw(c); } for (Bird b:GameAlgs.midBird){ b.x+=b.speed; bird.setBounds(b.x, GameAlgs.MID_BIRD, b.x+ birdW, b.y+birdH); bird.draw(c); } for (Bird b:GameAlgs.botBird){ b.x+=b.speed; bird.setBounds(b.x, GameAlgs.BOT_BIRD, b.x+ birdW, b.y+birdH); bird.draw(c); } } private void drawPoo(Canvas c){ // draws the poo // different types of poo Drawable poop = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.poo); Drawable life = getResources().getDrawable(; Drawable bomb = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.bomb); Drawable big = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.bigwiper); for (Poo p:GameAlgs.poo){ if (!p.gone){ p.y+=(p.speed); // drops the poo if (p.type == GameAlgs.NORMAL){ //normal poop.setBounds( p.x+(birdW/2)-pooW, (int)Math.floor(p.y)+birdH,p.x+(birdW/2),(int)Math.floor(p.y)+birdH+pooH); poop.draw(c); } else if (p.type == GameAlgs.ADDLIFE){//lifepoo life.setBounds( p.x+(birdW/2)-pooW, (int)Math.floor(p.y)+birdH,p.x+(birdW/2), (int)Math.floor(p.y)+birdH+pooH); life.draw(c); } else if (p.type == GameAlgs.BOMB){//bomb bomb.setBounds( p.x+(birdW/2)-pooW,(int)Math.floor(p.y)+birdH,p.x+(birdW/2), (int)Math.floor(p.y)+birdH+pooH); bomb.draw(c); } else if (p.type == GameAlgs.BIG){//big big.setBounds( p.x+(birdW/2)-pooW, (int)Math.floor(p.y)+birdH,p.x+(birdW/2), (int)Math.floor(p.y)+birdH+pooH); big.draw(c); } }; } } Drawable bg;//set the background private void drawBg(Canvas c){ // draws the background if (Selection.bgColour.equals("Sky")){ // if the option is sky bg = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.game_back); bg.setBounds(gameTouch.getLeft(),gameTouch.getTop(), gameTouch.getWidth(),gameTouch.getHeight()); bg.draw(c); } else if(Selection.bgColour.equals("Seizure")){// if the option is seizure bg = getResources().getDrawable(((flashbg==0)?R.drawable.seizure1:R.drawable.seizure2)); if(flashbg ==0){flashbg =1;}else{flashbg =0;} bg.setBounds(gameTouch.getLeft(),gameTouch.getTop(), gameTouch.getWidth(),gameTouch.getHeight()); bg.draw(c); } else if(Selection.bgColour.equals("Troll")){// if the option is Troll bg = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.black_screen); bg.setBounds(gameTouch.getLeft(),gameTouch.getTop(), gameTouch.getWidth(),gameTouch.getHeight()); bg.draw(c); } } private void drawLevel_Lives_Points(Canvas c){ // displays the level lives and points Paint mPaint = new Paint(); mPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); mPaint.setTextSize(GameAlgs.screenH/10); c.drawText(repeat("Level "+GameAlgs.level)+" Lives "+((GameAlgs.lives<=0)?0:GameAlgs.lives)+" Points "+GameAlgs.points ,0, GameAlgs.screenH-10, mPaint); } private String repeat(String s){ //offset for level number if (s.length()<8){ s+=" "; } return s; } public boolean touch = false; // checks if the user is touching the screen public int lastx =0; public int lasty =0; public int x=0; public int y=0; public static int wiper_elapsed_time =0; //how long the wiper has been on the screen private void drawWiper(Canvas c){ // draws the wiper if (touch){ // if the user is touching the screen Drawable wiper = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.wiperr);; if (lastx > x){ // if the user swipes right to left wiper = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.wiperr); } else{// if the user swipes left to right wiper = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.wiperl); } //upgrade? if (GameAlgs.wiperBig) {//upgrade hit if (wiper_elapsed_time<GameAlgs.wiper_duration){ // if duration still going //large wiper x2size Log.v("DEBUG","DEBUG-WIPERLARGE"); wiper.setBounds(x-wiperW,y-wiperH, (x-wiperW)+2*wiperW,(y-wiperH)+2*wiperH); wiper_elapsed_time++; } else{ GameAlgs.wiperBig =false; } } else{ //no wiper upgrade wiper.setBounds(x-wiperW,y-wiperH/2, (x-wiperW)+wiperW,(y-wiperH/2)+wiperH); //GameAlgs.wiperBig = false; //reset upgrade to false } //drawing wiper.draw(c); } } public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN || event.getAction() ==MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { // if the person is touching the screen, check if the wiper is wiping the poo touch = true; lastx = x; // the last x value, so that the wiper can change directions lasty = y; x = (int)event.getX(); y = (int)event.getY(); if (Math.abs(lastx-x)<100&&Math.abs(lasty-y)<50){ // used to reduce the lag; // if the difference between the last touch and the current touch is not very far away if (GameAlgs.wiperBig){//if there is an upgrade //Log.v("DEBUG","DEBUG-ONTOUCHUPS"); GameAlgs.checkHit(lastx,x,y,pooH,pooW,wiperW*2,wiperH*2); } else //no upgrade GameAlgs.checkHit(lastx,x,y,pooH,pooW,wiperW,wiperH); } return true; } else{ touch = false; } return false; } private void draw() { // drawing everything onto screen Canvas c = new Canvas(); try { c = holder.lockCanvas(); if (c != null) { drawBg(c); drawBirds(c); drawPoo(c); drawNotifications(c); drawWiper(c); drawLevel_Lives_Points(c); } } finally { if (c != null) { holder.unlockCanvasAndPost(c); } } } public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { // do nothing } public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { if (init){ // starts the game thread gameLoop = new GameLoop(); gameLoop.start(); gameLoop.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); } else{ checkNew(); // checks everything (collision, generation) draw(); // draws the pictures/graphics } } public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder arg0) { // if the surface is somehow destroyed, pause the game synchronized (gameLoop) { //pause if (!gameLoop.paused){ gameLoop.paused = true; pauseDialog(); } } } public void onBackPressed() { // do something on back. synchronized (gameLoop){ gameLoop.paused = true; pauseDialog(); } return; } public void lvlUpDialog () // dialog box for level up { gameLoop.paused = true; AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setIcon(R.drawable.level_up) .setTitle("Level Up!") .setMessage("You have leveled up! More birds are approaching, Ready?") .setCancelable(false) .setPositiveButton("Continue", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); gameLoop = new GameLoop(); gameLoop.start(); } } ); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } public void pauseDialog () // dialog box for pausing { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setIcon(R.drawable.pause) .setTitle("PAUSED") .setMessage("Game Paused. Click to Resume.") .setCancelable(false) .setPositiveButton("Resume", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); synchronized (gameLoop) { //unpause gameLoop.paused = false; gameLoop.notify(); } } } ) .setNegativeButton("Quit and Main Menu", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); init=true; Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClassName("poopswoop.appdata", "poopswoop.appdata.Selection"); startActivity(i); gameLoop.safeStop(); } } ); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } public void gameOver () { // game over, go to main menu or play again final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setMessage("The farmer's crops have been drenched in poo!") .setTitle("Game Over!") .setCancelable(false) .setPositiveButton("Main Menu", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); init=true; Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClassName("poopswoop.appdata", "poopswoop.appdata.Selection"); startActivity(i); gameLoop.safeStop(); } } ) .setNegativeButton("Play Again", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); init = true; gameLoop = new GameLoop(); gameLoop.start(); } } ); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } public void gameBeaten(){ // when the game is beaten // go to main screen, or play again final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setMessage("Congratulations! You have beaten Poop Swoop! You have no life... " + "You might think that by beating this game, you have achieved a lot, " + "but in fact, you have not. Good bye. Have fun knowing that you wasted hours trying " + "to beat this game! \n") .setTitle("YOU HAVE BEATEN THE GAME!") .setCancelable(false) .setPositiveButton("I acknowledge that I have wasted " + "my life beating this game.", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); init=true; Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClassName("poopswoop.appdata", "poopswoop.appdata.TitleScreen"); startActivity(i); gameLoop.safeStop();//stop the game } } ) .setNegativeButton("Waste more time (Play Again).", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); init = true; gameLoop = new GameLoop(); gameLoop.start(); } } ); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } }